Find Rey

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"I've had this for ages." Maz opened a small box she kept in the basement of her cantina, presenting Han, Gideon, Finn, and Chewbacca with Luke Skywalker's lightsaber, "It belonged to Luke Skywalker, and his father before him."

Gideon's eyes were widened as she weapon was held out in front of them, never actually witnessing a real Jedi's lightsaber before. Her mind immediately went to the stories her mother told her, about she and Luke training, about their missions with the Rebellion to stop Darth Vader. A lifetime's worth of legends and stories revolved around the very lightsaber that was waved in front of them.

"Where'd you get it?" Han asked, brows quirked at the small, ancient woman.

"That's a story for another time." Maz handed the lightsaber to Finn, who took it gently with both hands, "Take this, and find your friend. Give it to her."

Her eyes went to Gideon, who was tense and speechless at the present course of events. Max grabbed Gideon's hand gently, giving it a squeeze.

"I know you feel the Force, just like I do, my child." Maz patted the back of the captain's trembling hand, "Let it guide you home."

Suddenly, the whole stone castle shook, explosions and blaster fire echoing from outside the cantina. Gideon looked up through a crack in the stonework, TIE fighters surging across the sky as it reigned fire down on the haven Maz had built for a thousand years.

"Those beasts." Maz shook her head in distaste, "They're here."

Explosions rocked the entire compound as it crumbled around them. The hallway they originally came through was gone, but a hole was blasted through the rubble that was big enough for them to pass through.

They needed to move, now.

"Finn." Gideon called over her shoulder as they crawled out from the lower levels of the castle, "You need to find Rey and BB-8."

She grabbed his shoulders, looking at her with a sense of urgency. Right now, as the First Order was quickly closing in on them, her only goal was to keep the droid safe. Poe died so that the droid could carry out his mission. She was going to make sure that mission was finished.

"What about you?" He asked, awkwardly holding the lightsaber as he looked around, bouncing on the balls of his feet as he prepared to take off, "Come with me."

"No." The captain shook her head, "I'll cover you, best I can. What matters is that the droid is safe, okay? Promise me."

That same saddened look from Jakku flashed in Gideon's eyes as Finn nodded in agreement, pulling away so he could run towards the woods and find their missing friend. He understood how much they needed to complete this mission, that no matter if they were a part of the Resistance or not, this was their duty.

"Okay." He gave her arm a quick squeeze before taking off, lighting the blue saber to defend himself against attacking Stormtroopers.

Ducking behind a fallen stone statue to join her father and uncle, Gideon urgently looked to them with an outstretched hand.

"Now do I get a blaster?" She asked, her fingers twisting as she kept track of Finn's position in her peripheral vision, "Please?"

Han seemed to think about it for a moment, but before he could say anything Chewbacca ripped the extra blaster from his friend's holster and tossed it to the captain. Gideon caught it with a smile, switching off the safety so she could cover her friend.

"Hey!" Han protested, his eyes falling on his daughter as she sent a single shot towards a Stormtrooper approaching their position of cover. She ducked back down, her face tightened in concentration.

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