Chapter One

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I watched the dark gray clouds gather, yet almost eerily moving in as if warning me that the calm night is to be no more. The once warm day is now a chilly night, I shudder as I wrap my red fuzzy blanket tighter around me. Standing on my new balcony, I watch the leaves rustle on the ground and quietly reflect on what brought me here.

"Scarlette, listen to me and listen to me quick!" My mother cried as she took my face into her hands. "You need to leave now and never look back!" My mother frantically told me as I cried silently into her hands. My mother was the strongest woman I knew, for her to be terrified, I knew something terrible was about to happen. I just never knew just how terrible until it was too late. "Momma, I can't leave you! I don't understand!" I cried as she dragged me towards the back kitchen door. "There's no time to explain Scar, just hurry and don't look back no matter what!" I took one last look at the woman who birthed and raised me. She was still beautiful with her bright green eyes, curly black hair, slight tan skin that had a few wrinkles yet she always looked younger than she really was. I will never forget that night. I didnt know it then, but my stepfather had lost his mind and planned to kill the both of us that night. I shuddered as I pulled myself out of the past.

I was alone. I took a deep breath and pushed a stray hair behind my left ear. I inherited my long wavy black hair from my mother. I wish I had her eyes too, but they were a dark chocolate brown like my father, who I never met. The rain began to drizzle, I turned to walk back into my apartment when I heard a woman scream out. My heart dropped and I quickly dropped my blanket and leaned over my balcony to see where it came from. I squinted my eyes to avoid the rain and my heart began hammering in my chest as I finally spotted a girl running towards my building. She screamed again as she looked over her shoulder and saw that she was being chased by a man. I began to panic, and was about to run to try to help her, but her screams became giggles as he caught her and I realized that they were only playing in the rain. I placed my hand over my heart and tried to level my breathing. I was now almost soaking wet thanks to that little show, rolled my eyes and walked back into my apartment.

I glanced around my place, it didn't feel like home just yet, I had only been moved in for about two months now. I bought secondhand furniture with some of my savings, anything was better than nothing. I walked into my small kitchen and sighed as I opened my fridge to see that once again I forgot to buy groceries. I shut the fridge and went over to my dark gray couch and sat down so that I can put my black and white converse on. I stood up and walked over to my floor length mirror that is on the wall by my bedroom and slightly tugged at the bottom of my red tank top. I glanced downwards towards my blue ripped jeans and shrugged, who would I be trying to impress anyways?

I grabbed my purse off of my side table by my front door and hurried out the door so quickly I didn't realize until it was too late that someone was trying to walk down the breezeway. I smashed into someone and heard a female voice screech "Ow! Shit!" As we both stumbled backwards. "I am so sorry!" I said embarrassed as I looked up to see who I just smashed into. "It's alright, I wasn't really paying much attention to where I was going either." The pretty brunette said with a small smile. "I'm Chloe." She said as she reached out her manicured hand. "I'm Scarlette. Nice to meet you." I shook her hand and turned to lock my door wincing slightly at already drawing attention to myself. "So, where did you move here from?" Chloe asked as we walked down the breezeway towards the front of our building. I wasn't here to make friends, just to lay low and off of the radar of my stepfather and his people. I thought quickly and kept it simple. "Just a small town no one has ever heard of in Maine." I told her with a shrug of my shoulders. "It was nice to meet you, but I have to run. I keep forgetting to buy groceries." I told her with a small smile and a wave. "Oh, okay. Bye!" Chloe called after me.

Just keep it cool Scar. I mumbled to myself as I walked off towards the small town. I actually kind of like it here, it is a small town at the bottom of the Blue Ridge Mountains in Tennessee. It's quiet and everything that I need is a short walk away. Simple. That's all I could ask for. The last thing I needed was anything to catch me off guard. If only I knew how wrong I was.

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