Twenty Four~ Opposites Attract

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August holds a lot of fun things in store for me and my little clan. Baseball was about to start wrapping up and the heat was at its highest point. Chicago was beautiful in the summer and I was happy to be able to experience it in such a special way. There isn't a place I would rather be than in this city with the people I love the most.

Today just so happened to be Jennas birthday. She was turning 23 and I had a few things in store for her to celebrate it. But we start off at the farm with Snowflake so she can celebrate with everyone she loves most which sadly includes a horse as a big part.

"How has my pumpkin' been" Jenna coos as she walks over to her big baby. Snowflake trots over to her momma and nearly knocks her over she was so excited to see her. The big white horse takes her head and pulls Jenna in for a big hug. Those two were something else entirely. I've never seen someone love a animal like she did that horse, but I'm happy she's got a little bit of Texas with her here.

"I guess now would be a good time to give you part one of your birthday present" I admit as I walk over to her.

"Part one? I told you no gifts let alone multiple ones" she whines.

"I'm thinking you're going to like this one" I insist.

I go back to the stable and find a all black stallion named Midnight. I've had him for about a week now as I made sure he would be able to live with Snowflake and she wouldn't try to kill him. And after a few days she warmed up to him so he can stay.

So I bring him out to where Snowflake and Jenna was. Jen gasps loudly as the stallion goes over to her. I stop next to Jen as Snowflake and Midnight hang out together.

"Oh my goodness, he is beautiful" she gasps.

"This stud is Midnight. He's two years old like Snowflake and I got him from a horse rescue in Wisconsin. He has a clean bill of health and is pretty well trained. I made sure he could handle Snowflake before assuring that we can keep him here with her. But the two get along real well and he's all yours" I promise her.

"Goodness gracious he is a beautiful young boy. Look at him. Almost the complete opposite of Snowflake yet they look so good together" she admits.

"Kinda like you and me" I compare as she smiles up at me.

"Just like us" she agrees.

We hang out with the horses all morning before it was time to head back into the city. Mary had spent the night at a friends house meaning Jenna spent the night with me so when she woke up I could tell her happy birthday before showering her with love. We spent the morning at the stables before we come back and shower because we smelled like wet hay and that is not a good smell. We had a dinner planned after the game at Connies to celebrate her birthday with her friends there. Joe and Maggie were even coming out which made me happy because they don't like to leave their house after 3 pm. With Jenna starting her new job she won't be able to work at Connies anymore, but she still wanted to help out as much as she can. She's got that heart that won't let her forget anyone who did her some good. I can't blame her, Connie was a great mother to her and her daughter and Mary were best friends. Jenna will never get rid of Connie but she's not going to be at the cafe forever, so she might as well appreciate it now.

As she gets out the shower I prepare her next birthday gift for her. Once she comes out the bathroom with a towel around her and her hair stuck to her like butter on toast I smile big. She goes to grab her outfit she has set out but I changed it to the next part of the present.

"Kris, what's this" she asks softly.

"Honestly it was my moms idea" I admit as I walk over to her. "She was telling me that when you guys were hanging out during the all star game you were telling her about this outfit you wanted as a kid. You always wanted a dress like Ariel because your hair was like hers. It was your favorite movie and you just wanted a Prince Charming and to dress and be like Ariel. And while your singing voice is no where near hers, you are the most beautiful sight I've ever seen and you deserve your happily ever after. So she suggested that for your birthday I got you this. It's Ariels dress but turned into a romper because you can do more in it and you don't like dresses. You don't have to wear it, but I know Mary will lose it if she sees you in it" I admit.

"Darlin' that is so thoughtful. I can't believe you did this" she says barley above a whisper. She holds up the outfit and has the biggest smile on her face that melted my heart.

"There isn't anything I wouldn't do for you. I hope you know that" I insist.

"Come here, give momma some sugar" she demands as she sets the romper down and grabs my face. She pulls me into a long kiss and I happily kiss her back.

"Careful" I warn. "You're only in a towel and we don't have anywhere to be for a few hours."

"Yeah" she smirks knowing exactly what she was doing right now.

"Miss Jenna" I plead.

"It's my birthday, and the only thing I asked for was you" she reminds me.

I smile as she falls back into the bed and I follow her down. I catch myself with my hands as they rest next to her head. "I still have one more part to your gift" I insist.

"It can wait" she promises. 

Come game time I was locked and loaded ready to help my team win. We've been very good as of late and it looked like August was our month. With everything happening so fast I hadn't even noticed just how good we are, but we were very good. And that helped me as I tried to make my case for rookie of the year. Now I'm not my friend Bryce but I was having a pretty good year and I was hoping that it will only get better from here.

After the game I quickly shower and change before meeting everyone at Connies. Once everyone was there and Mary was under control I pull Jenna to the side. I hang her a little pink bag and she gives me that "really" look. But I assure her it's the last thing I had planned and I was going to stop giving her stuff. Today.

She opens up the bag and finds a bunch of stuff for her office. I got her a name plaque and a Kris Bryant bobble head because I thought it was funny if she had that on her desk. Her favorite color is red so I got her some decorations to hang up and quotes with a few pictures.

She pulls out the one of us with Mary on the beach making our sand castle. It said "building our own happily ever after" On it making her smile grow. She starts to sniffle as she looks up at me with tears in her eyes.

"Oh baby, I don't want you to cry" I insist as I pull her into a hug. She wraps her arms around me as I hold her tight.

"I just love you so much" she cries and I laugh.

"I love you too Cowgirl."

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