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Yoonah lost track on how long she's been locked up, but she doesn't care as long as she can keep an eye on Mason. Having to constantly fight and argue with the damn retarded works.

All she knows as of right now, is that she's about to have her first ultrasound.


"Yoonah, just get up."

Yoonah covered Mason's eyes, giving the woman in front of her the middle finer. Her letting out a dramatic sigh.

"Alright fine!" The lady threw her hands up in defeat, slapping them against her thighs. "You can bring him with you, under one condition." She crossed her short arms over her chest.

The lady standing in front of Yoonah is her 'personal' doctor, Morgan.

Yoonah arched an eyebrow, glancing down at the child in her arms. Bopping his nose, earning a small giggle.

"No mouthing off and absolutely no attacking people." Morgan narrowed her eyes, studying Yoonah's facial expression as Yoonah looked up in disappointment.

"The only joy I get is from my son and pissing people off. Why can't I have fun? I'm locked in here and I have a mouth. Might as well use it and mess with everyone."

Morgan shook her head. "Work with me here. Either you go with Mason under my one condition, or I force you and take him away." Yoonah groaned at her comment.

Rolling her eyes as she stood up. Mason resting his head on her shoulder as Yoonah walked up to her, slightly shorter than Morgan.

"Let's go." Morgan said, taking a hold of Yoonah's arm, gripping it tightly as she pushed open the metal door.

She let go of Yoonah and started walking ahead. A guard on Yoonah's left, right, and two behind her.

She looked around. It's been a couple weeks since she's left that cell. Maybe if she wasn't so tired and there weren't as many guards, then maybe just maybe, she'd be able to escape with Mason and find help so she could come back for the others.

Speaking of the others...

A certain scent engulfed her nose. Her body tensing up at the familiarity. Her heart picking up its pace as they started to pass his cell.

She turned her head to the left, seeing him through the small window on the metal door sitting in the corner. Lifting his head to lock eyes with her. The corners of his lips lifting up. He had his arm perched on his right knee with his head resting against the wall. His white shirt stuck to his body. Black sweats that stopped at his ankles, leaving him barefoot like the other inmates.

Can't these assholes give us shoes? (Nam) Jesus.

She whipped her head to the front, trying to control her breathing.

A minute later they arrived in front of a silver door. Not like those large metal ones, nuh uh, this one was slimmer.

Morgan opened the door and Yoonah followed her inside. A male standing in front of a computer screen.

Yoonah stared at the back of his head, wondering why on earth he seemed so familiar. And then it hit her like an 18 wheeler.

Her heart dropped as soon as he turned around, both of their eyes widening.

"Why are you two staring at each other as if you know each other?" Morgan asked, highly confused.

Of course you don't know.

"She threw my across a room... while I was a panther... and I landed on Christopher."

"Don't you ever say his name!" She grabbed him by his collar, lowering his face towards hers. Her vibrant eye shinning. "Understood?" She growled.

He gulped before nodding, Yoonah letting him go. "How the hell are you alive?" She avoided eye contact, making her way towards the examination seat.

"After you escaped, Ms. Choi found me."

"Who the hell is Ms. Choi?" She sat down, Mason sitting on the chair beside her. Morgan coming over and lifting up her shirt.

"His birth parent." Morgan answered for him, motioning towards Mason.

"And didn't I tell you no attacking and mouthing off?" She added, earning a shrug from Yoonah and a laugh from Devin.

"Devin, shut up before I give her permission to hurt you." She glared at the male for putting her attention back on Yoonah.

Rubbing a gel like substance on the lower part of her stomach. A shiver running down Yoonah's spine from how cold it was. Morgan grabbed a transducer and started to apply force on her stomach, moving the device around.

She narrowed her eyes as she watched the screen, pointing at something and getting Devin's attention. Mouthing a couple words and him nodding in confirmation.


"You're having twins."


Word Count: 786

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