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"So, what's the plan? How are we getting in?"

Finn and Gideon were seated behind Han and Chewie in the cockpit of the Millennium Falcon. The captain was leaning forward, barely in her seat, gripping onto the back of her father's chair with an almost giddy expression. She loved flying in the Falcon.

"Well," Han was casually flicking a few switches, keeping an eye on the navicomputer as he sent a look to his first mate, "Their shields have a fractional refresh rate. 'Keeps anything traveling slower than light speed from getting through."

Gideon beamed, "We're making our landing approach at lightspeed?"

"What?!" Finn was a little less enthusiastic at the idea than the young woman was, who sat back in her chair with a sly grin.

"Stop being over dramatic." Chewie sassed, sending a look to Finn over his shoulder.

"Ready Chewie?" Han asked, "And... Now!"

They pulled the ship out of lightspeed, which revealed that they were headed straight for a ravine. Gideon gripped Han's seat with white knuckles, watching the plethora of near misses they had with the icy sides of a mountain.

"Pull up! Pull up!"

"I am pulling up."

Gideon sent a look to Finn, her brows raised in alarm, adrenaline pulsing through her veins. She was trying her best to hang on, but was also glancing over her fathers shoulder as he worked the controls. Her eyes scanned the navicomputer for any approaching hostiles, her focus split from the sharply jolting ship.

They ran right through a forest next, icy branches and trees being snapped clean from the force of the Falcon bustling through. They needed to slow the ship down, and soon.

"We need to-"

"If we get any higher, they'll see us!"

"Focus on slowing down." Gideon pointed to the edge of the cliff as they broke through the woods, "Throw up the reverse thrusters."

"No." Han pulled up on the controls, "The landing gear isn't up, we'll be toast."

As the ship neared the edge of the cliff, it slowly skidded to a halt in the snow, throwing around the group of four in their seats. Gideon nearly fell out into the aisle between seats, but managed to reorient herself in the spinning.

Everyone was silent for a moment after the ship skidded to a halt. The Falcon didn't appear to take any damage, but they were inches away from falling off a cliff. The creaking and shifting in the ship made everyone nervous.

After a moment, Han turned around, sending a stern look to Gideon.

"Don't tell your mother."

When Gideon pictured a planet-sized weapon with the ability to explode entire solar systems, she didn't expect the place to be absolutely freezing.

Well, actually, she had a feeling, but she honestly thought the place would be more glooming and brooding than frigid. As she trudged through ankle deep snow, jogging to keep up with Han, Finn, and Chewbacca... she felt frozen to the bone, pulling one of her father's old jackets tighter around her shivering frame.

"Is there a faster... warmer way to do this?" Gideon asked, her cheeks flushed from the cold. They were peaking over the edge of a cliff, the Starkiller Base headquarters just a few klicks away.

"The flooding tunnel is just over that ridge." Finn explained, "We'll get in that way."

The captain nodded, rubbing her hands together to try and get some feeling back into them. She'd be useless in a gunfight if her fingers wouldn't work the way she needed them to.

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