Chapter 16: Horrible First Impressions

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Warning, this chapter will have a small amount of blood.

Just a tiny bit.

*Hawks POV*

I hadn't cut through the straps yet, where would I go? The window was boarded up, and the only other way was the doorway. If I went through it, I could end up face to face with a person I wasn't ready to go against.

Normally, after a bit of thinking I would have a good idea of what to do as soon as I left the room, but I didn't know about the league members well enough. Sure, I could probably pass right by them without them knowing what hit them, but that's considering they didn't know I was here. They have at least two members who know, and that's assuming that they are the only ones. I doubt that only they knew I was here.

I didn't know what the blonde one's, Toga's quirk was, but it had to have been good enough for the league to have her. Dabi had fire, and he could easily ground me. Not to mention that these people could have unimaginable quirks. Maybe one of the people here had the quirk that caused the scene around that poor kid. Maybe they had that poor kid.

I couldn't just run into this blind. The only information I had was limited and extremely vauge. Of course I could go to the window, pry the boards off, but the window was a tiny one. I might have been able to fit, but if I did it would be tight. That would be a great plan, if it wasn't for the kid. If the kid was there, I needed to get them out with me.

While in the middle of my thoughts, I heard a voice talking behind the door and a high pitched giggle. I shut my eyes and tried to level my breathing as much as possible. The door slowly opened and closed quietly. Another giggle was heard as footsteps got closer.

"Rise and shine, bird man." I heard Toga say right beside me. I didn't open my eyes, that was until I felt a cold, sharp blade press against my shoulder near the crook of my neck. My eyes shot open and glared at the blonde girl. She was standing there with a huge grin on her face, gently pressing the knife on my skin.

"Shiga said that I have to get something from you by the end of the day if I want to keep you alive." She started, dragging the knife onto my neck so it was barley pressing against my jugular. I kept my lips sealed and tried to stay as calm as possible. "And honestly, it doesn't matter to me if you die or not." She added, pushing down slightly.

Without another word, she took the knife away from my neck and let it rest back by my shoulder. I followed her hand with my eyes, not letting her out of my sight.

"However, Dabi would care, even if he doesn't admit it aloud. I guess I care for the guy enough to not kill you, but that doesn't mean I can't rough you up a bit, now does it?" She sang the last part, pushing down on the knife enough to draw blood. I hissed slightly, not being ready for the sudden sting.

"So, if you were to, oh I don't know, not answer everything I asked the first time." She giggled, pulling the knife away and let the tiny amount of blood drip down the side of it. "Well, I would have a lot of fun. You probably wouldn't, but I don't see you being here for very long anyway."

So she was going to kill me? No matter what I did, I was going to die. But she was going to drag it out, probably.

"So, first things first." She slowly moved her knife onto my chest and allowed it to stay there. "What's your name? I mean, you know mine, so it's only fair I know yours, right?" I didn't answer, and I felt a bit of added pressure on my chest. "Pleeeeeese?"

When I still didn't say anything, I felt a sharp pain on my chest and looked down to see that she had swiftly pulled the knife up a bit, cutting my costume and a bit of my now exposed skin in the process.

It went back and forth like this for a while, Toga dragging out each question. I still refused to say a word, resulting in more small clean slashes up and down. I could tell as she continued that she was getting a bit more annoyed my my silence. However she was extremely under control, until she wasn't.

"Look bird man, I'm trying to do you a favor. I promised that I wouldn't go to hard on you, but that promise means nothing if you are dead. Now, that's not my choice, but I am being extremely generous and you aren't telling me anything. Just, say something!" She snapped at me.

When I didn't say anything to respond, she pressed the blade once more against my face. Her cat-like eyes shined with excitement, yet also disappointment. Sliding her wrist down, I felt her start to cut down my face lightly. It was a long cut, but not a deep one. Still, I pulled my head sharply to the left away from her knife.

"You know what, fuck you. I'm trying to be nice to you of all people and this is the thanks I get. You and Dabi can go fuck off, neither of you guys are grateful. I made sure his soulmate was safe and he just starts ignoring me and you won't even give me anything to protect you with."

"Well, why would he be grateful for you saving his soulmate?" I questioned her. Toga looked up at me with a small smile, just as psychotic as it had been.

"Well, he wanted to kill his soulmate. Considering how easy you were to get, I don't think he would have that much of a problem killing you. No offense." She remarked.

"None taken."

"So, he would have killed you if he wanted you dead, you would be dead. Simple as that." Again, she ended the sentence with a wide smile. "That means, that he has to care about you enough to want you alive, and honestly, he doesn't have a lot of things that make him happy. I just want him to be happy."

I doubted that he actually cared, but what did I know. I was having a somewhat normal conversation with this girl, ya know, other than the fact that I was still tied down to the table.

Toga gave me a quick look over before spying my wings. Picking up a feather from the floor, she turned it over in her hand before looking back up at me.

"Is that comfortable? Being on your back like that?" She inquired, pointing to my wings with the feather. I shook my head in response.

"Nah, not really. But it's better then being upside-down, or hung up on a meat hook. I can barley feel it anymore." Toga started looking around the room before her eyes landed on something in the corner of the room. She went to pick it up before bringing back a long chain.

"If I was to let you go, but chained your leg or something to the table, would that be more comfortable?" I tilted my head questionably. "It's not because you 'talked me into a corner' or some other shit like that, I just don't want to be yelled at for not taking good care of you or something like that." She said, starting to link the chain around the table and my leg and placing a lock overtop.

Toga started to undo the leather that was bound around my wrists and allowed me to sit up. As soon as I was straight up, the base of my wings ached. I allowed them to stay flopped over as I watched Toga take the keys with her as she started to leave, but I still had one more thing to say.

"The kid that you used for bait, where are they? Are they okay?" She turned back to look at me with a confused expression on her face that slowly melted into a smile.

"Oh, that kid." She seemed to think about it for a second. "They don't exist. It was all an illusion. Just a little trick my soulmate is capable of." She giggled with a wide smile.

"Well, bye bye birdie. I'll see you later." And with that, I was alone again.


So I started the day with two words, ended the day with about a hundred, then wrote the rest while waiting for my body to be tired enough to write.

Hopefully everything makes sense, it did in my head.

Love y'all, sleep well


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