Thirty Five- God, Food and Football

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Being from the south there is three things that you are expected to love no matter what; God, food, and football. And while football is more than likely the biggest sport in most states, Texas takes the cake when it comes to it. People will die for their Cowboys, it gets pretty intense. The whole entire state can be in disarray but on Sunday's we all mutually agree to gather in front of our TV, make some ribs and scream on the top of our lungs, win or lose. And college ball is just as intense, if not more so. You got people who never attended Texas Tech or University of Texas or Baylor or U of H or even the smaller programs rooting for them like they were raised by these colleges. You tailgate from 6 am until five hours after the game has been done. You cover yourself in body paint and have no voice every Saturday watching a bunch of kids do what they do best. It's kinda insane when you think about it, but it's Texas, it's not supposed to make sense.

Since moving here the one thing that feels most like home is the fact that the Bears are such a big deal here. And while the Blackhawks are probably the most popular team in Chicago right now, and rightfully so considering they just won their third world championship in five years not too long ago, this was usually Bear territory. Even if they haven't won in forever people in this city still love their football, and I respect that.

After much convincing I get Kris to come to a Bears game with Mary and I. I honestly think he was scared to come with me after we watched a game together the other day and I can't say I blame him. I know I can get a bit, unpleasant, when it comes to football. But at least there was one part of my childhood that I'm happy followed me here to Chicago.

"Lets go Bears! Lets go Bears" I chant with the crowd as we walk into Solider Field. Kris has Mary on his shoulders as I insisted we walked around before the game. Kris pulled a few strings and we were able to go on the field earlier and play some catch when no one was out there. We met some of the players and I think I had more fun than Mary and Kris combined. Now I was more than ready to watch the Bears take on the Raiders.

"Lets go Bears" Mary joins in making me smile. This is a lot more fun than yelling at the tv at home.

"God she's getting more and more like you every day" Kris teases.

"Is that a bad thing" I smirk.

"Quite the opposite" he assures me.

We find some food for dinner and head out to our seats. We were right at the 50 yard line behind the Bears bench. We weren't close enough for the players to hear me but that didn't stop me from voicing my concerns.

The game gets started and right from the kickoff I focus in. I was a cheerleader in high school but I wanted to play football. I was a cheerleader just to be able to watch the games and it gave me a excuse not to have to come home after school. And the cheer community itself is huge in Texas too, the high school and college competitive teams and all star cheerleading is like a religion as much as football. But my parents didn't want me involved in all-star so I did competitive with my school and I loved it. Plus I was a lot closer to the players to let them know when they're blowing coverages.

"Oh come on" I groan as I fall back in my seat. "That was a blatant holding call, anyone could have gotten through that hole when you're holding guys like that" I pout.

"I didn't think your accent could get any thicker until I hear you yell at football players" he claims and I laugh.

"What can I say, it brings out the Texas in me" I shrug.

"Are you like this at my games" he questions.

"Absolutely not. I will not be that crazy baseball girlfriend" I defend.

"You're pretty good at it" he jokes.

"I'm only like this because I don't know anyone on the team and I can't embarrass them. Trust me there's plenty of times I want to scream when you're playing, but I don't. I keep it together for your sake" I explain.

"No you don't" Mary scoffs.

"What to you mean" I challenge.

"You called the guy in the zebra outfit words you won't let me say" she argues.

"Sweetie that's different. He's a umpire and you're not supposed to agree with him" I defend as Kris laughs at me explanation. But in my defense no one can resist heckling the umps.

"I don't think I would mind you getting mad at my games. I think it's cute that you care so much" he insists.

"I can't get kicked out of your games Kris, I'll never hear the end of it" I laugh.

"Well I guess as long as you're having fun that's all that matters" he insists.

In a surprising turn of events the Bears end up winning a close game and I go home a happy girl. I try to convince Kris we were good luck and should go to the rest of the games but he wasn't buying it. But I did try.

He takes us home and walks us to the apartment. He tucks Mary in like he does every night he is in town. I stand by and smile extra big because this is my favorite part of the day, seeing those two together like this. Mary loved Kris with her whole heart, I'm the fun aunt where he is more of a father figure. Someone a little girl like Mary needs in her life, especially at this age. Luckily for me after being so worried that she wasn't going to have everything she needed to grow up to be happy and strong, Kris comes along with everything she was missing and shared it with her.

Once she was in bed we leave her be and I walk Kris out. He stands by the door but turns to me before leaving.

"I've been thinking" he starts.

"Uh oh" I joke as he smiles at me.

"I've really been thinking" he insists. "Wouldn't it be easier if you guys moved in with me" he questions.

I stop walking as I look up at him. I knew this was coming, I would be a fool not to. We spend all our time trying to figure out where to hang out or where to go. It would be a lot simpler if after Kris tucked his daughter in he didn't have to leave her. Or leave me too.

"It would be easier. But easier doesn't alway mean better" I remind him.

"Wouldn't it be better too" he questions.

"I guess it would be" I smile. "But it's not as simple as me packing up and moving in with you. A lot needs to happen before then" I defend.

"Like what" he questions.

"Well I have to get out of this lease for one, then I need to see what school district that puts Mary in. I would need to change my mailing address on everything and find a baby sitter in that area to watch over Mary since I can't just send her to Monica down stairs" I explain.

"But I'm not hearing a no" he tries as I smile at him.

"I'm not opposed. Just don't expect to wake up tomorrow and us be all packed standing outside of your place" I try.

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