Chapter 25

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I held Chloe in my arms as she cried her heart out. I hated when she cried, I could feel her pain through our bond. I was overwhelmed myself, this couldn't be happening. Scarlette was not only a vamp now, but apparently still had her powers.

After watching in awe and and fear, she destroyed the guest suite when she emotionally broke down. Her powers must have hit her in full force. It was unheard of for a witch to still have her powers after being turned. This could only mean one thing, she really was the last descendant of the Salem witch bloodline. What did this mean now? Was the prophecy broken? My head began to pound with all of these thoughts bombarding me.

Packhouse NOW! Jax demanded in his alpha tone through mindlink. Shit. His timing could not possibly be worse. I slowly pulled away from Chloe and wiped her tears off of her beautiful face. "Jax is summoning me." I told her quietly. Her tear stained eyes widened in surprise and she nodded in understanding. No matter what has happened, I can't ignore him when he uses his alpha tone.

"Come back soon." Chloe whimpered as I gently kissed her forehead. "I promise you that I will, try to get some rest while I'm gone." I told her, knowing all too well that she would spend her next few hours searching for an answer in her books.

I quietly closed the bedroom door behind me, walking towards Jareth, who was standing at his bar with a drink in his hand. "I'll be back soon. Jax mindlinked me and demanding that I come now." I told him with disgust lining my tone. He was still my alpha, and deep down he was still my best friend. But, I couldn't help feeling disgust and almost a level of hatred towards him after what he did.

"So the plot thickens." Jareth mumbled in annoyance as he finished his drink. "I'll keep an eye on the girls." He told me as he poured himself another drink, he offered it to me and although I was tempted, I declined. He nodded in understanding and walked over to his patio doors. I left and mentally tried to brace myself for what I was about to deal with back the packhouse.

As I approached the packhouse, I felt a foreboding feeling come upon me. This place had been my home for the past 15 years. Now, it felt tainted. I cautiously opened the front door, but knowing what to expect anymore at this point. "In here." I heard Jax call out from his office. I took a deep breath and made my way to him.

"You called?" I asked him sarcastically. He was standing behind his desk and his eyes met mine full of fury and something else that I couldn't place. "You are addressing your alpha and you will do so with some fucking respect!" His voice boomed through the packhouse.

I became pissed off in that moment. Jax had never spoken to me that way or allowed his authority to get to his head like this. What the hell happened to him?! "Jax what is your deal? I don't understand at all! Scarlette is your mate and you not only fucking cheated on her, but you tried to kill her!" I yelled back at him as I felt my body begin to shake. I was on the verge of losing control of my beast and had to forcefully reel it back in.

Jax stormed over to me and grabbed me by my neck and slammed me into his bookcase. "Who are you to question me?" He demanded, practically spitting out the words. I watched his eyes switch from anger to anguish and back to anger again. I was confused. It was almost as though Jax was possessed. He squeezed my neck tighter and I was struggling to breathe.

"Tsk tsk. That's not a nice way to speak to your alpha, beta." Margo said, her voice full of venom as she entered the office. I glared at her as best as I could as I tried like hell to pry Jax's hands from my throat. "Release him Jax, your beta is no good to us if he's dead." Margo told Jax, her tone sounding bored now as she grabbed her cell phone off of his desk.

I dropped to the ground as he released me, struggling to catch my breath as I choked on the air. My lungs were burning and I glanced up in time to watch Margo leave his office, her full attention on her phone. I turned my head back to Jax as he was breathing heavily and walking back to his office chair.

I slowly pushed myself up off of the floor and looked at him. "What did you call me here for, alpha?" I asked him, practically choking on the last part. He raised his glare back to me and calmly said, "You're my beta. We have work to do. It's time to prepare for the Luna Ceremony."

I stood there in utter shock. He couldn't be serious. Luna Ceremony?! With Margo?! What. The. Actual. Fuck. "Jax what are you talking about?" I asked him as calmly as I could muster. "I am introducing my Luna to our pack Mitch." Jax told me and looked at me as though I was an idiot. I simply stared back him at a loss for words. There was no getting through to him, Jax was gone. Whoever this was sitting at his desk was not my best friend or alpha. It was a complete stranger and it saddened me.

I simply nodded my head and decided that my best bet was to play along and try to postpone the Luna Ceremony as long as I could to buy us some time to fix this

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I simply nodded my head and decided that my best bet was to play along and try to postpone the Luna Ceremony as long as I could to buy us some time to fix this. If that was even possible at this point. I left his office and walked towards mine to try to find out what the hell was happening.

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