Thirty One- Valid

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"Don't be scared, you're doing good" Jenna encourages me like she had been since we started.

"Are you sure" I ask her cautiously.

"Trust me, she would tell you if you weren't doing a good job" she giggles.

So I turn the hair tie around my hand once more and pull Mary's hair through it. She wanted pig tails for today and I wanted to learn how to do hair to help Jenna out some so she showed me how to do a pony tail on one side and I got a try on the other all one my own. She gave Mary her phone to keep her preoccupied while I learned how to do her hair since she was tender headed.

It took a me a few tries but Mary knew I was trying so she tried her best to be good for me. And I try my best not to hurt her and for my side to look like the other because Jen did such a good job with it. So I pull her hair through once more before tightening it a little like instructed.

Once I was done I turn her around and look at what I had done. My side was a little lower and not as smooth as Jennas was but I still think she looked pretty good.

"So, how is it" I question.

"I think she looks as sweet as a apple pie" Jenna coos making me smile.

"Now I can do your hair" I tell Mary as she turns around.

She looks me straight into my eyes as she smiles big. I could have done better on her ponytail but for my first time I was proud of myself. "Thank you daddy" she says as she wraps her arms around my neck. I close my eyes tight and hug her back as we just embrace each other for a little.

I know she wasn't mine and I know that I will never be able to be her dad. But hearing her say that, to be able to mean something so important to someone, well it was the greatest thing I could ask for.

She lets me go before running off to her room. She had been watching videos about play doh while I was doing her hair and I'm sure that's where she went off too. She's pretty good with playing by herself which makes it easier for Jen to get what she needs done.

"You okay there bud" she teases as I shake my head.

"Yeah. I was just... thinking" I try.

"About what" she wonders.

I let a soft sigh pass my lips before closing my eyes for a few seconds. When I open them I see Jen waiting for her answer. "About being a dad. I know I don't have to do much to make her happy, but I'm not good at a lot of things. I'm still learning how to do hair and about when is the best time for time out and when we just need to talk. I want more than anything to be her father figure, but I also don't want to let her down.

She means the world to me just as you do. And I can't imagine a life where you two are hurting and I don't know what to do" I admit.

"Oh sweetie" she says softly as she sits herself in my lap. I wrap my hands around her waist as I hold her close. "We don't want anything more from you than what you already are. We fell in love with the you you are, not our idea of who we want you to be. And as you change your life learning what it means to be a boyfriend and a father we're learning too. There's nothing you have to go through that we wouldn't go through with you" she assures me.

"What if I'm not enough" I say softly.

She cups my chin and brings my face closer to hers. "You are enough, Kris. The doubt you have isn't valid, but your love, your hope, your determination to be better than the man you were yesterday, that is. I don't want you to think you have to be more than you are to make us happy. That little girl thinks you're the angel she prays for in church every Sunday morning. Someone God sent to her to make her happy and make her feel loved.

And to me, you're everything I wanted from this life and more. You gave me hope that not everything is all bad, and you made me feel like I have a place in this world by your side. For the first time in my life I'm not sitting around here waiting for something that brings me pain, our love gives me joy and adventure and a lifetime full of memories. If you ask me, that's more valid than any fear we have" she insists.

I rest my hand on top of hers that was cupping my cheek. I feel her cold hands on my warm face and smile big. Because we might be from two different worlds, but from what I can tell we were building one to share, and it was my favorite place to be.

"I love you so much" I whisper as she smiles down at me.

"I love you more" she insists.

"I love you most" I promise.

Eventually Mary joins us once again as we make things out of play doh. Jenna hated the smell of it but loved to play so she pushes through. Mary makes a mermaid while I try to make a baseball bat. Jenna makes a horse and I realized that we were three totally different people. But if every puzzle piece was built the same shape it would take forever to figure it which piece went where. Our different edges is what makes us fit together so perfectly, and I'm so happy we did.

"So what are you going to learn next" Jenna asks as I shrug.

"Oh! We can do nails next" Mary claims and my eyes get super big. She wiggles her little fingers showing off her purple nail polish.

"No nails" I beg.

"How about makeup" Mary questions as I start to get nervous.

"Alright, nails it is. But if you do mine I will only allow toe nails" I argue.

"Ew feet" Mary teases as she makes a face.

"I do your finger nails and you do my toes. That is my offer take it or leave it" I argue.

"Fine" she huffs.

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