Truth Hurts

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"Leave us." Kylo ordered Captain Phasma, his entire body radiating a rage that made Gideon tremble. She took a few steps back, her eyes nervously darting to her ship just a few paces behind them.

As the Captain left, the masked man turned to Gideon slowly. Before he even lifted his hand was she thrown back, her back hitting the side of her ship with a metallic thud.

She was pressed against the ship by the Force, her neck encased in a strong pressure that allowed no air to pass in or out of her lungs. There was a pain that radiated throughout her body as he slowly approached her, his cracking red lightsaber making his mask look even more sinister.

"You lied to me." He growled, curling his knuckles as Gideon squirmed, gasping and choking for air. Her face was was flushed and red, her eyes practically bulging, "You tricked me. You tricked the First Order."

Tears leaked from the corner of Gideon's eyes. She gasped, trying to push out a few words as black dots slowly started to take over her vision.

"B-Ben." She choked out, "Please!"

Kylo Ren was caught off guard, letting Gideon drop to the ground as he lost his hold on her. The woman leaned back against the Stargazer, clutching her neck as she took desperate gulps of air that came in labored wheezes rattling her whole body. She was crying, her eyes softening as she looked up at him.

"What did you just call me?" He asked bitterly, trying to mask his surprise and confusion.

"Ben." Gideon repeated, her voice fuller now that she wasn't being strangled, "Let me... please let me-"

"Where did you learn that name?" In one swift movement his lightsaber was hovering an inch from the captain's chest. Gideon could feel its heat and power radiating off the crackling weapon. One move, from either of them, and she'd be dead.

"Look at me." She pleaded him, "Just look at me, please, I can't keep pretending anymore."

The air was tense and full of questions. Kylo Ren stared at the woman in front of him, not moving the position of his lightsaber, his heart pounding and mind racing with possibilities.

How did she know that name? How was she able to resist the Force? Why did he feel so compelled to be kind to her when the the past several years of his life he's felt nothing but anger, fear, and hate?

Raising one hand, he removed his mask, tossing it into the grass at his feet. His dark eyes met Gideon's, causing the girl to shed more tears. All of those emotions she's been hiding from him since the moment they started this mission seemed to be pouring out of her. As much as she felt them, he seemed to feel them too.

A longing, pleading sort of love. A ghost of a relationship they used to share practically twenty years ago. He knew those eyes, he remembered a laugh similar to hers in what felt like a different, dying lifetime. He was suddenly seized by an urge of protectiveness over the young woman in front of him, trying to take over his bitter feelings of betrayal.

"Dalia." He whispered, the coldness leaving his eyes. He unlit his lightsaber, dropping it on the ground between their feet.

Kylo Ren didn't know whether to run, or scream, or cry, or even pick up his lightsaber again and shove it through her chest. She looked so different, so grown up, so weathered and worn by all that she's seen. She wasn't the small, innocent little sister he had when he left all those years ago. She was practically a stranger, but in that moment years of their close relationship came rushing back to him.

"I'm sorry." Gideon whispered, bringing him back to reality, "Let me-"

"Dalia." He said again, causing her red eyes to snap up, her lips to stop quivering as she whispered out meaningless pleas and explanations in a moment of sheer fear and sadness.

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