Chapter 17

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I huffed as I carried the last box out of the back of Chloe's car and into the pack house. "Pssh! Like that is actually heavy!" Chloe laughed as she teased me. "You're the one who filled it with your witchy books." I complained as she rolled her eyes at me. "Well babe, Scarlette is going to need them to keep learning how to do and control her powers." She reminded me yet again.

"Whatever." I said as I dropped the box on the floor to our library. Don't get me wrong, I was thrilled for Jax and Scarlette that she has accepted him and moved in, but how I got stuck doing all of the actual moving her in part was beyond me.

I walked into my bedroom and stretched my arms over my head and sighed as I sat down on my bed. Chloe walked in shortly after and sat behind me as she massaged my shoulders. "Mmmm." I moaned as she worked out the knots. "Thank godess that Scarlette took this all better than we thought she would." Chloe told me, relief in her tone. "Yeah, about that." I started but regretted saying anything as soon as I felt her hands stop moving.

"What is it Mitch?" Chloe asked me as she moved to sit by my side, concern written in her eyes. "There's more to tell her soon Chloe. Jax and I were talking to Jareth, and he said that Scarlette might be the last descendant of the Salem witch bloodline. Which means she's part of the prophecy. " I told her as I rubbed the back of my neck with my hand. Chloe's eyes went wide and sha gasped. "That makes so much sense Mitch! We have to tell her now!" She said as she tried hopping off my bed.

"Woah!" I yelled as I yanked her onto my lap. "You can't just go to her and throw this at her now! She literally just found out about herself being a witch, Jax being not only a were but her mate and everything else! She needs time to adjust Chloe!" I told her as she tugged against my arms. I felt Chloe's body relax against mine. "You're right babe. But we have to tell her soon. She's in danger, more than she realizes." She said lightly.

I groaned and stood back up. "I know." I told her as I took her hand and pulled her up off of my bed. "We will when we figure out how to keep her safe." I told her and leaned down to kiss her cheek. I knew that Chloe was worried about Scarlette. I was too. I was happy that Chloe and Scarlette were becoming good friends, Chloe needed her.

"I need to do some more research on some things. I'll be back in a few hours." I told Chloe as we reached the front door. "Alright my detective were." Chloe teased as she stood on her tip toed to kiss me goodbye. Godess how did I get so lucky to have her as my mate?

I pulled my harley up to the library and parked it. I looked up at the sign and sighed. I hope I can find something useful here. I trudged into the doors and headed to the back where the old newspaper articles are stored. I knew that Scarlette wasn't from here, but I was hoping that her mother's murder made the news here too. I spent hours digging into the past few months, years. Nothing. I growled in frustration.

I left the library and jumped back on my harley to head home. I'll have to call Jareth and find out if he knows the name of the warlock that killed her mother. Why was this so hard to figure out? I wondered. It has never been this difficult for me to find anything out.

I called Jareth as soon as I got off my bike. I didn't want to chance Scarlette overhearing my conversation. "Mitch, what can I do for you?" Jareth answered. "I need a name Jareth. The warlock that killed Scarlette's mother." I was straight to the point, looking over my shoulder to make sure no one else was outside.

I heard Jareth moving through the phone and hushed voices of women in the background. After a moment, the background of his end went quiet. "Malcom Bram." Jareth quietly told me. "I'm warning you Mitch, he is powerful and he is ruthless. Malcom doesn't care about killing anyone who stands in his way." Jareth told me. "Thanks Jareth. I'll keep that in mind." I said and hung up.

I headed inside the pack house, and mindlinked Jax. Meet me in your office. I saw Chloe and Scarlette bundled up on the couch watching a movie and smiled. I walked straight to Jax's office and he came on shortly after. "What did you find out?" He asked me as he closed the door. "The warlock's name is Malcom Bram." I told him as I powered up his computer. "That name sounds familiar." Jax said as he began pacing back and forth.

"It should, he's killed a lot of people, human and supernatural." I told him as I typed his name into the search bar. I needed to find his most recent location and what he looks like. Jax walked over and looked over my shoulder as I looked over countless articles. "There." Jax pointed to the screen. There he was. I clicked print and shut the computer back down. We now had his photo and last known location; Steep Falls, Maine.

"I doubt he's still in Maine." Jax growled as he snatched the paper from the printer. "I do too, but Jax, we have more than we did before to go on." I pointed out as I stood up from his office chair." Jax nodded his head, still frowning as he handed me the paper and opened his office door.

We both stopped dead in our tracks when we saw Chloe and Scarlette standing on the other side. Chloe was wide eyed and mindlinked us both. I tried to stop her, she wouldn't listen. Scarlette looked paler than normal and like she was about to pass out cold.

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