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"General Hux, I presume you have failed to locate another vital Resistance Base." Kylo Ren chided as he stalked the general in the command center. They had just deployed five fleets of Stormtroopers in order to capture what the First Order had just found out was a fake base. All of the Rebels who they had captured were either dead or were able to get away.

"Do not underestimate my methods, Lord Ren." Hux retorted, "I am working with limited troops here. You and the Supreme Leader did not exactly give me the adequate resources to-"

The general was cut short, choking on nothing. His desperate eyes went to Kylo Ren's gloved hand, which he held out in front of him, masterfully using the Force to choke his comrade.

"Are you questioning the decisions our Supreme Leader has made?" Lord Ren asked darkly, flicking his wrist so that the general was brought closer to the masked figure, "Do you have doubts, General Hux?"

The general shook his head, "No, Lord Ren-"

"Then you will get the job done." The masked knight of Ren commanded as he released the general, "We need that location. Supreme Leader Snoke wants the Resistance wiped about before they make their next advance."

"Well, why don't we use our new weapon?" General Hux suggested, "We know the New Republic supports the Resistance. We can wipe them out as a demonstration."

Kylo Ren turned towards the general, "We cannot make any major advances until we know the location of the base. If we use our weapon too soon, we risk the chance of the Resistance moving to destroy it."

General Hux nodded, the gears in his head turning as he thought of his next plan of attack. They needed the location of the new Resistance base. Without it, they risk the chance of letting the Rebels get too many allies and resources. They needed to smother them out.

Especially since somewhere out there, someone held the key to finding Luke Skywalker, and there was a race to see who could find it first.

"What if we tried a more... unconventional approach?" General Hux turned, a more sinister smile spreading on his cold features, "I have two Intelligence Officers working on getting the location of a known scavenger, infamous for getting people information."

"And why would you be wasting time on that?" Kylo Ren questioned the general, "You do not have time for side missions, Hux."

General Armitage Hux still kept his cool, heading to a nearby computer to show the Knight of Ren what his intentions were. As he typed in the needed commands to pull up the information he needed, he smiled confidently. He knew that this would work.

"One of the successes of the Galactic Empire was its effective use of spies, smugglers, and bounty hunters in order to get the information they needed about the Rebellion." Hux explained, "Our ground agents have heard of a name, of someone who can get us the information we need with little to no trouble."

Kylo Ren took a few steps towards the general, peering over his shoulder as Hux displayed a hologram of the scavenger they had in mind.

The mug shot of a young woman appeared in front of them. She looked to be in her mid twenties, with dark curls chopped to her chin and dark eyes to match. There was a mischievous, smart-ass look about her, as if she was a regular at getting into trouble and then later getting away with it. In the mug shot she was wearing a dark tank top, one of her bare arms bearing a sleeve of intricate tattoos. Her face was smudged with grease and soot, a single bruise painted across her lip.

In her hands she held a mug plate, donning her name and crime:

Captain Gideon Oswald

Grand Theft
Destruction of Property

General Hux grinned, "She flies an old smuggler freighter, called the Stargazer. We got her location from one of our eyes at the New Republic."

Kylo Ren studied the woman for a moment, his expression unknown under his infamous mask, "What is so important about this criminal in particular?"

"She has a particular talent for getting what she wants." the general explained, "She also has a lot of enemies at the New Republic."

"What can she do for us?" Kylo Ren asked General Hux, not sounding convinced of the plans, "How do we get her to do what we want?"

"That will be easy." Hux shrugged, "She's a criminal, some lowlife scum of a nobody. Getting her to do what we want will be easy. It's what we do with her after we must take into consideration."

There was a silence between the two leaders as they stared at Captain Oswald's mug shot. She was currently their best and easiest chance at getting the information they needed. The Resistance would not expect a move like this from them, considering the usual style of their attacks.

"Find her." Lord Ren turned away, exiting the command center, "Bring her to me."

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