Chapter 12; Drinks and Vinegar Water

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*Hawks POV*

I was currently standing in the kitchen rethinking life choices. When I had said "Do you want to go down into my apartment and get something to drink?" I didn't think that meant alcohol. However, as soon as we had come through the door, Dabi asked for the strongest thing I had. I then told him that the 'strongest thing I had' was vinegar, you know, like a liar. Well, I was more or less joking, I wasn't going to keep it from him.

"That works." He muttered, sitting down on my couch. I asked him if he was sure and he nodded.

"I have actual alcohol if that's what you want."

"Nah, vinegar is fine." What the actual fuck? (Don't be like Dabi, don't try and drink straight vinegar. It's not good for you, do research before you try anything like this please.)

So now I was trying to find the vinegar to put in the water I had in a glass on the table. As soon as I found it, I measured it out and put it in the water. Afterwards I looked at the lable.

"Hey, it's apple cider vinegar is that alright?" I heard some sort of noise from the living room and took it as a yes. Putting away the vinegar and pulling out a beer for me. I didn't drink much, like I have never had a single drink before, but I still had a lot from when Miruko got me some for my birthday. Taking the beer and the vinegar water to the living room, I handed the cup to Dabi.

He held it up to his nose and sniffed it before taking a small sip. He then held the cup before looking back over to me.

" You didn't, like, just pour it in there, right?" I shook my head and he sighed. "Good. Last time I drank vinegar, my friend just poured it in there straight. It burned my throat so bad I thought it would scar up like my face." He then topped it all off with a husky laugh.

I sat down on the couch beside him and opened the can in my hand. As expected, it tasted like shit. It also left a small burning sensation in my throat, but I refused to back down to the challenge I gave myself. Why exactly was I doing this to myself? To prove myself. To whom? I don't know, me?

"Thanks, for letting me here." Dabi said, taking another sip of vinegar water. That fucking animal. Who the fuck even drinks vinegar water?

"You're welcome." I whispered, swallowing another mouthful of the beer. Seriously, how do people drink this shit? "I'm glad that you came." Another swallow. Then another, and another.

I didn't even realize when I was done with the can until I held it back to my mouth and there was nothing there. I felt a little buzzed, but nothing too bad. I went to stand up so I could throw away the can, but I started getting very dizzy. I almost fell before I felt someone's arms around me and a deep chuckle.

"Whoa, be careful there you lightweight." I heard Dabi say through his laughter. Holy shit.


*Dabi POV*

I would never had thought that Hawks would be a lightweight. Like how much did he drink, like, one? I had my arms wrapped tightly around his middle to keep him from falling over. He then looked directly at me with wide eyes. His eyes were extremely bird-like.

"Heh, yeah. Lemme go." He said, slowly wrapping his arms around my neck. His hands brushed against my neck sending very slight waves of heat to radiate from that area. "I can stand by m-self." Without a warning, I let go of him, causing him to latch onto me so he didn't fall onto the ground.

"Oops, did I let you down to fast?" I asked, smirking at him. His face was a light shade of pink with his eyes even wider than before. He looked as if he had just saw himself die. He wasn't even looking at me.

"Aww, did the pretty birdie just get scared?" I teased, and his eyes sharpened and glared right at me.

"Shud up." He said, his speech slurring slightly. I lowered my head slightly so I was a bit closer to him.

"And why should I?" Suddenly, Hawks shot his hand up and grabbed my chin, yanking me closer to him.

"Shut up, or I'll make you." He whispered. He looked deadly serious. Then, his face brightened up before he pecked my lips and let go of me. I was not ready for that at all. I felt my face get warm and was for once thankful for the scars that stopped part of my red face from being visible.

Hawks laid down on the couch, wrapping his huge red wings around himself. They covered most of his face as well, but allowed his golden eyes to glare over at me from over his feathers. It looked to me like he was a bird trying to hide himself before attacking.

Getting a little closer to him, he pulled his wings tighter to himself. I was afraid I had scared him or something, but his eyes didn't look scared.

"Hey, are you alri-" Red. That's all I saw for a split second. Hawks had swung his wings open wide and jumped at me, pushing me to the floor. It was like the first night we had met, but now I was the one on the floor. His arms had me boxed in, one arm at each side. His legs were on either side of my own, and his face was just a few inches from mine. I just knew my face was red now.

"Gotcha." Hawks said, staring down at me like a hawk. (Heh) He was smiling, but his eyes were studying me. The position only lasted a few seconds, however. Soon, he started swaying lightly and flopped down on top of me. His wings flew up slightly before fanning out beside him on either side. He was breathing heavily and I thought for a split second that he had some sort of allergy.

"I'm going to go to sleep, you can sleep on the couch if you want, too." He muttered, laying his head down on my chest.

What the fuck just happened?

I didn't move for a few seconds. Hawks was laying on me, just staring into my eyes unmoving. Slowly, he started to close his eyes and his breathing slowed. I let out a long sigh and gently moved from under him, picking him up. He was actually pretty light, maybe he had hallow bones or something.

It took me a few tries  before I found his room. It had a small bed in the corner which couldn't be comfortable for his wings. A tiny dresser sat across from the bed and a box sat in the corner as well, and other than that it was empty. Well, except for the Endeavor plush thing on the dresser.  I don't get why he likes him, of course, I might be biased. He's a pretty alright hero I guess.

Sitting Hawks down on his bed, I decided to take up his offer. As soon as he was laid down, his wings wrapped around him. He kinda looked like he was in a chrysalis. I turned off the lights and went to the couch, downing the rest of my water. Laying down on the couch, I was staring up at the ceiling with the lights off. I couldn't sleep, I was too busy thinking.

I finally realized why I liked Hawks more than others. Unlike everyone in the league, (other than Toga) he didn't look at me with fear or hatred. Even with Toga, she would look at me with pity whenever I woke her up. Hawks looked at with with worry, but I hadn't seen pity in his eyes. He looked serious, curious, sometimes worry. He didn't hate me, and he wasn't scared of me. Sure he was weary of me, but that was going to be a given.

After finally realizing that, everything started to drift away.

Okay, so this entire chapter is all over the place.

The entire time I wrote it, I was just thinking about how much of a mess this one is, but I had fun writing it.

Also, please don't drink straight vinegar, it's not good for you. If you put it in something please look it up. Don't want you guy's teeth eroding and stuff like that.

Love you guys

"It's You"; DabiHawks Where stories live. Discover now