My Way

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Much to her disappointment and annoyance, Gideon was thrown into a holding cell overnight. General Hux had briefly explained before she was carted away by four Stormtroopers that they were to start the mission at 0600 hours. The captain did not know what he meant by "they," but she wasn't given enough time to think about it before she was greeted by the metal four walls of her cell.

She didn't sleep that night either. It was partly because of the fact that there wasn't anywhere to even sit, let alone lay down and sleep comfortably. It was just eight square feet of dark grey metal and dim florescent lighting. Gideon just found herself slumped in the corner, arms folded, staring at the wall as she planned out her mission in her head.

They had asked her to do something she really didn't want to. Gideon did not like to get too involved with the war, mainly because she didn't like it. The dark side and the light side have been fighting for so long, there was never going to be a definite end to it all. This galaxy couldn't survive without war. When she turned eighteen she swore that she would not get involved. She wanted her own life, to create her own path.

Obviously, given where she was currently sulking, that didn't turn out too well for her.

The door to her cell suddenly opened. The captain had expected Stormtroopers to come in and escort her out of her cell, but only one person walked into her cell.

"Let's go." Kylo Ren's altered and robotic voice filled the small room, he motioned for her to follow him, "It's time to leave."

Gideon got to her feet, blinking the fatigue out of her eyes from not sleeping that night. As soon as she stood, he unsheathed his light saber, the red cross blade crackling in the dimly lit room.

The woman froze as he turned towards her, her heart beat quickening. Then, he raised his other hand, and her bound wrists were brought towards him. Wordlessly he cut her handcuffs off her wrists, allowing her to have proper the use of her hands. As soon as the deed was done, he unlit the weapon and placed it back on his belt.

Gideon had to practically run to catch up to him after that.

"Are you... are you coming with me?" Gideon asked curiously as she followed the man out of the cell block.

"Yes." He answered plainly, "I'm taking it upon myself to make sure you don't pull any tricks."

"How noble of you." She rolled her eyes, "I usually work alone... actually I always work alone. It's just best that way."

"Do you think I care?" Kylo replied, "You can't be trusted."

The captain opened her mouth to retort his statement, but she cut herself short. He was right. If Gideon was in his situation... she wouldn't trust herself either. She also remembered how easily he used the Force to strangle her when she mouthed off.

After Kylo Ren navigated through the hallways, they entered a large hangar. Parked by the First Order's Special Forces Tie Fighters was her ship.

"We're taking my ship." The captain said, stopping in her tracks. The masked man in front of her turned around when he noticed she wasn't following him to a cruiser.

"And what makes you think that?" He asked her.

Gideon shrugged, "You told me you wanted to take a different approach to getting this information. If I show up on Jakku in a First Order cruiser..." she shook her head, "You'll only be making this harder for yourself."

Kylo stared at her for a moment, his expression unknown from the mask, "Alright."

Smiling, Gideon started towards her ship. It was a small for a freighter, and from the outside it looked like a mismatch of parts from different starships used to make repairs.

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