Chapter 8

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I couldn't believe that I was actually walking into a frickin castle! To say that I was in awe would be an understatement. Chloe had her right arm linked with my left arm. What was weird was that this felt natural, as if we have been friends for years. We walked into this exquisite ballroom that was decorated beautifully with white roses that were tastefully placed, stringed lights carefully hung around the dancefloor, an orchestra playing in the background. I smiled lightly as I recognized the song "Never Let Me Go" by Florence + The Machine. As my eyes roamed through the room of guests, I could feel not only the eyes of everyone else on me but a heated stare. I locked eyes with Jax, who for some reason looked pissed off.

"Chloe, why does Jax look like he is ready to rip someone's throat out?" I whispered to her. Chloe giggled and whispered back "Because he is. You look hot and every male in this room is practically drooling over you." Her answer shocked me and also had me blushing for some weird reason. I never was one to blush. "Oh." Was the only thing I could possibly think to say back.

Chloe led me towards the drink table, where Jax and his handsome friend were heading towards as well. "Scarlette this is my m-fiance' Mitch, Mitch this is Scarlette." Chloe said as Mitch wrapped his arms around her in a sweet embrace. I smiled, thought it was an odd introduction but who am I to speak of normalcy?

"Scarlette you look beautiful tonight." Jax told me with a smile finally replacing his glare. I blushed yet again. "Thank you." I told him as our eyes burned into each other's. "What is up with this feeling I have when he is around?" I wondered. "Some call it attraction." Jax whispered in my ear. I stumbled backwards and almost wiped out but he caught me in his strong arms and chuckled as he straightened me up. "And that would be you literally falling for me." Jax laughed with a cocky smile. My face was surely burning from embarrassment now.

I glanced over to Chloe and Mitch who were trying to hide their laughter. "I'm really clumsy. I'm sorry. " I told them as I reached for a whiskey drink. "Nothing to apologize for baby." Jax said quietly. Baby? Why did he call me baby? Why did I like that he did? I finished my entire glass of whiskey and coke with one swallow and reached for another. "Woah there champ, slow down!" Mitch laughed as he stole my drink. I frowned and went to scold him but stopped when I heard a growl from behind me.

"Scarlette let's go dance!" Chloe said as she grabbed my hand and shot a death glare behind me at Jax who apparently just growled. He actually growled at his friend. Weird. I let Chloe lead me onto the dance floor where the orchestra was now on break and a backup DJ was taking their place. "Feel So Close" by Calvin Harris was playing and I couldn't help myself but to move my body to the music with Chloe. I couldn't remember the last time I actually relaxed and enjoyed myself.

I felt two strong arms wrap around me from behind and strangely didn't stiffen up but instead kept dancing. Somehow I knew it was Jax and I could smell his earthy scent and felt more relaxed than ever. When his skin touched mine I felt sparks ignite through my body and turned to face him. "Why do I feel safe with you?" I asked him as we continued dancing. One drink of whiskey has me all brave, I thought when I realized I asked him that out loud. "Because you are." Was his answer. I smiled at him and felt him pull me closer when the song changed to a slower one.

"Kiss Me" by Ed Sheeran started playing and I turned to walk back to the sidelines as Jax grabbed my hand and pulled me back into his arms. "I wasn't done dancing with you." He whispered in my ear. I felt goosebumps when he did that and smiled up at him. For a moment, I forgot that I was in a ballroom full of people that I didn't even know. All I focused on was Jax and how I loved how dancing with him felt. It scared me because I have never felt this way about anyone. Ever. I gazed up into his eyes, which were already gazing down at me. My eyes lowered to his lips that I was dying to taste. Jax must've felt the same way because the next thing I knew his lips came crashing down on mine and I was done for. Any rational thought of not getting close to anyone went right out the window in that moment.

His kiss was passionate and my first. I returned his kiss just as eagerly and found my hands in his hair pulling him closer to me. He purred into my mouth and pulled me closer too. I moaned into his mouth which allowed his tongue to enter mine. My body was heating up and it felt like I had electricity running through my veins.

Jax pulled away first to my disappointment, he leaned his forehead onto mine as we caught our breath. "That was," he started to whisper. "Yeah." I agreed with him with the only word I could think of. My thoughts were a jumbled mess. Which I never let happen to me before. The song ended and Jax led me off of the dance floor towards Chloe and Mitch, who were grinning knowingly at us. My face flushed for the third time tonight.

"That was hot." Chloe whispered to me and I narrowed my eyes at her to which she giggled and told the guys we would be right back. Jax kissed my forehead and we walked towards the bathroom. "So you and Jax?" Chloe asked with a smile. "Um, I really don't know." I said quietly with a smile of my own. What was wrong with me?

Chloe and I walked into the bathroom which was enormous. We walked over to the marble countertops and sinks to freshen our makeup. I heard the bathroom door open and quickly glanced over in that direction. A gorgeous blonde was walking in our direction.

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