Chapter 20

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I woke up the next morning and rolled over to find Jax's side of the bed empty. I frowned slightly and sat up, wondering where he was. I checked the time on my phone and was surprised that it was 11:30am. I don't remember the last time I slept in. I stretched and climbed out of bed to pee and shower.

I took a long hot shower and padded over to our walk in closet. I picked out some wripped jeans, black t shirt, and a red flannel. After putting on a pair of socks I put on my converse and walked out of our bedroom and went to find my mate.

I could hear everyone talking in the kitchen, so I followed their voices there. "Chloe in case you haven't noticed, we have a problem that needs all of our attention." I heard Jax snap at her. "I know Jax, I'm only asking for like a couple of hours max!" Chloe plead her case. I interrupted whatever they were arguing about when I walked in and head for the fridge. "What's going on?" I asked them as I took the creamer out of the fridge.

"Your stubborn ass alpha of a mate won't let me and Mitch go on a frickin brunch date!" Chloe whined to me. I chuckled as I poured my coffee into the largest mug that I could find. "Brunch?" I asked as I laughed some more. "It's not funny Scar." Chloe groaned as Jax walked over to give me a kiss. "Jax, let her and Mitch go on their brunch date." I told him as I emphasized the word brunch. I laughed again. I couldn't help myself, who goes to brunch?

"Babe, we really need to focus here." Jax reminded me as I sipped my coffee. "I get it, really I do. But, we don't know what's going to happen when we find him or how bad things can get. We all deserve at least couple of hours of some kind of normal before it gets to that point." I told him with a smile. Jax sighed and hugged me close. "You're right. Damnit. Fine. Go Chloe. Two hours. That's all." Jax told her with his alpha tone. Chloe rolled her eyes, blew me a kiss and ran off to tell Mitch.

I carried my coffee over to the kitchen window and stood there just watching the leaves blow lightly in the wind. It almost seemed eerie how calm it was outside, knowing deep down that everything was going to change soon. I shivered at the thought and turned to see Jax walking over to me.

"What are you thinking about?" He asked me as he reached to tuck a stray hair of mine behind my ear. "Everything." I told him with a sad smile. He smiled back at me and nodded. "I have a few leads to check up on, I'm gonna be in my office for a little while. Come find me if you need me." He said before kissing my forehead and walking away.

As I finished my coffee, I thought about practicing some more with my powers. If we had a shitstorm coming our way, I needed to be able to defend us. I texted Chloe and asked her about a book that she told me about. It was about focusing your energy and emotions or something like that. I knew she was in Mitch's room, but my luck I would walk in on the having sex.

Me: Hey, did you bring that book you were telling me about over here?

Chloe: Shit, I'm sorry. It's still at my apartment.I can leave you my key if you want so you can go get it. :-)

Me: Yeah that works, thanks. :-)

I walked back to our bedroom to change my clothes. I put on a pair of my favorite black yoga pants and a white tank top. I grabbed one of Jax's zip up hoodies and put it on too. I know that it is huge on me but it smells like him. I pulled on my converse and walked back out to the living room. I saw Chloe's key on the coffee table and walked over to Jax's office to let him know that I was leaving but I'd be right back.

"Hey, I'm heading over to Chloe's for a few minutes to grab a book that I need. I want to practice with my powers today." I told him as I walked over to his desk. Jax looked up at me with uncertainty in his eyes. "I'll be fine babe, I promise. If anything happens I can mindlink you and plus I can blow shit up with my hands now." I told him proudly. I giggled when he yanked me down onto his lap and then he shut me right up when he kissed me.

"Please be careful." He whispered after breaking our kiss. "I will, I promise." I whispered back to him. I kissed him one more time, then left for my mission.

It felt weird walking back into the apartment building that I used to live in. It shouldn't since I only moved out a couple of days ago, but it did. I unlocked Chloe's apartment door and walked in. I knew where she kept all of her books, on a small bookcase in her bedroom. I walked into her room, over to her bookcase and sat down on her floor pillow that she keeps beside it. I began skimming through all of the titles and came across one that caught my attention. "Prophecies: Legends?" Huh.

I knew it was probably filled with theories and nonsense, but I figured, what the hell? So I pulled it off of her shelf and began to read it anyway. Before I knew it, at least an hour had past. I checked my phone and was surprised that I didn't have a missed  call from Jax. I turned my attention back to the bookcase and saw the book that I actually came here for and reached for it.

Out of no where, I felt a sharp pain shoot through my chest that caused me to double over. "Owwww!!!! Fuck!!!" I yelled in agony. Jax?! Something's wrong!!! I tried to mind link Jax, but he didn't answer me. What the hell? The pain shot through me again and this time it hurt worse. Chloe?! I practically screamed through the mindlink. Scar?! Are you okay?! What's going on?! Chloe sounded panicked when she mindlinked me back. Something is wrong! It hurts! It hurts so bad! I cried outloud and mindlinked. Where are you?! Are you still at my apartment?! She asked urgently. Yes. I weakly answered her as the pain continued. We're on our way. She told me as I cried out over and over again.

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