Chapter 43; Paranoid

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*Hawks POV*

I've been way too jumpy. Especially at work. It doesn't matter if I'm in a meeting or flying in the sky. Hell, even my own apartment isn't helping. Every sound I hear sends me rigid and fills me with adrenaline.

Sure, I'm a great liar, but I'm not a great liar. I can convince someone of something like that, but it makes me so paranoid. What if someone finds out? What if they try to kill me? What if they try to kill Touya?

Touya has been trying to help me with it, and he does, but not much. I can't sleep well, but he can't either. He'd stay up with me and try to get me to sleep saying he'd keep watch if I wanted, but I couldn't let him not sleep.

Tonight was no different. It was about 3:20 in the morning and neither of us were asleep. We were watching something on the TV while Touya was sitting against the headboard and I was sitting with my back to his chest. I could feel his fingers run through my hair and my eyes fluttered shut.

"You asleep?" I heard him ask quietly. I shook my head slightly. "Alright, well I'm going to turn the TV off." I heard the sound suddenly stop and the light that was shining against my eyelids dissaper. He continued to gently massage my scalp.

"That feels good." I muttered, resulting in a small chuckle. I felt one of his arms wrap around my waist.

"Are you tired?"

"Yeah, I just can't sleep." I looked up at him and felt him shift so he was laying down.

"I'll watch over you. You sleep."

"No, no you need to sleep too."

"I can't sleep much anyway. Besides, I have a bed and a room at my job, you don't." I yawned, my back slightly arching in response. "See, you need to sleep now."

I tried, I really did, but I only got about an hour of sleep. I'm not even sure that Touya slept, but he didn't say anything at all. I heard my alarm go off and I shot up suddenly due to the noise.

I turned to Touya and saw he wasn't asleep, just staring at the ceiling.

"Morning birdie." He muttered, not moving from the bed. I greeted him as well before I showered and dressed.

Soon, he was gone from the apartment and I was high up in the sky. Honestly, I felt the most safe in the sky. Not many others could get to me this way. And yet I was still nervous. Touya was still on the ground, maybe in trouble. And I wouldn't even know.

I finally got to the building and landed on one of the balconies. Sure, maybe I was told not to, but fuck it. It felt safer. I opened the door into one hallway that wasn't necessarily used often. Maybe just as a shortcut sometimes but otherwise empty. I texted Rumi that I was here which she wanted me to do every since I got kidnapped, the first time. No one knew of the second.

Heading down to the first floor for a meeting, I felt worse than normal. Of course, my more logical side tried to brush it off as lack of sleep, but I could still my heart race as I walked into the room.

We were going over some rules and regulations due to the recent decline in villain activity regarding the League of Villains. Apparently, they believed that meant a sudden attack. I had been telling them the same thing Shigaraki told me.

I had told the Hero's Commission that the League was going to be making a small distraction near the bank while the main attack would be launched at a festival down near UA. In reality, they were going to attack the Hero's Commission building. Most, if not all heros would be at the festival and any remaining would most likely go to the bank.

I wasn't told what exactly they were going to do, but I appreciate that. I didn't want to keep more than I needed to.

I locked eyes with Rumi and sat beside her. She gave me a worried glance before looking back up front.

"You look horrible."

"Yeah. I know."

"You look like you haven't slept."

"Yeah. I know."

"When's the last time you slept?"

"Yeah. I kn- I mean, last night." I caught myself.

"How much?"

"A few hours. Nothing less than normal." Yet another lie. Man, when will this stop?

"Yeah, sure." She looked over at the clock before back to me. "You still have a good half hour before the meeting starts. Take a nap, you need to sleep." She said as she turned back to me.

If only I could. I declined the idea but she kept pushing, so I gave in. I laid my head down awkwardly on the table and closed my eyes, but I couldn't sleep. Especially not here. The half hour time frame I had disappeared as people continued walking in. Some even tapped my shoulder to see if I was alright. Before I could even turn to acknowledge them, Rumi would answer for me.

"It's great to see all of you today." The man who I didn't really bother to learn the name of said. He wasn't my boss, that's for sure. He was pretty chubby yet seemed about my height, maybe slightly taller.

"As you know, the League of Villains has been quiet as of late. Usually this quiet would be a sign of victory. However, by an inside source, we have concluded that this silence is purely making preparation for a attack on the UA festival later this week.

"With that information, we need to station each of you somewhere near the area. We cannot cancel the festival because then our source could be in a big deal of trouble." The man spoke about me as if I wasn't in the room. It didn't bother me, though.

"However, we also need standby near the bank for there is going to be an attack there as well. All of the people in this room have been chosen for watching the UA festival and to catch any suspicious personnel." The man started straightening papers as he spoke.

Those papers were never an item of importance during our meeting.

By the time everything had ended, the man walked over to Endeavor and handed him a paper. He whispered to Endeavor about something, but I couldn't hear it. As we walked out, I headed towards the balcony I had used to get here. I had a patrol right after, so I needed to head that way.

I could slightly hear what the man and Endeavor were talking about, but I didn't really care. That was, until I heard something about me.

"-Hawks. He's the one who we have been using to get the info. However, the Hero's Commission is getting suspicious of him. He was able to get in a little too easily. We looked into it, and we have reasons to believe he has ties to the League." Where was this getting at?

"So you want me to see if these are true?" A silence, and then the man continued.

"No. He's easily able to lie, that's why we chose him as our spy. We wouldn't send in the number 2 unless he knew how to weasel his way in."

"Then maybe he was able to get in that easily because of that." Endeavor was sounding, defensive?

"We wouldn't want you to get rid of him if the only evidence we had was because of how easy he could get his way into the League." Get rid of me? I could feel my heart beat quicken and my eyes widened.

"But why get rid of him? He's only twenty two, practically a child." I could actually hear some sort of emotion in his voice, but I couldn't pin point it.

"And this so called child could end up being our downfall if you don't get him taken care of." I was done.

Without hearing another word, I zoomed out of the balcony door. I was safe up here for now. But now what the fuck am I supposed to do?


Yo, does anyone here like Set It Off?

I absolutely love that band.

And I love y'all :)


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