Chapter 15

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As I snuggled into Jax, I smiled and thought about what we just did. My body felt as though it was still humming. I had to pee but didn't want to move, I felt so comfortable in his arms. The urge took over and I sighed as I tried to gently push his arms off of me. "Where are you going?" He groaned as he wrapped me tighter in his arms. I smiled and looked up at him over my shoulder. "I have to pee." I giggled as he kissed my forehead and released me from his embrace.

I felt sore as I sat up and when I looked down to put my feet on my floor I noticed blood on the inside of my thighs and cringed. Jax felt my discomfort through the mate bond and sat up to see what was wrong. I felt so embarrassed when his eyes widened at the sight of my blood. "Did I hurt you?" Jax asks, pain and regret placing his question.

"No! It felt amazing, I promise." I tell him as I try to cover myself with a sheet in embarrassment. Jax looked confused, but a look of realization comes across his face suddenly. "Were you a virgin Scarlette?" He asked me in a demanding tone. Godess take me now. I thought to myself as I flushed red. Don't be ashamed baby. Jax mindlinked me as he ran his hand down my bare back. My traitorous body hummed in response. I forgot about mindlinking. Can you always hear my thoughts now? I mindlinked back. Jax chuckled. "You can block others out and choose what they hear." He told me.

I sighed in relief and stood up to go wash off and finally pee. Jax tried to follow me into the shower, but I told him that I was too sore to do it again. Even though I really wanted to. I thought to myself. I could hear Jax huff against the door. "So do I." He huskily said through the door. Shit. Damn mindlinks. I grumbled to myself as I turned on my shower.

I dried off quickly, I was only away from Jax long enough to pee and shower and I already missed him and his touch. This was ridiculous. I huffed in annoyance at myself. I wrapped my body with a towel and walked back into my bedroom to find it empty. I heard the muffled sound of voices coming through my bedroom door and figured that Chloe and Mitch were here.

I decided to keep my outfit simple, but still pretty. I grabbed a pair of light blue skinny jeans and a black sweater. I searched for socks and ended up stuck with mismatches. I grumbled under my breath, cursing the dryer for stealing my missing matches. I pulled on my black boots that were nice, but didn't have too high of a heel to kill my clumsy ass. After running a brush through my hair and applying some eyeliner and mascara, I headed out of my bedroom door.

"Girl you don't waste anytime!" Chloe practically squealed at me as she raised her eyebrows at me and wiggled them knowingly. I blushed and swatted at her and looked over to see Mitch high-fiving Jax, who grinned proudly back at him. I rolled my eyes and smirked. Guys never frickin grow up. "So, are we just going to sit here and talk about us having sex, or is there something else on our agenda?" I asked everyone as I sat down next to Chloe on my couch.

"Sorry babe." Jax said sheepishly. He cleared his throat and switched back to alpha mode, which I appreciated and found to actually be a turn on. "Not helping Scar." He told me as he raised his scarred eyebrow at me. "I didn't say or do anything." I told him putting my hands up in defense, accidentally blowing my television up in the process. I screeched and sat on my hands quickly. Chloe began laughing hysterically at me and in between laughs whispered to me, "Weres can smell arousal. It's especially strong when they are mated."

I clenched my legs tightly together and shot everyone in my living room a dirty look. "So is there anything else that I need to know about all of this?" I asked as Jax and Mitch began to clean up the remnants of my poor tv. Damnit, now I need a new one. I thought as it dawned on me that I literally destroyed my one expensive possession. Or you could just move into the pack house with me. Jax mindlinked me.

I froze when he said that. Chloe looked between the both of us and actually growled. "Stop with the private conversation! Some of us are nosey!" She complained as she folded her arms over each other like a pouting child.

I couldn't help but smile at her, honestly I feel like in a way I fell for Chloe too. Not in a romantic love way like with Jax, but in a best friend way. I never had a best friend before, but with Chloe it was as if I've known her my whole life. "Jax just asked me to move in with him." I told her and looked back at Jax, who was apparently still waiting for my answer by the look on his face.

Deep down, the rational side of me knew that moving in with him would be happening way too fast

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Deep down, the rational side of me knew that moving in with him would be happening way too fast. But in this world of supernaturals and mate bonds, was there anything rational about any of this? Apparently we are mated for life so, I guess I better throw all of my rational thoughts in the trash with my broken tv. Shit. I need to learn how to control my powers.

"Yes Jax, I'll move into your pack house with you." I told him with a huge cheesy smile on my face.

Once again, Mitch high-fived Jax and Chloe was practically squeezing the life out of me as she squealed

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Once again, Mitch high-fived Jax and Chloe was practically squeezing the life out of me as she squealed. I couldn't help but to laugh at this point. I was genuinely happy for the first time in my life I felt like everything was going to be alright.

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