Twenty One~ All Star

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Near the end of the month comes the all star game in Columbus, Ohio. Now I'm from the south so I don't know a lot about the cities in the Midwest. I know Chicago, then there's the mall of America and I'm pretty sure Detroit is a big one too. I don't know anything about Ohio besides that's where all the fun roller coasters are. So coming here was going to be a learning experience to say the least.

The first order of business of the all star weekend was the home run derby. They let kids and family out on the field to watch batting practice and since Mary is so into the baseball scene right now I let her sit with Kris as long as she promised to listen to him. Mike was throwing to Kris for the derby which meant I was stuck with Sue by myself. But I didn't feel stuck at all because she was such a sweet soul. I loved her so much and I just wanted to learn how to be the best mom from her. I didn't have a good example of a loving caring mother growing up but the few weeks I've knows her has been nothing short of incredible.

"How is Kris treating you" she asks and I smile. I can tell she thought a lot of Kris and wanted to make sure he was living up to her expectations. And I was more than happy to tell her that she has nothing to worry about.

"He's been incredible. I prayed for long and hard to just know a man like him. To have some one in my life who would know the real me and accept me anyway. I didn't have to love him and he didn't have to love me back, I just wanted to have someone that put some of my faith back in the world.

Kris is the biggest blessing I've ever known. I can't put into words the love I have for him or why it's there. It just feels right" I admit.

"My boy had been pretty clueless in the love department his whole life. He never really connected with someone before you came long. He had girlfriends but we never met them, he never told us stories about them. Then you came around and I had to beg him to know what he has been up too because all he wanted to talk about was you and Mary" she claims making me giggle.

"He cares so much. And it's weird to say that because everyone cares about one thing or another. But he cares about people, their well being, things that most people don't think about. I guess that is what connected us, he was curious about me and I felt the same about him. He wanted to know about me and I wanted to know what about him wants to know about me. Turns out he was just raised right" I tease.

"We did what we could to raise our boys to be the best men they can be" she claims. "But I would have killed to have a daughter. Someone like you that would care about what I had to say without me having to hold a baseball bat" she giggles.

"Oh jeez, I wouldn't know what to do if I had a mom like you. Who would love me and tell me everything will be okay and actually belives it" I say.

"Are you not close with your mom" she wonders.

I sigh as my shoulders fall a little. "No... not at all. Growing up my dad was the one who hurt me but I hated my mom more. Not only did she let my dad do these awful things to me, she would look me in the eyes and tell me it was my fault. I was just a little kid, of course I believed her. She said it with so much spite, I thought what she said had to be true.

I wanted more than anything to go to her to help me and my sister, to trust in her because she was my momma and I should be able to go to her with these kinds of things. She's supposed to be my friend. But I can't think of her and not dislike everything she said and did" I admit.

"Oh sweetie, I'm sorry. From the way you act and the way Kris talks about you I didn't think that you would have been through so much" she claims.

"Life is funny that way ain't it? We can look so put together on the outside but feel so broken on the inside. But I prefer it that way, no one wants to look like a half done Mona Lisa" I tease.

"If you were my daughter I would have treated you with so much love. Because you're right, a relationship between a mother and a daughter should be special. She should be the cure to your pain, not be the cause of it" she agrees.

"Well it's all said and done. If I don't see my parents for the rest of my life it'll be too soon. I'm going to take what I have with Kris and run with it" I admit.

"Well if you ever need a girl to talk to call or text me. I'm not doing much with the boys gone" she claims.

"Oh I couldn't possibly bother you" I insist.

"It wouldn't be a bother at all. I quite like you and I love to listening to you talk" she says.

"I might just have to take you up on that offer then" I smile.

Eventually the time comes and Sue and I cheer extra loud for Kris. He loses out in the first round which sucks but he got to stay out there with his dad and Mary the whole derby, they even got to meet some very important people and she doesn't even know it, I don't think she cares. She's out there with her dad and her grandpa having the time of her life. Chasing balls and playing catch and meeting other little kids. This was something that I hope even though she's young she will remember forever.

After the derby we head over to the hotel. The red carpet and game was tomorrow so we should get some shut eye. Mary was staying with Kris and I and his parents had the connecting room next to us. But this time Mary gets her own bed and Kris and I get to share one. So Kris tucks her in like he does every night he's around and she falls fast asleep. Kris and I unwind before crawling into bed. He quickly pulls me into my chest and makes himself comfortable.

"Did my mom say anything embarrassing tonight" is all he asks making me giggle.

"Not at all. You gout a real loving momma you should be thankful for" I insist.

"I am but that doesn't mean she doesn't embarrass me" he teases.

"I had a wonderful time with your mom. It was the coolest thing to watch you out there with all the big time guys as a part of them. To see you and your dad bond over something that brought you guys together so long ago, and to have Mary be a part of it. My night was perfect" I promise him. 

"Good" he sighs.

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