THE NOTE/Bond Dormitory-Vauxhall, London/2045 hours-September 1

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I headed back to my dormitory to pack my things. I most likely wouldn't be able to sleep here again until next year, that is, if I lasted until next year. I had no clue why they wanted me. I felt completely useless because I couldn't figure out what they(not knowing who they are)were up to.

I also didn't have a gun anymore. My attacker took mine and his was taken in as evidence. The principal assured me that I wouldn't be needing it anymore. I didn't know what to think. I don't know how safe I was going to be in that room. But it doesn't matter what I think. I wasn't going to get a firearm anyway.

It didn't bother me that much that I was leaving. There was one thing I did know. That it was safer than staying in here. When I was packing my clothes, I saw a black sticky note. I was about to pick it up but I realized I didn't have enough time. I had to meet the principal at her office in about ten minutes. I quickly packed and stuck the sticky note inside of my suitcase.

I headed back down to the principal's office. We took an elevator up to the top floor and to a section marked restricted. To get in there was eye, face, and hand recognition. I assumed that she was the only one allowed back here, but I couldn't be sure. The less people to get in, the better.

When I got inside, I was more amazed than I had ever been in my life.

We walked around for a long time, because this place is huge. It had 2 bedrooms, 3 bathrooms, a kitchen(for long term), a living room, a dining room, and a very large TV. The living room was almost as big as my house alone. It was more like a house than a dorm room. Obviously, people have stayed here a long time.

Hopefully, that wasn't my case.

"I hope you like it," the principal said. "This is only temporary, so don't get comfortable." I think that's impossible. This was far better than my dorm room. Hopefully I wouldn't be needing it.

"I'll keep checking in on you," the principal stated. "Until then, have fun in your classes. Oh, and I almost forgot, the recognition system is also compatible with you. You don't have to do them in a particular order. Cheerio."

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