³│𝘛𝘩𝘦 𝘉𝘪𝘳𝘵𝘩 𝘮𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘦𝘳

103 48 25


"Get up." The person harshly kicked Yoonah's legs.

"Listen ass monkey. Kick me again, and we're gonna have some serious problems." She said, opening her eyes. Already filled with rage.

She stared up at one of the other males from earlier. A black mask covering half of his face.

She could obviously tell he's a hybrid. A tiger one at that. But not like the really pretty ones with blue eyes.

He rolled his eyes, grabbing her arms, roughly pulling her up. Her now noticing that her wrists were tied together.

"Where are we going?" She glared daggers at him.

"To Mason. He won't stop crying for you and Jungkook. It's annoying as shit." He mumbled the last part but she still heard. Yoonah issued out a growl.

"Now now dear, you don't want to pick a fight with me. I'm twice the size of you." He glanced at her, a smirk adorned his covered face.

"Right, like I hadn't fought two or three other panthers basically at the same time." Her lips narrowed into a straight line.

His facial expression went blank, now understanding what his boss meant by her being dangerous.

The pair stopped in front of a metal door. His grip tightened on her arm as he reached for his keys, unlocking the restraints that held her wrists together. Taking them off and opening the metal door, pushing her inside.

"Rude." She mumbled, looking around the room. Her eyes connecting with a pair of brown ones.


She practically sprinted to him. Sitting down in front of him, cupping his precious face.

He smiled as he she wiped away his tears.

"Are you hurt?" She asked softly, him shaking his head 'no'.

She carefully lifted him up, placing him down on her lap as she leaned against the cold, white wall. He wrapped his arms around her neck and buried his head in the crock of her neck. She embraced him, her arms encircled his little body. Using her right hand to run soft circles on his back. Eventually causing him to fall asleep.

The door opened, it creaking before it shut. A woman dresses professionally made her way inside. A black blouse tucked into a black pencil skirt that went barely above her knees. Black flats for shoes. Her dark brown locks stopped half way down her back.

"And you are?" Yoonah's voice came out cold, staring intensely at the mysterious woman.

"Well, I'm Mason's mother of course."

"So, that makes his father a hybrid." Yoonah grumbled to herself.

"You are correct." The woman replied. Grabbing a chair from the corner of the room, dragging it over to Yoonah. Plopping down on it in front of her.

Yoonah held Mason's closer to her chest out of instinct.

"I would like to have my son back." She tried to sound nice, but with the scowl on her face said other wise.

"No, he's not your son."

Her gaze darkened. "I gave birth to the boy. He's mine."

"Not legally. And if he's your son, then why the hell did Christopher have him in a cell? You wanted Mason there, didn't you? Because of the tests Christopher's lab workers ran on hybrids. But you didn't think I would end up escaping with him."

The woman went silent, giving Yoonah her answer.

"You're not mother. You don't care about him. You only want him back so you can continue those filthy tests." Yoonah added, growling.

She stood up and made her way towards the pair. Yoonah becoming defensive and standing up to protect her son.

"If you knew the kind of power they would receive from these experiments, then you would understand."

"No, I'll never understand because it's not right. It doesn't matter what kind of power you're talking about, experimenting on children is by far crossing the line. Especially, when it's your own." Yoonah's eyes began to glow, but it didn't affect the woman in any way.

The woman was about to say something, but quickly caught herself. Her eyes boring into Yoonah's.

Yoonah studied her. Noticing a clear object sticking out of her left ear, scoffing as she looked the woman in the eyes.

"Did someone finally fill you in about me?" The aura her darkened.

The woman didn't respond, looking away and exiting the room. Listening to her stomping down the hall.

Yoonah slid down the wall, Mason moving around in her arms.

He leaned back and looked at her with wide eyes.

"How long were you awake?" She arched an eyebrow.

"The whole time she was here." He whispered. "I don't like that woman, she's mean." He added, wrapping his arms around her neck once again, laying his head on her shoulder.

"I know sweetie, I don't like her either."


Word Count: 800

𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃 Ⅱ│𝐣𝐣𝐤 √ (𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆)Where stories live. Discover now