The Intimidation Game

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"Hey, I told you I was cooperating. What's with the cuffs?"

Captain Gideon Oswald was being escorted through Starkiller Base, two Stormtroopers on either side of her. She tugged on the cuffs with an irritable sigh, rolling her eyes at the familiar pinching feeling around her wrists.

"This is protocol." The trooper on her left explained, "Just to make sure you don't try anything smart. We've heard a thing or two about you."

Gideon quirked a brow, "Then I guess my reputation precedes me."

"General Hux and Lord Kylo Ren have heard a lot about you from our Intelligence Officers." The Stormtrooper on the captain's right added, "They've arranged a meeting. We're taking you to the General's Office."

The woman stopped, causing the two troopers to bump into her, giving her a shove to keep her moving. Nerves twisted her stomach, her palms going clammy from the sudden realization of her situation. This was the First Order, the most feared military organization in the galaxy. General Hux and Lord Kylo Ren were names that brought fear whenever they were uttered.

"A meeting?" She repeated, blowing a piece of hair away from her face, "With me?"

"That's what we just said." The trooper to her left sassed, "Now stop dragging your feet."

Gideon nodded, uttering an apology laced with bitter attitude. She studied the halls around her, growing more and more nervous the deeper into the base they seemed to be going. Her personal agenda grew clouded with hopeless plans of escape, wanting more than ever to get back to her ship and continue her run to Ryloth to pick up stolen goods.

However, she had the feeling that she would not be seeing Ryloth anytime soon.

They suddenly stopped in front of a large metal door, engraved with the name General Armitage Hux in bold boxy calligraphy. The troopers opened the door, motioning with their blasters for the young woman to enter.

"Captain Oswald, a pleasure to finally have you in my presence." The man sitting at the rather large desk motioned for her to come in. Despite his seemingly welcoming demeanor, there was something cold and sinister about him. Pride and arrogance seemed to radiate off of him, from the way he sat with his nose pointed slightly upwards, to the slickness of his red hair.

Off to his right, standing silently and menacingly was a masked figure donned in an all-black uniform. In his belt was a lightsaber, which he displayed as a means of intimidation. The captain could only assume this was Lord Kylo Ren, since he was the only other person who requested an audience with her.

"General Hux." Gideon nodded to the ginger seated at the large desk, her tone indicating that she was not entirely sure who he was. It was half true, but she mainly used that tone to hurt his pride just a bit.

"Leave us." The masked figure said to the two Stormtroopers, motioning for them to leave, "This is a private matter."

Gideon stiffened at the word private, her mind going to the many different scenarios that could play out. These were two important leaders of the First Order, and they wanted to speak with her privately. Nothing good could come from that.

"I heard you've done your research on me." She broke the silence, mostly to keep herself calm. She eyed the both of them, trying to keep her expression even, "I'm curious to know why."

General Hux stood, taking the moment to push in his plush office chair and casually walk around to the front of the desk. Gideon's eyes didn't leave him, which was her way of showing that she was not scared of them... even if she was just a little bit (but she would never willingly admit that).

"I am sure you are well aware of the power and capabilities of the First Order." General Hux broke the silence, "As well as its massive influence over the galaxy."

The general looked up at her expectantly, waiting for a reply. Gideon could also feel the eyes of Kylo Ren on her, despite not being able to see his face.

"I guess you could say that." The captain replied coolly, "But I don't like to get involved in politics... or war."

General Hux faked a waxy smile, though it was obvious he wasn't exactly thrilled at the woman's remark. He paced the area in front of his desk, hands folded neatly behind his back. He was very well groomed and proper for a war general. He didn't look like he had been on the front lines a day in his life.

"Well, politically informed or not, I am positive you know about the Resistance, of its growing presence in the galaxy." He continued, "It is becoming a pesky, frankly annoying, issue."

Gideon said nothing, brows furrowed as she eyed the general, "As informational as this introduction is, I am not quite following."

Kylo Ren took a step forward, "We need to snuff out the Resistance, especially with the development of our new assets. We have heard from our Intelligence Officers that you can get us the location of their new Headquarters."

"You should let him talk more, he gets right to the point." Gideon smirked at General Hux, who was not at all amused by the young captain's remark. She cleared her throat nervously, "I do not know what you've heard from who, but that is a very... specific accusation."

"Don't be so naive, Captain Oswald." General Hux warned, "You're forgetting where you are and who you're talking to. You're in no position to be patronizing."

The air in the room grew tense, the only sound was the clinking of Gideon fiddling with her handcuffs. She visibly looked more nervous, taking a deep breath as she thought about her response. The confident and slightly cocky look in her eyes was replaced with a more intelligent, serious one.

"I know." She said, "What exactly do you want from me? It's not everyday you get dragged to the First Order and not immediately get killed or imprisoned right away."

"We have decided to take a different approach to get the Resistance Intel we need." Kylo Ren spoke, his voice muddled, "Our methods have been too recognizable, too exact. You're exactly what we need."

Gideon raised a brow, a sort of familiarity about the whole situation, "So... you want to hire me for a job?"

"Hire you?" General Hux shook his head, "You won't be getting paid."

"I'm sorry, but I do not just do things out of the goodness of my heart. Not these kinds of things." the captain shook her head irritably, "If I do whatever it is you want me to do, then you need to give me something in return. That's how I do business."

There was a sudden change in the air, and Gideon felt a pressure enclose around her throat, cutting off her airway. She immediately looked to Kylo Ren, who had his hand up, his fingers curled ever so slightly, demonstrating his immense connection to the almighty Force. Gideon reached her hands up, letting out a strangled gasp, her eyes watering and widened.

"You want to make a deal?" He spat, "You find us the location and any other information you can get of the Resistance Headquarters, and maybe we'll let you live."

Gideon said nothing, continuing to claw at her throat, a pressure building behind her eyes.

"Do we have a deal?" Lord Ren asked, mocking the tone of voice the captain had used earlier. He closed his fist slightly, causing the captain to become more urgent in her gasping for air.

"Y-yes." She sputtered, nodding her head, "Deal."

Kylo Ren suddenly released her. Gideon sucked in a few desperate breaths for air, her eyes glaring daggers at the two First Order leaders in front of her. Her cuffed hands rubbed at her sore throat for a moment before they returned, resting in front of her.

"I'm glad we were able to negotiate." The masked man chided.

"So," The captain cleared her throat, which was hoarse and quieter, "When do I start?"

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