¹⁰│𝘈 𝘊𝘶𝘳𝘴𝘦 ?

103 45 37


Jungkook blinked a couple times. Adjusting his eyes to the bright lights that basically slapped him in the face. A throbbing sensation in the back of his head. He let out a small groan, looking around the room while struggling to sit up.

A cold hand came into contact with his exposed shoulder, gently pushing him back down. He looked over to see a female with curly, dark brown hair that went past her shoulders. A worried look washed over her face. "It's best if you lay down and rest." She spoke to him softly.

"I need to see Taehyung." His voice came out strained.

"He..." She cleared her throat. "He isn't in his right state of mind at the moment."

"Who came in and got him off of me?" He decided to ask. His heart aching from know that there's something wrong with his best friend.

"Namjoon. He heard you banging on the door and screaming so, he broke down his cell door and yours. He managed to knock Taehyung out right before Ms. Choi and her men showed up." She looked down at the clip board in her hands.

"I want to see Taehyung..." He said, his eyes softening. Pleading for her to let him go see him.


"Listen woman. I said I want to see him. So let me." He stated to get aggravated.

I have to figure out what's wrong with him.


"You asked to see me dad?" She walked into her father's study. His glasses hanging off the edge of his nose as he had his face buried into a book. Something that reminded her of both Namjoon and Ruby since they both loved to read.

"Eliza told me about your dream." He closed the book an set it down on his dark wooden desk before standing up from his leather chair.

Yoonah gulped, not knowing what to say or do.

"Why do you look so nervous?" He chuckled lightly, she only shrugged.

She looked away an sat down on the couch that sat up against the wall. Watching as her father placed his book back on the book shelf.

He walked over to her, sitting down on her right.

"Before I begin, has your speed or strength ever increased out of no where?" He asked.

"Yeah... A around a year ago when I was kidnapped by Christopher, I was being chase by a panther hybrid names Devin because I took Mason - my son - from his cell because these people dressed in white lab coats were harming him." Mr. Kim went silent as he listened to every word his daughter spoke.

"Is there something wrong with me dad?" She added with a frown.

He lifted his head. "No of course not. It's just..." He let out a sigh.

"You could say you're mother has royal blood running through her veins. Power so rare and dangerous that her parents contacted the James family - this was before the James Family wanted to harm hybrids."

She nodded, waiting for him to continue.

"Her power consisted of, enhanced sense, strength, speed, and a little bit of magic-"

"Wait, her parent's didn't have this type of power?" She asked and he shook his head, no.

"So then how did she get it?" She furrowed her eyebrows.

"As some say, a long time ago, her great, great, great, great, grandmother was cursed by a witch. But I'm one hundred percent sure."

"After getting help from the James family, they thought it had disappeared. Your mother and I thought it wouldn't return, until you were born."

"But what about Taehyung? I mean, he was born before me."

"You eyes Yoonah, you got them from your mother. They awoke the curse."


Word Count: 626

𝐇𝐘𝐁𝐑𝐈𝐃 Ⅱ│𝐣𝐣𝐤 √ (𝐑𝐄𝐖𝐑𝐈𝐓𝐓𝐈𝐍𝐆)Where stories live. Discover now