Chapter 18

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I stood up from the couch and stretched as the movie credit played on the tv. I started walking towards Jax's office when Chloe stopped me. "Where you rushing off to?" She asked with a coy smile. "Oh stop, is that all you think about?" I chastised her with a grin. "I'm going to go see what the boys are up to, I'm hungry." I told her as I turned back towards his office.

"Wait! I'm pretty sure they're busy with boring work stuff, let's watch another movie while we wait. I'll make you popcorn to hold you over." Chloe said quickly. What was up with her? I wondered. "Chloe if we wait on them to finish working on something we will starve to death." I laughed as I finished making my way to his office door.

I was about to knock on it when I heard Jax's voice growl "I doubt he's still in Maine." My blood went cold, I swear that my heart stopped beating. I didn't make out what else was said in his office, I couldn't focus on anything else. My mind flashed back to a painful memory instead.

"Scarlette, hurry up and finish dinner. Malcom will be home any minute and you know how he gets when dinner isn't on the table." My mother told me as she ran off to her bedroom to change her clothes. I will never understand what she sees in him. Malcom is cruel, arrogant, and doesn't deserve my mother. I sighed and turned back to the oven to check on the chicken I was baking. I heard the front door open and slam shut. Before I could leave the kitchen to avoid him, Malcom had my hair wrapped around his fist and he was yanking my head back so hard I had tears in my eyes. He smelled like an old tavern and yanked harder when I tried to pull away. "Worthless bitch." He spat into my ear. "I don't see my dinner on the table. What good are you?" He asked as he released me so hard that I fell to the floor. It pissed me off when he treated me this way. But I learned the hard way not to fight him back. "I'm sorry Malcom." I gritted out. Malcom glared at me and kicked me in my ribs so hard that I was sure that I both felt and heard one crack. I hissed out in pain, but didn't move an inch. It would only piss him off more if I tried to run. "One day I will rid myself of you. One day." Malcom threatened as he stormed out of the kitchen. That was the first time I felt truly afraid of him.

I snapped myself out of the flashback just in time for Jax to open his office door and to come face to face with me and Chloe. I stood there for a moment and then took a step back. "Scarlette, are you alright?" Jax asked me cautiously. I shook my head no. "Why are you looking for Malcom?" I asked him as I narrowed my eyes. Tears were already streaming down my face. How did they know about him?

I watched Jax look at Mitch, then at Chloe and back at me. "What aren't you guys not telling me?" I demanded as I started to feel angry. "Scar, take a deep breath, you might accidentally burn down the house or blow it up." Chloe tried joking as she eyed my hands warily. "She's right baby, let's go make a drink and talk about this." Jax said as he reached for me. I avoided his hand and stormed off to the living room as I clenched my fists. I took a deep breath and tried to get my emotions in check.

I sat down on the couch and pulled my knees up to my chest and glared at my friends and mate as they walked in looking guilty. "There's more to learn about yourself Scarlette." Mitch told me as they settled onto the other couch and arm chair. "I got that part loud and clear." I snapped at him. I almost felt bad for feeling this angry towards them, but I hated being lied to and when people kept things from me. "We have reason to believe that you are the last descendant of the Salem witch bloodline Scar." Chloe told me, her voice a bit shaky.

I tried to remember what I learned about that bloodline. I remember when I was younger I was always researching everything that I could learn about witches and the supernatural. I guess that's why I didn't flip out as bad as I probably should have when Chloe told me everything that day. I remembered reading about the Salem bloodline being massacred, not all of them were burned at the stake like the story was told. In fact, most of the women that were burned at the stake weren't even actually witches. No, the real witches were taken out by a coven of powerful warlocks who wanted their powers.

Something clicked in my brain just then. "Is Malcom a warlock?" I asked them with a shaky voice. Jax nodded at me, studying my face. I looked away from him, my tears streaming down my cheeks. "He killed my mother because of me." I whispered as I cried. I felt Jax wrap his arms around me, calming me with our bond. "It wasn't your fault Scar, Malcom is a power hungry, psychotic warlock that needs to be put down." Jax told me as he held me.

"Scar, there's more." Chloe told me quietly. Of course there's more. I thought to myself. "There's a prophecy, and you and Jax are the frontrunners so to speak." Mitch finished for her. I glanced up at them as I wiped my tears off of my face. "A prophecy?" I asked them to make sure that I heard them right. "Er, yeah. You are to become the first hybrid and in doing so, you and Jax will become the leaders of all supernatural beings and keep us all united." Mitch told me as he looked at Jax and Chloe nervously.

"For fuck sakes!" I yelled, catching them all off guard. I needed air, I needed to run, I had no idea what I needed but this was all too much. Jax could feel my emotions through the mate bond and tightened his arms around me. "Chloe, get her a calming potion or whatever it is you call it now!" He snapped at her.

I began to see black spots in my eyes and dizzy, I closed my eyes to make it stop and the next thing I knew, the whole room went black.

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