Chapter 12

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I spent almost all of last night studying my grandmother's book of shadows and grimoires and I am pretty sure that I found a way to help Scarlette and show her about our world. I found a spell to unbind her powers slowly so that she can grow into them. If this works, this will fix everything. I've already figured out how to give her the potion. I baked it into a blueberry muffin and plan on giving it to her when she gets here to return my outfit.

I took a quick shower and got dressed. As I was brushing my hair, I heard a light knock on my door. I waved my hand to lower the wards I keep on my door as a security measure and opened the door to let Scarlette in. She looked surprised when I stood off to the side and she came in.

"Trying to make a quick getaway?" I joked to her with a chuckle. Scarlette looked away and mumbled "Sorry". I took my outfit from her and walked over to my kitchen table to grab the muffin for her. "Here, have some breakfast." I told her as I handed her the muffin. "Thanks." She said as she took a bite of it. I walked back to my bedroom to place the outfit back into my closet.

My bedroom is small, but I love it because it's cozy.

I heard a thud come from my living room, so I hurried back out to check on Scarlette

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I heard a thud come from my living room, so I hurried back out to check on Scarlette. I found her passed out on my area rug and noticed that she ate the entire muffin. Shit, I didn't mean for her to pass out on the floor. I levitated her to my couch with a flick of my finger and gathered some candles and beginner spell books to practice with when she woke up.

I was really hoping that she isn't too pissed off when she wakes up. Emotions can cause a witch to things by mistake when they aren't trained in their craft. Which Scarlette wasn't at all. I heard her begin to stir about twenty minutes later and I tip toed over to her.

"What happened?" She asked me as she rubbed her eyes and slowly sat up. "How do you feel?" I asked her as she looked at my candles and spell books on my coffee table. "What's all this?" She asked me. I started to explain but as Scarlette reached out towards the candles, they all lit at once. Scarlette jumped up off of the couch and the flames grew higher and spread fast, engulfing my coffee table.

  Scarlette jumped up off of the couch and the flames grew higher and  spread fast, engulfing my coffee table

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"What the hell?!" Scarlette screamed as she grabbed her hand. I mumbled a quick spell under my breath and blew the fire out. "Alright Scarlette take a deep breath. It's going to be alright. Sit down, we need to talk." I told her calmly. Shit. I only gave her part of the potion. She should've barely lit the candles, not almost burn down my apartment! She is more powerful than we thought.

"Chloe. What is going on?" Scarlette asked me as she began to cry. She looked terrified. Maybe this was a bad idea. Damnit. "There's really no easy way to tell you any of this so please bear with me. Oh and whatever you do, don't wave your hands around like at all." I told her gently as she wrapped her arms around herself.

I spent the next few hours explaining everything, and I mean everything to Scarlette. I had to stop a few times to give her a moment to calm down. I knew this was a lot to take in. I couldn't imagine being in her shoes right now. I sent a quick text to Jax with a thumbs up to let him know that I haven't completely screwed this up yet.

"Can you show me?" I heard her ask as she walked back in from my balcony. "Show you what?" I asked her as I set my phone back down. "Your magic." She said, sitting back down on my loveseat. "Are you sure you're ready for this?" I asked her, nervous that and second now she would flip out. She nodded and wrapped herself in one of my throw blankets. "Alright." I told her as I thought of what to do. I decided to keep it simple and conduct an electrical current between my hands.

 I decided to keep it simple and conduct an electrical current between my hands

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I kept my eyes on Scarlette as she watched my hands. Her eyes were wide, but she didn't look like she was afraid. She began to smile and watched my electric currents in awe. I zapped them out and wiggled my fingers to dispose of the left over sparks.

Scarlette glanced back at my candles and then back at me. "Can I try to light them without losing control?" She asked me nervously. I nodded my head yes at her. "Just focus on the candles and remain calm. Remember, our emotions can travel through our magic and it gives it a boost." I reminded her. I watch Scarlett focus her eyes calmly on the candles. She slowly lifted her and and pointed at the first candle. It flickered to life. Her eyes grew wide and she smiled really big as she turned and looked at me. I smiled back at her and told her that she is a natural. I was really impressed. She really was a natural, most witches had to practice something like simply lighting a candle before mastering it. Not her, she got it on her first try.

I couldn't wait to tell Jax. He will so proud of her. Now, that topic was harder to explain to Scarlette than the witch part. I'm pretty sure she is still trying to figure that all out in her mind. She had a lot to learn today and she took it like a pro. I hope she accepts Jax as her mate. They were made for each other.

"Let's practice something fun." I suggested as Scarlette finished lighting the other candles. She shot me a curious look and nodded her head. "Come sit with me on the floor." I told her as I grabbed one of my couch pillows to sit on. Scarlette grabbed one as well and soon enough we were both sitting indian style on our pillows facing each other on the floor.

"Now what?" Scarlette asked me, a hint of excitement laced her voice. "Take my hands, close your eyes, and imagine a cloud underneath you and that it is slowly lifting you up." I told her as we placed our fingers together. She shot me an odd look but still listened to me. I smiled, she didn't know I was teaching her how to levitate. I kept my eyes open, this was practically a parlor trick for me. I just needed to ease her into it so I didn't accidentally have her flying out my frickin window. Jax would murder me. "I watched as she slowly began to ascend from her pillow, I stayed at her level. When we both were about two feet off of my livingroom floor, I squeezed her hands and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Look down, but don't break your concentration." I told her with a grin. Scarlette looked down and gasped. She slightly faltered but quickly regained control and began to giggle. "This is so cool!" She said in between giggles. A sudden, loud knock on my door sent us both falling back down to my floor. This is why I always use pillows when practicing levitation.

I helped Scarlette up off of the floor, both of us were still giggling. She sat back down on my couch and I walked over to my door. I should've known our mates would be standing on the other side. I looked through my peephole and sure enough, there they stood. Jax looked irritated as usual and my Mitch looked exhausted.

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