Twenty Seven~ No Princess

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After starting my dream job I start to feel like I've been coming into my own. By helping others I feel more like myself every day. I know I was meant for more than working in that cafe, and I know there's a lot of weight that comes this line of work. I'll have a lot of wounds reopened, like the ones on my wrist. But that's just proof that I can over come and so can anyone else.

And while this dream job has been great, I missed my old life. I missed seeing Joe and Maggie and Connie every dingle morning. Katie was off doing bigger and better things and there's new people working at the cafe thanks to Kris' fame. But I do miss being the little country cafe job with Joe and Maggie bagging each other all morning.

Today I decide to go out to the stables and see the horses for a little while. I already have a client I'm working with but you can't unpack everything in one or even two sessions. It's a process but I'm blessed wit be helping people already. Kris was out in Cali playing ball on the coast so that means I was all alone. Well, alone with Mary, Snowflake and Midnight. We get saddled up and I hop on the back of Snowflake. Mary rides Midnight as we take off around the ranch. This land was really nice and it had some pretty cool places to go. Snowflake and I have ventured out here a few times but it had been a while so I decided it was time for a walk.

"Auntie Jenny" Mary asks and I turn to her.

"Yeah Suga'" I answer.

"Are you and Kris going to get married" she asks me and I laugh. You have to laugh.

"I don't know baby. What to do you think" I wonder.

"I think you are. You're going to be really happy and live a long long time. You'll be married in a big castle like a prince and princess" she claims making me smile.

"I'm far from a princess" I assure her.

"At one point so was sleeping beauty, and Cinderella and Snow White" she reminds me.

"But I want to be Ariel" I tease.

"You can't be Ariel, she's a mermaid" she argues. Yeah... that's what's wrong with this logic.

"The point is that I don't know what's going to happen. I don't really believe in happily ever afters, remember" I ask.

"Well I do. And I think Kris is your happily ever after. I mean... I am. But Kris is there too" she insists making me giggle.

"I am pretty lucky. I didn't think I could love two people more than life itself. And now I get daily reminders of how lucky I truly am to have you guys in my life" I admit.

"You are pretty lucky" she agrees.

"Alright miss modest, what do you say to lunch" I ask her.

"Can we go to Connies" she cheers and I smile.

"Of course little one" I promise.

So we finish our ride and give the horses lots of love before heading back to the city. I go into Connies Cafe and find her sitting with Joe and Maggie in the back where they always sit. So I bring Mary back with me and sit next to Maggie across from Connie.

"Look who finally came back to us" Joe teases and I scoff.

"I come here like five times a week. If you ask my doctor I come here too much" I scoff.

"I'm sorry but a face like yours is missed about here" Connie teases.

"I know I know. Life has just been moving so fast, you know? Kris' schedule is something else to try and keep up with and I just started with the counseling job. Plus I got this 4 year old roommate who never lets me sleep in" I tease as Mary scoffs.

"You know you always have a home here" Connie assures me. I smile at my mom like she is the best thing that's never happened to me because she kind of is.

She saw this broken girl and decided I was worth the chance to be taken on. She trusted me not to steal from her, not to break the law or hurt her little family. And I never did, I couldn't imagine hurting anyone. Let alone her. And now that my life is changing again I'm doing everything I can to hang on to her. I might not work here anymore and I might not spend every waking hour in here like I used to, but this is still home.

"I'm thankful for you. All of you. I'm happy that god looked down on me and said you got one more chance to figure it out and that you guys didn't let the world continue to kick my teeth in. I don't see how I could have possibly be here today if it weren't for you guys. This will always be the one place I know I can come when I don't know where to go" I admit.

"Is that why you're here today" Maggie wonders.

"No. I'm here for lunch because Mary insists that she is starved" I tease as I tickle her side making her giggle.

"Someone wants cake for lunch" Joe says.

"No. She needs real food before desserts" I argue.

"No lunch. Just cake" Mary demands as she throws her fist on the table. I look over to Joe who was smiling ever so proud of his accomplishments.

"Look, you've created a monster" I tease as he laughs.

"You've been doing that" he teases and I smile.

"That I have. But this little monster is convinced I have a happily ever after out there and I need her to be alive to see it. And that doesn't happen if she eats nothing but cake then explodes" I joke.

"I won't explode" Mary argues.

"Yes you will" Maggie whispers and the little girls eyes get big. I try to hold in my laughter but I couldn't help it. I was way too sarcastic to be raising a child that believes in most anything. But sometimes it was just too easy.

We get her some real food and of course top it off with a big piece of cake. Like always the food makes it on her face and hardly any of it in her mouth. So I thank everyone for sitting with me before taking her home. When I get there I see a vase of flowers outside of the door and smile. Mary picks up the flowers and I pick up the card to see what it said.

"To my favorite girls,

I sent these to let you know I miss you both so much and I wish I with you. I can't wait to see you again so I can tell you guys how much I love you. Keep up the good work and hold it down until I get back.

Much love, Kris."

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