¹⁴│𝘛𝘪𝘮𝘦 𝘛𝘰 𝘎𝘰

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> the picture above is a Kodiak bear 🐻

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> the picture above is a Kodiak bear 🐻


Son of a stick...

"Where are the others, Vanessa?" Ms. Choi spoke. Her voice filled with anger. Hatred vividly showing in her eyes.

"Why would I tell you?" Vanessa glared at her. The men with tasers moved closer as Ms. Choi's patience was starting to run thin.

Taehyung issued out a low growl, warning the men to stay away.

Ms. Choi shook her head disapprovingly. Motioning towards her men with her eyes to take them. But from the anger radiating off Jacob, Taehyung, and Jimin. Vanessa doubts things will go well.

One of the males charged towards Vanessa. Ms. Choi leaned against the wall, watching. Her son stood beside them. The two spectating.

Vanessa swiftly kicked the taser out of the males hand, kneeing him in the stomach. Him doubling over.

Taehyung and Jimin shifted into panthers. Vanessa's older brother soon followed suit. His large bear form tackling two males at once. Their tasers gliding across the flood.

An arm went around her throat, holding her in a choke hold.

She kicked her foot back, hitting him directly in the crotch. He flinched, but didn't let go.

Damn it.

Taehyung turned around. His gaze hardened as he stared at the male behind him. Sprinting and punching on him. Biting him in the shoulder as she fell to her knees, rubbing her neck.

She felt an arm wrap around her waist, carefully hosting her up. She looked to her right, her eyes getting lost in a trance as looked into a pair of warm, honey eyes.

She shook her head, looking forward.

Lucas was unconscious on the ground with Jimin towering over him. Jacob shifted back, cornering Ms. Choi.

Vanessa gently removed Taehyung's arm and made her way towards her brother. Moving him out of the way and sending a blow to Ms. Choi's eye.

She smirked, closing her right eye. Glancing at a red button on the wall that was covered by a clear case.

Vanessa tried to stop him, but she was too late. Ms. Choi flipped it open and pressed the button.

An alarm sounded off. Shouting and men stomping their way.

Vanessa didn't spare her one glance as she took off running in the opposite direction, the three males dashing after her.

She lead them to a nearby exit, the main exit she planned escaping out of was far to away for them.


Jungkook fidgeted with a rock in his hand. Staring down at the dirt and leaves. Impatiently waiting for the rest to arrive. Sitting on the ground with Yoongi and Hoseok while everyone else stood. They all decided to take cover in the woods.

Why do all the crazy people who are after hybrids build laboratories in the woods?

That's one question he'll probably never get answered.

Everyone stood still, listening for the slightest movement.

Then there was a twig snap.

And another.

Soon, they were all on their feet. Jungkook stumbled a bit before regaining his composure.

Jungkook ran with as much strength he could muster up, engulfing Taehyung in a brotherly hug.

Jungkook looked up and grabbed Jimin by his sleeve, and forcing him into the hug which he gladly accepted.

They let go not long after. Taehyung looked at Jungkook in guilt. But Jungkook couldn't be mad at him. He had no control over what happened. And Jungkook will never hold it against him.

"Right, it's time to go. We need to find your father. Yoonah's with him." Ms. Kim said, looking over at her son.

"Wait... What? Since when was Yoonah with him? And when did he show up? After like what, three years and moving away to Tokyo, he's finally back??" Taehyung was in utter bewilderment.

"It's a long story. But I know where they at. Your father bought a house here, in Seoul after you were born. He's most likely there. But if not then... I don't know..." She rubbed small circled on Mason's back, the boy already passed out asleep.

Jungkook looked over at the extremely tall dude standing beside Vanessa.

"Jesus Christ man, you're built like a giant." He blurted out.

A friendly smile made it's way onto Jacob's face as he ruffled Jungkook's hair. He stood at maybe 6'3-6'3.

"I know. That's what happens when you're a Kodak bear hybrid." He said.

Jungkook blinked a couple times before straight ahead, seeing everyone beginning to walk forwards, Ms. Kim leading the way.

I seriously hope Yoonah's at that house we're heading to. If not, then I'm going to flip to mercury and bounce right back.


Word Count: 773

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