Chapter 4

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I finished my cigarette and smashed it out when I breathed in the most amazing smell, a mixture of vanilla and cinnamon. I locked eyes with the source of this smell and found myself staring into deep chocolate eyes. My heart started hammering in my chest and the magnetic pull towards her was stronger than anything I have ever felt before. One word came to my mind and took over. Mate. I didn't have time to deal with my shock. I had to go to her. I had to touch her. I had to know her.

Before I realized what I was doing, I was already standing right in front of this beautiful woman. I was much taller than she, I had to look down at her dark wavy hair, smooth skin that I yearned to touch, perfect pouty lips that she wore red lipstick on. I asked her for her name and my voice came out husky with need.

She quietly said "Scarlette." I practically claimed her right then and there at the sound of her melodic voice. I repeated her name, testing it out. I loved it already. I could tell that she was confused by our encounter yet intrigued at the same time. I could hear her heart beating as fast as mine. I was pleased to see that I had this effect on her.

It appeared that she was winning her inner battle to my dismay, she started to turn to leave but I reached for her arm and told her to wait. For what I want sure, it was instinctual for me to stop my mate from walking away. I could hear Chloe and Mitch approaching us. I could sense their confusion and worry.

"Hey Scarlette! Jax, I see you've met Scarlette." Chloe said as she stopped walking and stood by my side. Mitch remained quiet, observing the situation. Scarlette seemed to have snapped out of our haze and nervously began to shuffle her shopping bags. "Well, it was nice meeting you, Jax. Good seeing you again Chloe, but I really have to go". With that she smiled quickly at us and turned to leave.

I wanted to stop her again, but Chloe grabbed my arm and mind linked me Stop it. What is up with you? I growled quietly and ran my hands through my hair and huffed. "She's my mate." I mumbled and walked off towards the pack house, frustrated in more ways than one. Chloe practically squealed as she clapped her hands excitedly. "Really?! This is awesome!!" She said as she looked back at Scarlette's retreating back. Mitch smirked at me and shook his head. "What?" I growled at him. "Nothing, just leave it to you to have a mystery woman with no past to speak of as your mate." He chuckled.

I stopped walking and cursed under my breath. I completely forgot to question her, I was too busy focusing on the mate bond. Of course Mitch began laughing and slapped me on my back. "Wow Jax, I have never known anyone to be able to distract you so easily from a mission." He laughed as we began walking up the front steps of the pack house. "Shut up Mitch." I growled at him in warning. "Jax this is incredible, not only have you found your mate, but she is beautiful!" Chloe said with a dreamy voice that had me agreeing but annoyed at the same time. "Enough!" I yelled. "We still know nothing about her and now that I know she is my mate it makes it even more imperative that we find out what she is hiding." I told them sternly.

Chloe had a thoughtful expression on her face as she walked over to the huge dark gray sectional couch in the living room. "You know, I am starting to really wonder if Scarlette knows anything at all about any of this." She said while moving her arms around at us. She sighed as she curled up in the corner of the sectional. Mitch of course sat down beside his mate and wrapped his left arm around her shoulders.

"How could she not know though?" Mitch asked incredulously. "I mean think about it guys, she is a witch right? Hasn't she made things happen and wonder how? How has she lived this long and not encountered any other weres, vampires, or witches?" Mitch asked while shaking his head.

I began pacing back and forth in front of them trying to wrap my brain around all of this, while internally asking myself the same questions.

"Unless..." Chloe began as her eyes widened in surprise and realization. She jumped up off of the couch, surprising both myself and Mitch in the process. Chloe pulled her cell phone out of her back back and began to walk towards the back sliding doors.

"Unless what? Who are you calling Chloe?" I demanded as Mitch stood up and looked at her in question.

"Someone who can answer our questions..." Chloe told us while avoiding eye contact. Chloe quickly slipped out of the back door and had her phone to the side of her face and played with a strand of her hair as she began talking.

"Mitch. Find out who she is talking to. Now!" I growled at him and pointed at her. Mitch nodded quickly and nervously hurried out the back door to where Chloe was.

I watched Chloe try to turn away from Mitch, but that was pointless and she should know by now that weres have excellent hearing and that Mitch would be able to hear whoever she was talking to just as clearly as if he was the one on the phone. I watched Mitch's facial expression switch from curious to irritated right back to nervous as his eyes met mine through the glass door.

Don't get mad Jax, but she's talking to Margo. Mitch mindlinked me.

My body went rigid immediately. Margo and I were somewhat involved with each other a few years back. To say it didn't end well would be putting it mildly. Margo is a vampire and I'm a were. The sex was hot, but in the end I was never going to make a vampire my Luna or mate. Margo didn't take that news well and went on a jealous binge of attacking or should I say slaughtering any female that she felt I took an interest to.

I found my bearings and slammed open the sliding glass doors. I snatched the phone away from Chloe so fast she didn't have a chance to even react. Mitch growled at me and took a protective stance in front of Chloe as I rolled my eyes at him. No matter how angry I felt, I would never hurt Chloe. She was like a sister to me. I smashed her cell phone with one hand and stormed back inside the pack house.

"Jax wait! Let me explain!" Chloe yelled after me.

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