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After putting it off for as long as possible, you figure it was time to start unpacking your things into your new room in the small apartment you and your mother shared. It had been about a week since you moved back to Japan, and you were exactly excited to say the least. All of your friends were back in America, and although you knew Japanese, the culture was so different it was hard to adjust.

However, you couldn't argue with your mom about it, you knew why you had to come back. Your grandmother was in pretty bad shape, and your mom couldn't just let her be all by herself in Japan. You didn't want to sound mean, but you would've preferred to stay in America. You haven't seen or spoken to your grandmother since you left Japan at 4 years old, and she didn't like you very much since you were related to your father (dumb right?).

Since she was very traditional and strict she wasn't pleased in the slightest when she heard your father up and left you mom, especially when they had a 4 year old daughter, but then again, who would be? Instead of feeling bad for you though, she started to dislike anything that had relations with your father, and that included you.So, you've never been to close with her, but you don't want her to die alone, so you understood why you had to leave.

Sometimes though you wonder what life would be like if you never moved to the United States once your dad left, or if your dad never left at all. See, once he did leave, your mom decided to move away for a fresh start, everything in Japan reminded her of your dad and so she left. You didn't mind to much at the time, being four and all nothing that was happening made sense to you. All you knew was that it was just gonna be you and your mom from now on and that you were going to a new place.

You had a good life in America, you and your mom were both happy, and things went well. However, other than leaving your friends, the only thing you really care about is having to adjust to the culture in Japan.

Everything is so much different and it just makes you feel like an alien, like you are being put in a whole different world. Which was ironic because, technically, you were, since you came from a foreign country and all.

The boxes that you had been absentmindedly unpacking were now completely emptied out with all the things they carried being laid out on your bed. All of the important things had been unpacked already, so the only things you had left to unpack were decorations. 

After setting up your shelves, desk, and other furniture, you began to put out your trinkets and other things like that. Once you picked up a small telescope figurine, you paused, slightly rumbling your thumb over the item. Space was always something that intrigued you, and on top of that it was just pretty. Since you had to leave your telescope in America (it was to big and heavy, it just made things hard when you tried to move it, so you decided to sell it), your friends bought you a tiny replica online. You smiled thinking about your friends back in your old school, and set the trinket down at your desk.

Decorating was actually fairly easy, you don't know why you put it off for so long. All you had to do was set out some stuff, hang up lights and some constellation posters, then make your bed. The only even remotely difficult thing was trying to get your yellow star pillow that sat on your bed to stay standing up right.

After finishing up that and throwing away empty boxes, you showered and talked to your friends from your old school a bit before heading to bed. Well trying to anyway. You were to caught up in your thoughts about what your new school would be like. You knew the name, Aoba Johsai, and you new what your uniform looked like because you and your mom had to go pick it up, but that was really it.

You knew no one who went to the school, or how the people in the school acted. You supposed you'd find out soon enough considering you started school there in the morning. Luckily (or not), you had moved back to Japan just before the school year started, so you got to finish what would be your 3rd year in school in Japan, fully.

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