⁹│𝘞𝘩𝘢𝘵'𝘴 𝘏𝘢𝘱𝘱𝘦𝘯𝘪𝘯𝘨... ?

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His eyes flew open as he shot up from the cold, cement floor. Sweat dripping down his forehead as his heart hammered in his chest. Struggling to control his rapid breathing.

"Hyung, are you okay?" A sleepy Jungkook asked from the other side of the room. Picking his head up, rubbing his eyes.

Pain spreading throughout Taehyung's body making him wince. Shutting his eyes as he placed the back of his head on the wall.

The air was stuffy, making it harder for him to breathe.

"Holy shit, Taehyung." Jungkook's eyes widened as he jumped up. Running over to the cell door. Banging his fists against it. Hoping he gets someone's attention.

Ringing filled Taehyung's ear drums. "Jungkook, stop." His voice came out raspy, but the young male didn't hear him. Jungkook was more worried about getting someone to help Taehyung instead of actually paying attention to what he was saying.

Taehyung gripped his chest as it started to ache, a headache forming on his left temple.

He was started to become angry as the noise of the metal door started getting on his very last nerves.

Taehyung stood up, placing his left hand on the fall for support. But ended up doubling over. Falling onto his knees. Catching himself with the palms of his hands.

The impact caught Jungkook's attention and the noise stopped. Him running over to Taehyung's side.

Tears started swelling up in Taehyung's eyes as the pain grew in his back, falling flat onto his stomach.

What is happening to me...?


Jungkook didn't know what to do. He didn't know how to help.

He froze as he stayed on his knees. Taehyung's body stopped moving. Tears threatening to fall from Jungkook's eyes.

What the hell is happening!?

Jungkook placed his hand on his shoulder. "T-Taehyung..."

But that was a mistake.

In less then a second was his body pinned to the floor. Angered yellow eyes staring down at Jungkook as Taehyung wrapped his hands around his throat.

Jungkook used his legs and flipped him over, Taehyung landing on his back. Jungkook jumped up and ran over to the door, banging his fists against it again.

A hand grabbed the back of Jungkook's shirt and threw him against a wall. His breath leaving him as he slid down the wall.

His vision blurred as he watched Taehyung's figure close in on him. His face expressionless. Dead cold eyes bore into Jungkook's fearful ones.

Taehyung grabbed him by the throat and slammed his head against the wall. Jungkook's mouth opening and closing like a fish gasping for air.

Black dots started to cloud his vision.

The last thing he saw was Taehyung being ripped away from him by another male.


Namjoon grabbed Taehyung by the back of the neck and threw him to the ground. His eyes glowing as he stared down at Taehyung. Watching as the color in his eyes began to change. What was once yellow was now being mixed with lime green.

"Namjoon~ so glad you could join us." The male jumped up. A sinister smirk adorned his lips. His voice came out deep an intimidating.

"What the fuck has gotten into you?" Namjoon growled. His body towering over Taehyung's as he began to approach him.

Taehyung only laughed humorlessly before pouncing. Pinning Namjoon to the ground, only for Namjoon to roll him over, now on top of him. Punching him in the face.

Taehyung kicked him off and stood up. Letting Namjoon stand up before lunging at him again. Pushing him to the ground and punching him in the eye before Namjoon grabbed him by the throat and flipped him over. Using his knee to hold him down by his stomach. That smirk never leaving Taehyung's face as he started to turn purple.

"Namjoon!" An unfamiliar female voice brought him back o reality as he was then pulled off of Taehyung's now unconscious body. Two males twice the size of him held him against the wall as two other males and three females dressed in all white carried Jungkook away.

His gaze softened as he watched him leave. Only for it to harden again as he averted his eyes towards Taehyung's body.

What the hell is wrong with him? He just doesn't act like that without reason. And Jungkook's his best friend. He would never attack him.

"How the hell did you get out of your cell?" A female dressed in a loose fitted blouse that was tucked into a white pencil skirt, crossed her arms over her chest.

"When it comes to protecting my family, I'll do anything to get to them. Now, who the hell are you?" He narrowed his eyes.

She motioned for her men to let Namjoon go as Taehyung's unconscious was carried out.

"Ms. Choi. Now, what happened?"

"I don't know the whole story, but I heard a lot of commotion from inside this cell and I busted through both mine and this cell door to see Taehyung attacking Jungkook." He answered.

"And what color were his eyes?" She stepped forward, inching closer to him. He cautiously watched he as he took a step back.

"Yellow with a tint of lime green." he replied, her nodding and moving away. Using her hand to wave towards him, motioning for her men to grade him an take him to a new cell.



Word Count: 904

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