Unlikeliest of Teams

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"How'd you even get the ship over here?" Gideon stumbled into the ship, holding the side of her abdomen, "I swear if you scratched her-"

"I know how to fly a freighter." Kylo shut the door behind him, heading straight for the pilot's chair, "I'm not an idiot."

"Are the shields up?" Gideon asked, "I just-"

"Already up." He raised the ship into the air, flying it swiftly out of the cramped alleyway. Gideon was surprised at how agile and expertly he piloted the ship, watching him with a sense of amazement, "Can you work the gunners?"

Gideon nodded, "Yeah. I can do that."

She limped over to the back, where the gunners lowered to the bottom center of the ship. Climbing into the seat, she immediately saw the small fighter ships and old T-20's chasing after them.

Working the controls, she spun the gunners around, aiming at the rogue star fighters chasing after them. Gideon shot a couple rounds of blaster fire, clipping one of the ship's wings. It spiraled downwards, taking one of the ship's down with them.

"I have two down!" The captain called, "How are we doing up there?"

"Fine." Kylo called back as the ship shuddered, taking a few hits from the left side, "Just do your job, okay?"

"Yeah, alright." The woman sighed, her eyes narrowed and focused as she spun the gunners around, trying to get a good shot at the star fighters attacking them. The Stargazer took a few more hits, but remained steady as Kylo Ren maneuvered around the New Republic's traffic.

Steadily she closed her aim in on a ship to her left, sending a round of fire at them until she saw the satisfying burst of explosion. She smiled, spinning herself around to aim at another target.

"I can't get a good eye on the one to our left." Gideon called, "Can you-"

Kylo spun the ship around, tilting it upside down so Gideon had a better angle of their main attacker. They were a bigger ship, with lots more firepower. The ship shuddered again as it was hit, losing a bit of stability.

"Main shields have been hit." Kylo called, "We need to get out of here."

Gideon fired a few times at the ship, but lost her aim when Kylo re-oriented the Stargazer. The woman swore under her breath, trying to keep her head from smacking into the wall.

"Well I can't get rid of them with you pulling shit like that!" Gideon called, "Where'd you learn that, Smolder Academy?"

"Shut up." She heard the annoyance in his voice, which caused a sharp laugh to escape from Gideon's lips.

"The stabilizer's taking critical hits." He interrupted the captain's temporary burst of laughter, "We don't have all day, Oswald."

"I know, give me a sec." she spun around, aiming at the hull of their pursuer, right where she believed the fuel cells to be, "Turn us forty-five degrees to the right."

"What?" Kylo scoffed, "The ship can't handle that kind of-"

"With all due respect, Mr. Know It All, this is my ship." Gideon called back, "I know what she can handle. Just do it."

There was a moment of hesitation, and then the ship reluctantly rolled forty-five degrees onto the right side. Gideon smirked, getting perfect aim at the most vulnerable part of their last attacker. She fired one lucky shot, watching tensely as it soared through the air.

The ship exploded once it hits its mark. They were home free.

Gideon sorely climbed out of the gunners, holding onto the wall to keep her balance as the ship continued to shutter and shake from the damage it took. When she got to the front cockpit to join Kylo, she let out a sigh.

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