19 - last breath of his heart

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"They say the past is what makes the present..but what if the past is the present?"


Yoongi, a 16 year old skinny boy, glared at the obnoxious man in front of him. The young rapper still didn't understand why this lowlife and pathetic excuse of a rapper, named Kaedo, wasn't in jail.

Yoongi advanced towards him. It was a small argument that was gradually becoming more intense. And Yoongi was thankful that his anxiety was at bay because he really had had enough dealing with Kaedo's shit.

"You call me lazy when all you have done for this group is get high and drunk and lay around like a fucking piece of trash," Yoongi spat angrily.

"Kid better watch that mouth of yours, wouldn't wanna fuck it up or do we now?", Kaedo said as he moved towards the smaller boy.

"Yoongi, fuck him. Let's go home." One of his friends said.

"No, I'm not dealing with his shit anymore Leewo," Yoongi replied. "I am not-".

"Yoongs, Please." A different voice said and Yoongi turned around to find his girlfriend standing behind him.

"Well well well, if it isn't my dear sister," Kaedo said grinning.

"Step. step-sister." Naoji said, looking at him sternly. But her eyes softened as she turned to look at yoongi. "Can we go..pls?".

Yoongi sighed but complied nonetheless as he shot Kaedo a glare after saying this wasn't over.

And indeed it wasn't.


Naoji had met Yoongi in school a year and a half back. She had helped Yoongi with his social anxiety and became his friend. She had intervened in Yoongi's first attempt and saved his life. And soon enough they had fallen in love with each other.

It was close to sundown as Yoongi and Naoji walked hand in hand. Yoongi was walking his love back to her foster home after they had a date at the park in the afternoon.

The foster home was in the rich part of the town but the path used crossed a shady area and the night was descending and so the couple increased their pace to get out as soon as possible.

Suddenly the duo came to a stop as they saw a group of 4 boys, swaying from left to right and shouting, approaching them. As the boys got closer, they realised it was Kaedo and his no for good friends.

"Let's go another way," Naoji said as she tightened her grip on Yoongi's hand.

"Are you scared of him? Did he do something to you when you went home yesterday? Tell me I swear to god-",

"No minnie he didn't do anything. You know he keeps low at home with mom and dad around." Naoji replied. "But just from looking at how he's walking, he's drunk and I don't want you to get into a meaningless fight with him okay?".

"One day I'll beat him up and You won't be able to stop me," Yoongi said as he let out a deep sigh.

"In your dreams," Naoji said with a small laugh.

And they were about to cross the road to get to the other side when a hand on Yoongi's shoulder stopped them.

"Leaving without saying hi huh?", Kaedo's voice came.

Yoongi's jaw tightened as he shrugged his hand off his shoulder and ignored him. 

"Look at him. Running away like a little rat," Kaedo said as he laughed obnoxiously.

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