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uh so chapters have been shorter, and i think i'm going to keep writing them like that because it means 1) more chapters and 2) it's less draining on me sooo

Class was a bit frustrating after morning practice. Not because the teacher was giving you a hard time (though, he often did because of the stunt you and Oikawa pulled a while back), not because of your lack of sleep, no not either of those things. This class was particularly frustrating because of your literal 3 year old boyfriend sitting beside you.

Oikawa was extremely intelligent, often meaning he finished his work before you in class. This normally wasn't an issue, he'd just find something else to do. Apparently today though, nothing was more important than him distracting you from your work in any way possible.

Currently, he was leaning over your shoulder and poking your arm, trying to get you to pay any sort of attention to him.

"Oikawa! I'm trying to do my work, is there nothing else you can do?" You whisper-yell at him, instantly regretting the use of his family name and your tone. His finger stopped poking you, and he dropped his head, leaning back over to his desk.

Sighing, you grab his hand and pull it onto your lap. "I'm sorry Tooru, I'm just tired. How about you help me with this problem?" You ask him, trying to relieve his sour mood.

"Ah, I suppose I can spare some time to help my beautiful girlfriend." He flashed you one of his iconic grins, before leaning over your paper to help you.

"Hey, do you want to come over after practice? You can help me with the homework since you seem to get it a lot better than me, it can be like a study date!" You ask him, excited at the thought of getting to formally introduce him to your mom.

"Of course!" Looking at Oikawa's child-like tone and smile, you just couldn't help but feel happy.

Being with him was always like that. No matter what you were doing, you always felt like you could explode with positive emotions, he just had the effect on you.

Once class was over, you two made your way to the gym, chatting about useless things or plans for at your house. After a while of just you two, the other 3 third years caught up with the two of you, joining you on the way to the next building where the gym was.

"So Y/N, we heard about last ni-" Makki's sentence was cut short by a loud grunt from Oikawa hitting his middle. Since you weren't totally dumb, you could figure out what he was going to say.

"Last night? What exactly did Tooru tell you?" You ask, glaring at the brunette nervously laughing.

"I didn't say anything that wasn't true I swear! I wasn't even the one who brought it up! Honest!" Oikawa tries explaining to you, waving his hands in front of his face. His rambling stopped when he saw you almost doubling over with laughter.

"Calm down Tooru! I'm just messing with you. You know I trust you, and past that, I trust the team to beat some sense into if you lie." You tell him, trying to calm his nerves, placing a hand on his arm. "Now come on, you're going to be late."

"You guys make me sick." Mattsukawa spoke up, sticking out his tongue.

"How is it that Oikawa managed to get a girlfriend before Iwaizumi? Before any of us for that matter." Makki questioned the group, making everyone (but Oikawa) laugh.

"Actually, you guys know that Tooru used to annoy me to no end right? If I'm being honest I definitely would've said yes to Makki if he asked me out before me and Tooru became close. I remember seeing him in the hallway and thinking he was really cute." You tell them, stopping the laughs off the three other 3rd years.

"You're joking right? That's definitely a joke." Iwaizumi concluded, clearly shocked.

"No, I'm serious. But definitely not now, Tooru is the only guy I could see myself happy with at this point." You tell them, grabbing your boyfriend's hand, giving it a small squeeze.

Makki was literally in shock. He hasn't said anything since you told the group, until he suddenly screamed out.

"Ah! I could've had a cute girlfriend are you kidding?! This is so unfair!" He pouted, burying his hands. Once you were done giggling at his fit, you placed a hand on his back, patting it softly.

"It's okay Makki! A ton of girls come up to me all the time asking if you three are single, and plenty of them are really cute." You tell him with a thumbs up. "But for real, you guys are going to be late so I suggest you start going."

The four boys all checked the time on their phones before looking up at one another and bolting towards the gym, Oikawa stopping after a few seconds, holding his hand out to you.

"Aren't you coming?" You smile at his question, accepting his hand and beginning to run with him.

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