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"Y-You're not mommy..."

The man looked down at the boy confused.

"Why are you alone?" He asked.

"I thought I smelt my mommy... Why do you smell like her?" He was highly confused, scared, and most of all, worried.

"Your mommy...?" He mumbled to himself before his eyes widened. "What's your mommy's name?" He asked, crouching down so he was eye level with Mason.

"Yoonah..." He replied. A smile making it's way onto the mysterious mans face.

"I'm your mommy's friend. Your grandpa sent me and my friends to come find you and the others. Can you tell me where everyone's at?" He asked with gentle eyes.

"I... I don't know." Mason looked down as the man sighed.

Mason was then lifted up an set down on the mans hip. The pair heading in the opposite direction of where Mason came from.

"Where are we going?" Mason asked.

Walking out of the woods and to the side of the road. Multiple large black vehicles parked on the side. A male with dark brown hair walked up to them.

He smells like mommy too, what the heck??

"This is Yoonah's son. Apparently he ran away from the group because he smelt her scent on me." The mysterious man holding Mason said, bringing him back to reality.

"Hello, I'm Sehun." The man who walked up to them said. "This gentlemen carrying you is Chanyeol, we're friends with your mother." He said in a soothing tone. Taking Mason out of Chanyeols arms and setting him down on the ground before taking his hand and leading Mason towards one of the vehicles.

Mason abruptly stopped walking, confusing Sehun. "What's wrong?" He asked.

"My dad is close by!" Mason turned around, looking towards the tree line.

Sehun motioned to Chanyeol and a couple other guys to go and continue looking as Mason sat on the ground with Sehun copying his actions.

"How old are you kid?" Sehun asked.

"6, how old are you?" Mason fiddled with his fingers.

"I'm 26."

"You're old."

"Huh!? Old!?" His mouth hung open.

"Close your mouth mister, or you'll catch flies." Mason giggled.

"You're something else." He laughed.

Mason eyes widened as he jumped up. His dad and the others walking out of the woods with mister Chanyeol and people Mason didn't know.

Jungkook ran up to him, lifting him up and hugging him as if he had disappeared out of thin air, which.. If you think about it, he kind of did.

"Dad, they know mommy!" He wrapped his arms around Jungkook's neck, resting his head on his fathers shoulder.

"I know kiddo, they told me. And don't ever run off like that again! What if you got hurt?"

"I'm sorry... I promise to not do it again."

Jungkook sighed. "It's okay bud, let's just go see mommy."


"Where did you put the cups? Why is everything moving around!? God I don't understand you people!" Yoonah shouted, frustrated on why the cups had moved from one cabinet to another.

Eliza laughed at her, holding onto her stomach as she listened to Yoonah complain for another 5 minutes.

Didn't know me complaining was hilarious, I should be a comedian then.

Yoonah's attention was directed to the sound of footsteps stomping down the stairs. Seeing her father bolt to the door. She glanced at Eliza, her telling Yoonah not to run.

But is Yoonah the type who actually listens?

Haha... nope!

Yoonah rushed out the door with Eliza running after her.

She stopped once she ran down the steps, Eliza ramming into her back.

Her eyebrows clashed together as she watched black SUV's pulling into the drive way. Her father patiently waited until both Chanyeol and Sehun exited one SUV, walking up to him.

Her father turned around and motioned for her to come closer.

She stood beside him, watching as others climbed out of the remaining vehicles.

One after the other, she started to realize who they were.

"Jungkook!? What the fuck happened to you!? Taehyung and Namjoon, the same goes for you!! What. The. Fuck!?"


Word Count: 684

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