⁵│𝘖𝘩 𝘚𝘩𝘪𝘵

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"What the fuck did you just say!?" Yoonah's eyes grew in size. Never in a million years did she expect this.

"Hey hey, calm down." Morgan placed her hand on Yoonah's shoulder, trying to get her to relax, but it didn't really help.

Whipping the gel off her stomach and fixing her shirt.

She couldn't believe it.

Like for real... two human beings are alive and inside of me... that kind of sounds weird but you know what... whatever.

She ran a hand through her hair, sliding off the seat. Picking Mason up and setting him on her hip.

Yoonah looked over at Morgan. Her expression becoming serious. "I want to see Jungkook, now." She demanded.

Both Morgan and Devin swiftly turned their heads towards Yoonah in unison.

"I don't think that's a good idea." Morgan stated, but Yoonah didn't care.

"Did I stutter? I said I want to see him now." Her eyes darkened. "Or we're gonna have some problems." She added, noticing how Devin shivered, glancing over at Morgan.

"What could wrong in letting her see him? I mean, he is the father after all. He has rights you know." Devin said. Morgan turning and flicking him on the forehead before looking back at the serious hybrid holding on to her son protectively.

Morgan sighed deeply.

"It's not up to me to decide Yoonah and you know that. But I'll talk to Ms. Choi and try to convince her." She opened the clinic door and motioned for Yoonah to exit the room.

Her following behind as the guards led them back to her cell.

Glancing over at Jungkook's cells. Only for her heart to drop.

He's not in there.

She stopped in her tracks, turning and walking towards his cell, only to be stopped by one of the guards.

"Where is he?" She growled, her eyes glued to the door.

Morgan rushed to her side, eyebrows furrowed. "I-I don't know... Maybe Ms. Choi took him..." She mumbled the last part, hoping Yoonah didn't hear, but she still did.

She started hyperventilating; panicking. Her eyes glowing as her body began to shake.

"Yoonah.... Yoonah, listen to me. Everything's going to be alright." Morgan placed both of her hands on Yoonah's shoulders, but she shrugged them off, backing away from her.

"No, everything is not going to be alright! First she harms my friends, tries to take my son, then my unborn children, and now she wants my man!?"

"Yoonah, it's not like that. Calm down." She kept taking steps towards her, trying reassure her that she was just over thinking and that everything was fine. But no, it wasn't fine.

Her anger was taking over her mind.

Her body started to heat up as she placed Mason on the ground. Him hiding behind her as the guards and Morgan cornered her. Sweat forming at the base of her neck and forehead. A smirk making its way on to her lips.

"Oh shit." Morgan breathed out.

And then it happened.

Her once 5'6 body shifted into a black panther on all fours.

Baring her teeth, becoming defensive.

"Yoonah, shift back and calm down now!" Morgan shouted at Yoonah began pacing side to side, eyeing Morgan's frightened form.

"Please don't make me do it." Morgan begged, but Yoonah wasn't giving in.

She pulled a grey remote out of her pocket, pressing a red button. An alarm sounding off, red lights flashing.

The sound of metal clanking. A door at the end of the hall began to lift. An ear piercing road echoing throughout the area. And there in all his glory, an angry Bengal tiger with lime green eyes sprinting towards her.

The guards and Morgan ran, her picking up Mason. Yoonah watched as he cried, begging to stay with his mother.

But her attention was directed towards the male tiger charging her way. A yellow tint morphing with the green in her eyes as she ran forward. Catching the tiger off guard. Jumping and twisting her body, landing on his back. Biting into his neck.

Only to be quickly thrown off. Not by him, no no... but by another Bengal tiger.

Her body slid before colliding with the cement wall.

She issued out a road as she stood back up, biting one of the tiger in the neck. Pushing on her back legs, causing him to flip, snapping his neck.

She got off of him, barely missing the second tiger as it charged towards her. Obviously pissed off due to the fact that she just killed his friend.

It's either kill or be killed and she's not dying today.

She started to grow tired, unintentionally shifting back. The second male tiger following suite. His light brown hair shielded his eyes, him being well over 6 feet tall.

Damn, he's a giant.

He pulled the fire alarm.

What the hell.

Water began shooting down at the pair, making it harder to see.

She rolled her neck, popping it as she stood still. Listening. Waiting.

Footsteps coming up behind her.

She waited a little before turning around. Kneeing him in the crotch, him falling to his knees. Using her nails and scratching the side of his face. He grabbed her leg and pulled her down, falling to her side.


He got on top of her, wrapping his hands around her neck. She clawed at his wrists, using her legs and flipping him over so that she was now on top of him.

Sitting on his torso as she punched him repeatedly in the face, feeling his nose break under her knuckles.

Her anger continued to build, only did she stop upon seeing his body go unconscious. His arms falling limp at his sides.

She sighed, sliding off of him. Laying on her back as sweat dripped down the side of her side. Mixing in with the water falling from the ceiling and hitting her in the face.

Her energy started to wear away, now noticing the excruciating pain in her side from where the tiger bite her. Blood running down and pooling around her.

She closed her eyes, focusing on the area around her. Footsteps rushing her way.

Her eyes flew open as she jumped up, but she couldn't see anything. Yelping in pain as her back hit the wall. Looking around, not being able to pick up their scent.

"Tsk tsk tsk... you're just a little trouble maker, aren't you?" The figure laughed as they inched closer, but he seemed so familiar.

Then it dawned on her.

A sigh rolled off her tongue, her body relaxing.

"Hey dad..."


Word Count: 1104

𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃 Ⅱ│𝐣𝐣𝐤 √ (𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆)Where stories live. Discover now