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Gideon didn't like this plan at all, anymore. The longer they snuck around the Starkiller Base, the more she felt like they were in danger. A sick, uneasy feeling twisted her stomach in knots. Her neck and back were clammy with a cold, sticky sweat that sent chills down her spine.

All she wanted was to get off this planet as soon as possible.

"We'll use the charges to blow up that blast door. I'll go in and draw fire, but I'm going to need cover." Finn explained in a low voice, his eyes nodding to Gideon and Han confidently.

"Finn, are you sure about this?" Gideon asked, her brows knit together with unease.

"Hell no." He admitted, bouncing slightly on the balls of his feet, "I'll go in, and try to find Rey."

Gideon frowned, "I'll come with you, it's too dangerous to go alone."

Her friend shook his head, squeezing her shoulder gently with a surprisingly steady hand, "No, as soon as we go in, the troopers will be on our tail. We have to be ready for that. Gideon, you have to cover the south-"

The captain stopped listening at the slight nodding motion of her father's head, into the hangar behind them. Finn, who was too engrossed in his plan, didn't notice the captain turn her head to see what her father was looking at.


She was climbing up the side of the hangar, a Stormtrooper's blaster gun strapped to her back. Relief washed over Gideon, her shoulders relaxing at the sight of her friend, who appeared to be unharmed.

"Why are you doing this?" Finn mimicked the nodding motion Han was doing with a flare of over-embellishment, "Hmm? Why are you doing this? I'm trying to come up with a plan."

Gideon grabbed Finn by the shoulder and turned him around, pointing to where Rey was climbing up the side of the hangar. Relief and happiness washed over his face, his eyes softening at the sight of his closest friend. The captain was glad they were able to find Rey, because she was honestly worried about how Finn would react if they weren't able to rescue her. She was mentally preparing herself for that possibility, too.

Since Finn had helped her and Poe escape, she figured her brother would keep a closer eye on his prisoners.

"Rey!" Finn breathed, grabbing Gideon by the wrist and dragging her down the hall, an almost childish excitement taking over his every move. The captain had to cast a look over her shoulder, sending a wide-eyed look to her father and Chewbacca, motioning to their blasters with her free hand. They needed to cover them if they were going to safely make it to the scavenger.

"Finn, slow down." Gideon yanked her wrist free of his hold, "And stop yanking my-"

"Shh!" Finn quieted her, "You'll get us caught."

Rolling her eyes, she had to keep from letting out a loud, sarcastic laugh, "I'll get us caught? What about-"

"Both of you shut up." Chewie warned, aiming his crossbow around the corner before the four of them proceeded. He sent a pointed look to Han, who simply nodded in agreement. Whatever it was they were agreeing on, Gideon was certain it was about her and Finn- who had been bickering like two siblings ever since they've met.

Carefully, they turned another corner, nearly running into the escaped scavenger herself. Rey gasped in surprise, shocked to see that anyone had come for her.

"Are you alright?" Han immediately asked, in a tone he often used when talking with his daughter. Rey relaxed, lowering her blaster when she realized she ran into people she could trust. Han's words comforted her.

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