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"Hey dad..." She breathed out.

The fire alarm stopped blaring and the water stopped falling. Yoonah now being able to see her father clearly.

Men began lifting the unconscious male and his dead friend up from the floor, her father coming over and placing a hand on her shoulder.

"Where are all the other hybrids?" She asked, furrowing her eyebrows. Now noticing that all the cells are completely empty.

"And why are you here?" She added, looking back at him.

"Before you're mother was kidnapped, she knew people were coming after her. So, she called me and told me to find you, your brother, and your friends. It took me awhile but then I sent a message to this place saying that if they didn't hand you guys over, we would bust in and take everyone. Guess they got the message..."

She let out a sigh, trying to straighten herself up, which only caused her more pain. Her father noticing.

"Oh shit, Yoonah. Eliza! Come here!"

A girl with medium length, curly black hair, black ears perched on top of her head rushed over. Wearing a black and white stripped shirt with a white jacket on top. Black jeans with tips, her tail staying in place, meaning that she's calm.

She flashed Yoonah a warm and friendly smile.

"Yes mister Kim? Is everything alright?" She asked sweetly.

He pointed towards Yoonah's wound, her eyes widening.

She came to Yoonah's side, placing Yoonah's arm over her shoulders. Eliza gently wrapped her arm over the top part of her back, carefully avoiding the wound.

The pair started walking down the hall, passing by empty cells and her fathers men.

Her parents are both hybrids and had gotten a divorce not long after she was born. She still had the privilege to see her father, but it wasn't very often. She stopped seeing him around three years ago after he moved to Tokyo. Seeing him here now was quite a shocker for her.

They then stopped in front of an SUV. Eliza pulled opened the side door and helped Yoonah inside before getting in herself.

A male with dark brown hair wore a blue denim jacket and a white t-shirt underneath, sat in the drivers seat. Glancing back at Yoonah through the rear view mirror. Yoonah's father, Mr. Kim, climbed into the passengers seat.

"Yoonah, this is Sehun. Sehun, this is my daughter."


Sehun parked the car on the driver way of what Yoonah's guessing is her father's house.

Eliza gently helped her out and started leading her towards the front of the house. Her father pulling open the door, letting them in before following in behind with the driver, Sehun.

Eliza led her to what she assumes is their own hospital like room. Laying her down on her uninjured side so she could have a clear look of Yoonah's wound.

"So, what have I missed these past couple of years?" Yoonah's father asked, entering the room. That Sehun guy no where to be seen.

"Well, I have a boyfriend. We adopted the kid of the crazy lady who kidnapped us and I'm pregnant with twins- Ouch!" Eliza began cleaning her wound.

"Y-You're pregnant!?" His eyes tripled in size.

She hummed in response, closing her eyes as Eliza started up her wound. Wrapping it up with gauze.

"I'm going to get you some new clothes so just lay here and rest." Eliza said, helping Yoonah lay down on her back as carefully as she could before dashing out of the room a second later to fetch her some fresh clothes.

Yoonah's father pulled up a chair and sat down beside her. "Why were you fighting those hybrids?" He suddenly asked.

She sighed. "I was coming back from the clinic with Mason - the boy I adopted- and I was passing by Jungkook's cell - the man I'm dating- and noticed he wasn't there. My doctor - Morgan - noted that Ms. Choi - Mason's birth mother- might have taken him so, I started to freak out and lost control." She looked up at the ceiling. "Morgan ordered for me to shift back, but I didn't so she pressed a button and an alarm went off, scaring my son. The large metal door at the end of the hall opened and a tiger hybrid started charging towards me. Morgan ran off with Mason and the guards. Leaving me there to fight off the tiger. After a little while I killed the first one and managed to knock out the second one. An then you showed up." She looked back at him with a small smile. Worry written all over his face.

"When I saw you, you had a eye tint in your eyes." His face shown an expression she couldn't read.

"Oh, really? Do you know anything about that?" She asked.

"I don't." He answered quickly. She didn't believe him, but she decided to not pry into it.

A couple seconds went by and Eliza came back with a bundle of clothes in her hands.

Yoonah's father helped her stand before handing her over to Eliza where she escorted her over to the restroom to change.

Locking the bathroom door, she started to strip before slipping on her new clothes.

Pulling on white sweat pants, slipping a black sports bra over her head before buttoning up a black and white - thin and soft- plaid shirt.

Her feet were cold so she put on the black socks Eliza gave her. Unlocking the door and slowly walking out. Making her way back over to the bed and sitting down with the help of Eliza. Her sitting down on the edge of the bed where as her father stayed in the same place.

"Do you have any idea where Ms. Choi could have taken everyone?" Yoonah asked, looking back and forth between the two.

"Yoonah, I'm sorry. But we really don't know." Her father spoke up.

Her heart dropped at his words. Her poor baby boy was alone without. Frightened an scared. Wishing that she was there to hold him and comfort him. To keep him safe and away from those evil assholes.

Jungkook probably found out about the twins, but then again, maybe not. He was probably confused on why they all suddenly left and she didn't. If he even knew she didn't leave with them.

She just wants them back, all of them back.


Word count: 1089

Q & A



Ms. Choi

Mr. Kim






Have a good day!! 💜

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