Coarse, Rough, and Irritating

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They had been silent for about two hours now.

Two whole hours.

Gideon didn't know how long she could take another moment of silence. Sure, she was always the only one on the ship, but there was always some type of noise filling the empty silence of the ship. While traveling through hyperspace she'd either play music, work on whatever project she had started at her work bench, or even prepared and ate a meal at the table.

She was afraid to do all those things, because Kylo Ren did not seem like the type of person to enjoy the more alternative side of music that Gideon often played. She was also nervous to move from her spot at the pilot's chair, because she didn't know what he'd do if she happened to get up and try to do something else.

As another moment slowly ticked by, Gideon opened her mouth to speak, but found herself interrupted by her navicomputer notifying her of their short distance from Jakku.

"We're just about there." She called over her shoulder.

There was no reply. Gideon got up, stretching her legs. She needed to gather her trading goods for Unkar.

The woman could feel Kylo Ren's eyes on her as she packed the goods into a leather satchel. She felt awkward, like she'd get in trouble for leaving her seat, but continued to pack her bag in silence.

"What did you bring to trade?" He asked her, causing the woman to let out a sigh of relief from the broken silence, "Is it enough?"

She stood up again, closing the satchel securely, not wanting sand to get into her newly polished gadgets and goods she'd be trading with Unkar.

"Unkar has been after these parts for months." She explained, "The parts that the scavengers give him... they aren't as high-grade and new as these."

Gideon shed her jacket, hanging it on the back of her chair. From a hook to the left of the console she grabbed a shawl and some goggles.

"I'm guessing you're going to want to come with me?" She asked the First Order leader as she wrapped the shawl around herself. If covered her head, the lower half of her face, and her shoulders. The goggles she kept around her neck.

"Yes." Kylo said.

Gideon headed back to the cockpit just as the ship exited hyperspace. She sat down, piloting the ship carefully into the planet's atmosphere.

"You're going to have to take that mask off." She called, "And lose the uniform."

"No." He said, "That is not happening."

The woman sighed, running a hand down her face, "I'm sorry, but you can't just storm into Niima Outpost dressed as Kylo Ren with the First Order. Jakku is not a planet that likes politics, or the war."

After a moment of him simply ignoring her, Gideon nodded to her trunk, "There's a cloak in there, probably big enough for you. If you put it on, you can use it to cover your face, since you love to do that so much."

Gideon landed the ship between two sand dunes, which would keep the Stargazer hidden from scavengers during their trip to Niima Outpost. When she powered off the engine, she sat back, watching the dunes for a moment. Her hand aimlessly went towards the chord around neck, which was tucked carefully into her shirt. Attached to the chord was a small pendent her mother had given her when she was sixteen. It was a crystal of some sort, the girl didn't really know what kind.

"Are we going?" Kylo asked with an air of impatience. Gideon snapped out of her trance, picking up her leather satchel with a long sigh.

"Yeah, sorry." The woman pulled her goggles up around her eyes, "I just really hate sand."

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