Sixty Four~ Anti-Social Media

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With my time in Mesa I get to hang out with the families of the guys on the team. While the boys are working and starting up their season the rest of the families get together to go over the plans for the season. With weddings and babies on the way there a lot to go over. Plus we try to hang out as much as possible since the guys are gone a lot. There was some new people around and I was excited to meet them which is weird. I was known for being kind of unapproachable since I was so not used to being around people my age. But I'm branching out and a lot of it has to do with this group of girls we had here.

"I can't believe Naya has grown so much" I say as Aliya shows me picture of her baby on her phone. She was with her baby sitter while the adults got to play.

We were lucky because Dexter was originally reported to have signed to be on another team and it made me so sad. Their family was so cute and so much fun, not having him and Aliya around was going to be hard. But the report we all saw was wrong and Dexter showed up here and camp and signed a one year deal to come back home. He was back to win a championship and he brought his beautiful family with him.

"You could have seen all of these pictures by now if you had social media" she reminds me.

"Wait, you don't have social media" Jon's wife Farrah asks and I shake my head.

"I do not" I explain.

"Seriously? So how do you find out information and things like that" Farrah questions.

"I like not knowing. If it's really important I can look it up online but if not it's nothing to bother myself with. I watch the news so I know what's happening in this world without having to get every single persons opinion about it. I don't know any of the Kardashians and all the other shit people make up then call it entertainment. It's a lot more peaceful this way" I defend.

"Why don't you want social media still? It's easier to keep up with all of us on off days and Kris when he's away" Aliya explains.

"All my life people called me worthless to my face, can you imagine what they will say to me behind a screen? Even if my account was private there is no privacy because there's screen shots and people who will find my account. I can still see what they post under Kris's photos and everyone else. I would love to keep up with everyone and see all the great things people say about Kris, but not at the extent of my mental health.

I would like to think I'm strong enough to ignore the bad people and follow only the good, but it's not that easy. Ignoring a problem doesn't make it go away, I know that better than anyone. And social media is nothing but problems I don't have the time or the heart to deal with. I might be strong but constantly being ripped on by other women because I am who I am and I love who I love isn't any way to live. Kris and I's relationship is between him and me. I don't need him to show me off and I don't need validation from some person who is not and will not be a part of my life" I explain.

"I've never thought about that" Farrah admits.

"It's all is a ever thought about honestly. Quite frankly we treat each other like shit and I want no part of it. I love seeing you guys face to face where I can look in your eyes and see your intentions. Nothing comes across bad because I already know what you guys mean. I just prefer the old fashion way I guess" I shrug.

"I hate to admit it but you made a lot of good points. There's been a few times I got into it with fans and it was probably avoidable" Aliya admits.

"I'm afraid I don't have much of a filter. I'm sure I can get both Kris and I in a bunch of trouble given the chance" I chuckle.

"Know that too well" Aliya mumbles.

"But who knows? Maybe I'll make a account just to follow you guys, see my favorite kiddos and comment under every picture of how great you all are" I shrug.

"I think that would be cool" Farrah smiles.

We spend the whole day together talking about anything and everything. There wasn't much that was off the table, we made some dinner plans and holiday events. There wasn't that much to do in the summer because weddings are in the off season and there is only one holiday during the season. But we more than make up for it with birthdays between the guys and the girls and the kiddos. I was really excited to get this season started and I wasn't even playing

After a long day full of laughs and fun Mary and I head back to the hotel. There I find Kris standing in the kitchen on the phone. "Yes, two steak dinners and a chicken finger meal" he says making Mary perk up.

"Chicken" she asks as I roll my eyes. We sat at a nice restaurant all day with good meals and she didn't blink a eye but as soon as fried chicken is on the table she is ready to eat. Typical.

"Yes chicken" Kris assures her. "Alright, sounds good" he says into the phone before hanging up. "Dinner should be up here in 30 minutes" he assures us.

He walks over to me and pulls me into a kiss. I feel him squeeze my side which was actually my favorite feeling in the world. "How was your day" he wonders and I smile.

"It was pretty good. I think the girls talked me into looking into social media" I admit and his eyes go big. He knows how I felt about the subject and I don't change my mind a lot. But Kris has changed a lot for me so I should be able to do this for him and to be a bigger part of the girls group here with the Cubs. 

"Seriously" he gasps as I nod my head.

"Yeah. I mean that's how Cameron found me so it's not all bad. Plus I want to follow all the girls and see their cute pictures" I admit as he laughs.

"Sounds like you" he teases.

"But I'm going to have private accounts. And no Facebook, that's way too political for me" I insist.

"Deal" he admits.

So he helps me get a Instagram and a twitter set up on my phone. He himself wasn't too into social media so it helped me feel not so bad for not knowing how to work this stuff. Eventually our food comes up and we enjoy our meal as a happy little family.

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