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"I thought I told you to come back in one piece?"

Poe stood at the foot of Gideon's bed, his arms folded casually across his chest as he studied the woman for a moment. Her dark eyes, though a bit hazy from the pain medicine, sparkled with mischief and amusement.

The captain let out a dry laugh, a small smile spreading on her lips, "Very funny, Dameron. Did you come up with that?"

"Too soon?" He asked, wincing from the slight embarrassment caused by his attempt at a joke.

Gideon shook her head, her eyes briefly falling on the droid working on her arm. They were repairing the damaged tissue, laying down the ground work for her prosthetic.

"Maybe." She looked up at him, "But you can't tell a joke to save your life anyways."

The pilot threw a hand up to his chest, "Wow, your just throwing punches today, aren't you?"

Shifting her legs to one side of the hospital bed, Gideon motioned for Poe to sit. They hadn't seen each other since their talk in the hangar just before the mission on Starkiller Base. She was glad to see that he was okay, and vice versa.

"How's Finn?" She asked, knowing that the pilot had been to visit the comatose patient just across the med wing.

"He's in a bacta suit. They're waiting for his wounds to heal before they move onto anything else." Poe explained, resting a hand on Gideon's calf, "They're hopeful, but it'll take some time."

She bit her lip, nodding slowly, "At least they're hopeful, right?"


A heavy silence fell between them. Gideon shifted uncomfortably, earning an annoyed huff from the droid. Her eyes met Poe's for a moment, thinking about what she was going to say.

He beat her to it, "I'm glad you're okay, Dalia. Really."

Her lips twitched upwards, "We always find a way to come back to each other... don't we?"

"Looks like your stuck with me."

"Please." Gideon playfully rolled her eyes, "If I wanted to get rid of you, I would, flyboy."

"Really." Poe took on a smirk dripping with mischief, "You think I'm that easy to get rid of?"

"No, it'd be terribly hard." Gideon laughed, "But who else would put up with me?"

Poe reached over and took her hand, giving it a tight, reassuring squeeze. As much as the woman in front of him seemed to be her usual quick-witted self, sadness was etched into her dark eyes, holding up a grief she couldn't seem to shake, even for a moment.

"Hey." He was serious this time, "You're okay?"

Gideon's mouth tightened into a grim line, shrugging her right shoulder with a sigh.

"No." She said honestly, "But hopefully I will be."

There was a soft knock against the wall, drawing both Gideon and Poe's attention. Rey was standing shyly, a bag slung over her shoulder and a jacket tucked under her arm.

"Sorry." The scavenger whispered, "I can come back if I'm interrupting-"

"No, stay." Gideon shook her head, "Someone needs to help me put Dameron's ego in check."


"The opportunity presented itself, don't be a baby, loser."

"Actually." Rey held back a laugh at their banter, "The General asked to see you, Poe."

He immediately shot a look to Gideon, not wanting to leave her side if she didn't want him to. However, the captain just nodded, quirking a brow when the pilot did not get up right away.

"Go." Gideon smirked, "Don't keep my mother waiting. I'll be here when you get back."

Poe was cautious, "You sure?"

Instead of a witty retort, Gideon just nodded quietly.

He got up, sending a quick nod to Rey before picking up his pace. Gideon watched him leave until he disappeared around the corner, away from the med wing.

She turned her gaze towards Rey, "Leaving?"

Rey sat down at the edge of Gideon's bed, where Poe had been moments before. She nodded.

"Chewie's loading up the ship. We leave within the hour." She explained.

She looked different from the moment Gideon first met her. Instead of worn rags, Rey was wearing clean, crisp clothes and a new jacket. Her hair was damp, half of it pulled back. She looked grown up, confident.

"Come with me." Rey said, the question released from her mouth suddenly and unexpectedly, "We can find your uncle together."

"Rey." Gideon shook her head, "I can't."

The girl quirked a brow, "Why not? You have it too, I can feel it."

Rey was talking about the Force. Gideon had a gift, she wouldn't deny it, but that path wasn't meant for her, both of them knew it.

"It's not meant for me." Gideon admitted, "It wouldn't be right."

Rey didn't understand, remaining in silence as she waited for the woman to continue.

"Rey... this is something you have to do on your own." The captain explained, "You can find Luke, learn from him, and bring him home. This was map created for you to follow."

"It wouldn't feel right to go without you." Rey said, "After everything..."

"I've been running away from this place the last seven years. Maz was right... it's time that I come home." Gideon smiled, giving Rey's arm a squeeze, "This is where I belong."

The scavenger nodded, understanding what the captain meant. If she agreed with it or not, she didn't let it show. Instead, she pulled out the jacket from underneath her arm, laying it on Gideon's lap.

Han's jacket.

"I had your mother help me repair it a bit... thank you." Rey got up, adjusting her backpack on her shoulder, "Really, thank you for everything."

Gideon pulled the jacket to her chest, warmth spreading through her at its smooth leather feel. She looked up at Rey, speechless, her lips parted in surprise.

"Rey... you didn't have to..." Gideon shook her head in disbelief, "I know how much he meant to you-"

"Gideon." Rey interrupted, "You meant everything to him. He'd want you to have it."

She took a few step back, signaling that it was time for her to go. The two young woman exchanged a small conversation with their eyes, both promising to stay safe and keep the other updated. As Rey turned, ready to begin her journey to find Luke Skywalker, Gideon stopped her one last time.

"Rey?" She called, a dutiful smile spread onto her lips. Rey turned, a brow raised in question, though something inside her told her what the captain was going to say.

"Call me Dalia."

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