Seven~ Darn Tootin'

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We end up in Milwaukee for a series here at Miller Park which was a great place to hit at, so I was hoping I can finally get my first home run under my belt. Being a rookie it's not a big deal if you're not sending balls into outer space every single day, but that was kind of my thing. My swing is designed to mail balls to the next city over, so when they don't go out it's hard to stay optimistic. But I had a good feeling about today.

"When do you come back to Chicago" Jenny asks over the phone. I walk into the clubhouse and toss my things into my locker.

"Pretty soon. We're here for few games in Milwaukee then I'll be back and we can go for a walk and talk for a while" I promise.

"I would really like that" she admits with her country twang coming through.

"Man I wish I had your accent" I admit as she starts to giggle.

"Now why do you want my accent" she wonders.

"I don't know. I just love how it sounds and when you call me Sweetie or Darlin'. It makes my heart happy" I admit.

"Well I hope I don't lose it from staying in the Midwest too long" she claims.

"Me too. And I hope Mary has it too. It'll be so cute" I say.

"Well if she hangs around me enough I'm sure she will be picking it up" she insists.

We talk for a little while longer before I let her go. She had to go back to work and I did too. I close up my phone before setting it with my things and getting ready for the game.

"Was that your girl" my best teammate Anthony asks me. I smile as I think about her before letting out a happy sigh.

"It was" I admit.

"I could tell by your smile. You smile so big when you talk to her" he accuses.

"What can I say? She has that effect on me" I admit.

"When are we going to meet your honey" he asks and I laugh.

"I don't know. Her situation is different. It took me over two weeks just to get her to go out with me. I don't want her to feel overwhelmed by all of this. Plus I don't think she's much of a baseball girl" I admit.

"Do you really like her" he questions.

"More than I've ever liked anyone before" I assure him.

"And do you see her sticking around" he asks.

"For as long as our forever may be" I promise.

"Then she's going to have to come around us sooner or later. The family events and fundraisers and significant other outings, she's now a part of it. And I know you want to keep her safe but if she's going to be a part of your life then she has to be in this part of your life too" he concludes.

"What if she looks at all of this and decides that I'm not worth the trouble" I whimper.

"Better to know now before you're too far gone" he insists.

"Too late for that" I mumble.

"Don't just throw her to the wolves. Don't bring her to a game and then all the sudden you can't be there and she's stuck in a new place with new people and nothing to base her ideas off of. Have her meet a few guys then their girls and go from there. I know this lifestyle can be a bit much. But you really like this girl, I can see it. And if you want her to stay you have to let her into all of this so she can understand why you're gone so long that she misses you so much it hurts. She can understand why it's her you're wanting to see once you get back.

But that will only happen if you let her in" he insists.

My eyes fall to the ground as I sit there and think. He had a point, I can't keep her from this forever. If she's breaking down her walls to let me in I need to reciprocate that.

The game comes and goes and I finally get my home run. The first of many I really hope. I was feeling good now that the monkey was off my back and I was hoping that I can I can get another one off once I get back to my hotel.

So I decide to face time Jenna and she answers fairly quickly. She was in her PJ's and had her hair all up in a messy bun. A few pieces framed her face as she smiled at me.

"How is my beautiful girl" I ask and she laughs at me. I see Mary pop up in the screen and sits herself in Jenna's lap.

"I'm okay" Mary claims making me crack up. She wasn't wrong I guess.

"Well that's good. What did you do today kiddo" I wonder.

"Auntie Jenny and I went to the beach! I got to touch a shark" she claims and my eyes go big.

"You saw a shark in Lake Michigan" I gasp.

Jen covers Mary's ears as she leans closer to the phone. "It was a piece of algae" she whispers making me chuckle.

"Hey! I heard that" Mary pouts.

"Hey kiddo, can I talk to your aunt real quick" I ask her.

"I want to stay" she pouts. Her little arms cross across her chest as I laugh.

"It's a adult conversation" I insist.

"I'm a big kid" she argues.

"It's about vegetables" I whisper making her face shrivel up.

"I'm out" she announces as she hops off the couch. I hear her little feet paddle down the hallway and a door close.

"She's gone" Jenna assures me.

"I mean she could have been here for this, but I wanted to hear what you thought about this" I insist.

"About what" she wonders.

"You guys meeting the guys on the team and their families. Getting into the baseball scene here" I explain.

"You want to introduce us to your friends" she questions.

"Yeah, I would like to. A lot of guys are really interested in meeting you and there is quite a few kids running around that Mary would have fun with" I explain.

"I think that would be a lot of fun, I'm down" she promises.

"You don't have to if you don't want to. I'm fine keeping you all to myself" I admit.

"As much as I would love that, that's a fantasy and we're kicking it in the real world. And your world is different than my world, but if we're going to be together then there should only be one world. Ours" she claims.

"You're right" I admit and she smiles real big.

"Darn tootin' I'm right" she teases.

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