Chapter 37; Twice and Chess

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*Hawks POV*

Tenko had left the room a few minutes ago and turned the lights off. The only light was coming from the room across the hall. I was trying to figure out what exactly was going on. I had been taken and tied to a chair for who knows how long by the guy who I considered a friend. How was I supposed to react to this?

I couldn't do anything with my feathers and I wasn't string enough to rip through the rope. The only thing I could really do was sit there. Except, maybe I could try and use the chair to my advantage.

Or not, as Tenko came back into the room with something in his hands. Placing it down, he went to turn on the light before going over to a table. He took a few minutes to drag the table to where it was infront of me before he walked back over to the thing he had put down which I could now see was a box.

"So, do you know how to play chess?" He asked, coming back over to the table and setting down the box. Inside was a chess board with all of the pieces along with it. When I didn't answer, he didn't say anything, just grabbed one of the bigger boxes and moved it to use as a chair. He quietly set up the game before coming back over to me.

I felt a spike in my heart rate when he walked over and grabbed the rope around my wrist, untying it. He did the same to my other hand before sitting back down on the box across from me.

"Well, do you?" He asked impatiently. If I wanted to live, I had to be on his good side. I nodded, rolling my wrists slightly before looking back up at him.

"You go first." He said, crossing his arms on the table with his hands palm up. I slowly moved one white pawn to d4, not looking away from Tenko. He, however, was looking down at the game board, thinking over what I just did. (I am just now learning how to play chess so work with me here. I promise the pain won't be long.)

"The Queen Pawn opening?" He whispered to himself before mirroring me in moving one pawn from d7 to d5. That was the only upper hand move I knew. Of course, now that we were playing a competitive game, I was feeling competitive despite the fact that I was playing against the guy who kidnapped me.

"You're usually so chatty. You were just half an hour ago." He said to me, waiting for me to move the next piece. I picked up the night from g1 and moved it to f3. The pieces were heavy, I could probably knock someone out if I threw it hard enough.

"I guess that kidnapping someone will do that." I responded, watching him look over the board. He was about to say something, but shut up when he heard something. It was a quiet sound of a door knob shaking.

"Shit." I heard him mutter before he stood up again. I clenched my hands into fists and flexed when he grabbed my wrists and tied them back down. He went to a box behind me before grabbing the blindfold and tying it tight around my mouth, forcing it to go into my mouth limiting my speech.

He turned to me placing one finger infront of his lips in a "shh" motion. Without another word, he left the room turning the lights off and dragging something infront of the door.

Now was my chance. I unclenched my fists and the rope was slightly loosen. After a few seconds, I was able to free myself from the rope. Quietly, I headed to the doorway, but it wouldn't budge.


*Dabi POV*

I was outside of one of the warehouses that used to store nomus before they were moved. The doors had been boarded up for a while as well as most of the windows, but I had alternate ways of getting in.

Somehow, Toga had gotten there before me, but she wasn't alone. Twice and Aruna were also there.

"Don't worry Dabi, I've already explained everything to them." I didn't have time to argue, instead I walked up to the door and tried to pull the door open. When I couldn't, I let a small flame ignite in my hand. Before I got to burn the door down, I was stopped.

"Don't use your quirk you idiot." Aruna said. She didn't speak much, but every time she did I wanted to burn her alive. "The entire place seems to be made of wood, and dry wood at that. You could end up killing him." I hated how she was right. With a huff, I extinguished the fire and turned to her.

"And what's your big plan genius?" I growled, glaring at her. She didn't back down, just kept staring me down. Suddenly, Toga appeared between us.

"How about we find a different way in? There's more than one way to skin a person." She said in an annoyingly sing song voice and a wide smile.

"That's a great idea! That's not the saying you psycho!" Twice piped up wrapping an arm around Toga and I guess smiling along with her. I rolled my eyes, suppressing a small smile before turning away. Twice pulled away from Toga and walked away for a few seconds going to around to a part of the wall.

"Isn't there a grate up there? One the aired out that one room?" Twice asked, placing one hand to hold his chin up. "So what if I make some clones and one of them can climb into the grate?" He had a point.

"The clone isn't going up there, I'm going to be going through that grate. But that idea will probably work." I turned around to look at Aruna with a smirk. "You got a problem with that plan, smartass?" She didn't look at me, instead just nodding.

Twice cracked his knuckles before he made a few clones of me. It only took a few minutes before I was on top of the roof and found the grate Twice was talking about. It took a few tries, but I got it to loosen up enough to pull it away.

"Unlock the door so we can help!" I heard Toga screech from below. Yet again, I ignored her.

I dropped down onto the floor quietly and looked around the room. It was a wider hallway with rooms branching off, but I knew exactly what room Shigaraki would hide in. The storage area.

I was heading that way until I heard something behind me. I turned around quickly, but no one was there.


Nothing to see here :)


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