Chapter 26

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I was finishing my fourth drink when I heard my cell phone start to ring. I huffed in annoyance as I stood up to grab it off of the top of my bar. My eyebrows raised in surprise and disdain when I saw that it was Margo calling me.

"Margo." I answered with disgust lacing my tone. She has really made a mess of things and I wasn't willing to help her clean it up this time.

"Brother." She greeted me, too cheerful for my liking. Of course she was happy, she now somehow had Jax right where she wanted him. The thought made me sick as I glanced towards the bedroom door where Scarlette was asleep. I walked quietly to my office and closed the door behind me.

"What is that you want Margo?" I asked her in a much displeased tone. "I am calling to invite you to my Luna Ceremony dear brother, I thought that you'd be happy for me." She crooned through the phone, trying to get under my skin. Thay wasn't going to work this time. She had gone too far.

"I'm not interested sister." I hissed the last part out. "You've taken this obsession of yours too far." I gritted out angrily. There was silence on the other end for a split second, followed by her trademark sinister laugh. I felt a chill run through me. "Not yet I haven't. I'm just getting started brother." She spit back out at me. "What is that supposed to mean?" I demanded and practically yelled out.

I heard a loud crash, followed by the sound of Scarlette's scream of terror. I dropped my phone and ran to my office door. It wouldn't open when I tried and I felt a surge of panic run through my veins. I heard Chloe's scream next and began to yell and smash my office door. There was more crashing and sounds of things breaking and the screams of both witches and my blood began to boil.

I finally smashed through my office door, leaving what was left of it in remnants on the ground. I ran with my vamp speed towards the screams and stopped dead in my tracks at the scene that unfolded before me.

Scarlette was standing, backed into a corner with blood dripping from her nose, Chloe was bleeding from a gash on her forehead and lip and was screaming a spell and pointing at the man that was cornering Scarlette. The man must have felt my presence, because he slowly turned around and locked eyes with me. I gasped aloud. Malcolm.

My arrival distracted Malcolm enough for whatever spell Chloe was chanting to work. Malcolm's body flew through the air and crashed to the wall, cracking the drywall. She held her hand up and continued chanting loudly and I realized that she was forcing him to stay put.

My attention turned towards Scarlette, who was crying and shaking in the corner. I ran to her and took her into my arms as her eyes darted towards Malcolm's. "You did this to me!" She screamed out in pure pain and anger. She flung her hand out aiming for him and I watched in shock as he screamed out in pain and blood started pooling out of his eyes, mouth, and ears.

Scarlette's body went limp in my arms, this was all too much for her at once. Malcolm began laughing in an evil laced tone, "Stupid wench, you are weak!" He snapped out at her unconscious body. I lifted Scarlette up into my arms, feeling rage inside towards Malcolm. He was fighting the hold that Chloe had on him.

"Take Scarlette and go!" Chloe screamed at me as she lifted her other hand up to try to keep her hold on him. "I can't leave you!" I yelled back at her, knowing that we had to get out of here. "I can't hold him for much longer! Go now!" She screamed again, exhaustion lacing her voice.

I was fighting an inner battle and I was quickly running out of time to make a decision. I growled and yelled out of frustration and used my vamp speed to get Scarlette out of here. I took one glance over my shoulder and shuddered internally when I watched both Chloe and Malcolm fall to the floor.

I tossed Scarlette gently into the passenger seat of my car, hopped into the driver's seat and took off like a bat out of hell. I had no idea where we were going, but I knew it had to be as far away from here as possible.

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