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"What. The. Fuck?!"

They didn't answer her as they crushed her in a hug.

"Namjesus! I cant... bReAtHe!"

Everyone but her little boy and boyfriend let go.

"Mommy..." Mason cried. Yoonah lifting him up and placing him on her hip. Jungkook wrapping his arms around her waist and he too, cried. Placing his forehead on her shoulder with his eyes closed.

She looked down, holding in her tears.

"Can we go inside to talk?" She spoke softly, everyone agreed.

Jungkook lifted his head up. Yoonah used her free hand to wipe away his tears. He grabbed her hand and lead her into the house.

All of them took a seat in the living room.

"Now... Please explain to me what happened to you three?" She asked, obviously talking about Namjoon, Taehyung, and Jungkook.

"Taehyung is being effected negatively by the curse that you were born with." Her mother answered.

Yoonah motioned for her to keep going.

"Taehyung and Jungkook were both put in a cell together and that same night, the curse decided to take affect. Taehyung ended up attacking Jungkook until he went unconscious. Thankfully, Namjoon had heard the commotion and break through both his cell and their cell to save Jungkook before Taehyung accidentally... killed him."

Yoonah didn't know what to say.

But who would in this situation?

"Oh..." Was all she could muster up.

"What are we going to do about Rachel?" An unfamiliar female with curly, dark brown hair spoke up.

"One, may I asked, who are you? And who's the tall guy beside you? Two, who the hell is Rachel?" Yoonah asked.

"My name is Vanessa, and this is my older brother Jacob. He is a Kodak bear hybrid. This is Aniyah, a panther hybrid like you. Rachel is aka, Ms. Choi." Vanessa answered.

"I saw we beat Rachel's ass." Yoongi butted in.

"Stop swearing." Jin and Hoseok glared.

"Great idea." Yoonah agreed one hundred and twenty percent.

"No, bad idea. We can't just go barging in there right after escaping. For one, Yoonah, you're pregnant and two, Taehyung, Jungkook, and Namjoon are injured." Jimin said.

Mason laid his head on Yoonah's lap, silently playing with Jungkook's hand.

"I say we wait. After you give birth and the three of them have completely healed, we'll decided on what to do. In the mean time, your mother and I will keep an eye on Rachel and her son, Lucas." Mr. Kim said, everyone nodded their head in agreement with the idea.

"Okay... but what if they come after us? What then?" Yoonah asked.

"Then we'll fight back. Everyone but you, Mason, Jungkook, Taehyung, and Namjoon." Ms. Kim answered.

Yoonah nodded, starting to grow tired.

"Why don't we call it a day? Everyone could use some rest." Namjoon suggested and no one bothered to argue because he was right.

They're all exhausted.

Yoonah lifted Mason - who was already fast asleep - up and laid his head on her shoulder, his arms dangling.

Jungkook groggily followed behind her as they made their way to her room.

He opened the door and let her walk in first, laying Mason down on the bed.

She quickly turned around and faced Jungkook. Gently cupping his face, smashing her lips on his as his hands found their way to her hips.

A few seconds went by and they parted, needing air.

He rested his forehead on hers, both of their eyes closed.

"I missed you..." He mumbled.

She giggled. "I missed you too, muscle bunny."

"That damn nickname again..." He laughed.

"Guess what." She decided to change the subject.


"You're going to be a dad of another little boy and a little girl." She opened her eyes to see his shocked expression.

"Oh man holy shit."


Word Count: 629

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