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Darkness surrounded her as she inched forward. Her body moving on it's own. Green and yellow eyes glowing brightly in the distance, watching as they moved towards her.

Heat raising in her already tensed body. She felt lightheaded and uncomfortable.

A square, silver, stand began to raise up from the ground in front of her. A closed black box laid on top of it. Tempting her. She wanted to open it. But she couldn't move, she was paralyzed.

An glass shattering road erupting throughout the unknown area. Two large black panthers now stood on either side of her.

One had green eyes that slowly morphed into yellow the closer it got to the irises, were as for the other panther, it was the other way around.

But why did they seem so familiar to her?

They began circling her, growling but it was directed towards her.

Open it...

A voice rang in her head.

Her hand lifted on it's own, taking a hold of the black box. Using her other hand to pry it open.

A crown decorated with emeralds laid inside, small diamonds coating the bottom portion.

The panthers stopped circling her, sitting down beside the stand.

She placed the box down and lifted the crown, laying it upon her head.

A wave of energy ran through her, goosebumps spreading along her arms.


A voice called out. Her head started to spin. Placing her hands on her head, noticing that the crown had disappeared. The panthers were gone and so was the stand with the black box.


Her eyes flew open. Staring up at the white ceiling before averting her gaze to the right. Eliza standing over her with a worried expression.

"What? What's going on?" She sat up, her head throbbing from a headache.

"I heard you growling, so I came to up on you and saw that you were shaking and sweating." She ran a hand through her hair, letting out an exhausted sigh.

"Oh man... I'm sorry." She looked down at her hands, laying them out in front of her.

"What did you dream about?" She sat down on the edge of the bed, placing her hands on Yoonah's.

"It was... interesting... There were these two black panthers. One with green eyes that slowly turned yellow the more it moved to the irises were as for the other panther, it was the other way around. Then there was this stand with a black box on top that came out of the ground. There was a voice that told me to open it and I did. There was a crown inside and after I placed it on my head, I woke up." She looked up at Eliza.

"What do you think it could mean?" Yoonah asked.

"I'm not sure. Maybe you should ask your father." She quickly stood up and dashed out of the room, leaving Yoonah there alone and confused.


Ruby stood up from the floor just as the door opened, her eyes widening at the sight in front of her.

Mason... tears streaming down his cheeks as he ran to her with open arms.

Her heart shattered to pieces. A woman walked into the cell as Ruby lifted the boy up in her arms. His legs wrapped around her waist as he cried his poor little heart out into her shoulder.

She wore a loose fitted white shirt tucked into a white pencil skirt. Her hands placed formally behind her back. Her brown hair styled up into a bun, white flats on her feet as she stood not to far from the door.

"Who are you and what did you do to him?" Ruby growled. Running her hand up and down Mason's back. Trying to get him to calm down.

"I'm Ms. Choi, his mother." She answered calmly.

"Mother my ass. Why isn't he with Yoonah?" Ruby demanded to know.

"She got away."

Ruby had the sudden urge to grab her by the throat and slam her to the ground. But that's not something she should do in front of the little boy in her arms.

"What did you do?"

"She got out of control. So, one of my workers released the beats." She laughed humorlessly, tapping her foot against the floor. It was starting to annoy the crap out of Ruby.

"And why are you here?"

"My son wanted to see you." She rolled her eyes.

"He is NOT your son." Ruby narrowed her eyes as the door opened. A male dresses in all white walked in. Going to her side and whispering in her ear. Watching as her face drained in color. Eyes widening as she dashed out of the room. Slamming the door shut behind her. Hearing her running down the hallway, yelling and shouting echoing around.

What the hell is going on?


Word Count: 810

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