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Your phone screen flashed, and you heart raced. You read the words "Incoming Call" on the screen, with Oikawa's picture right beside it. With a deep breath and a shaky hand, you accepted the call.

"Y/N. I don't appreciate your jokes. They aren't very funny." You laughed at his utter density.

"I wasn't joking Tooru, I'm genuinely falling for you." You couldn't hear anything. Just the slug sound of the boys breaths.

"Say it again." Oikawa said breathlessly.

"Huh?" You asked, not quite understand what he was asking you to do.

"Say that you're falling for me again. I think I'm dreaming." He explained.

"Tooru, I'm falling for you, and fairly hard I might add." You say with a slight giggle.

You heard a heavy sign come from him, and you could imagine his hand running through his perfect hair, with the biggest grin on his face.

"Y/N? Is your mom asleep?" Oikawa asked, you could hear the mischief in his voice.

"Yes...What are you planning?"You respond hesitantly.

"I want you to sneak out and meet me at park." Oikawa said, oddly calm.

"What?! Tooru, I will literally see you tomorrow. Plus, you might get in trouble." You said, shocked he would even suggest that.

"No I won't. I'm home alone, my parents are on a business trip. Plus, I want to see you now. I think if I don't give you a hug in the next 20 minutes, I will combust." He told you.

"I don't know..." You we're still on the fence about the idea. You really couldn't afford to get in trouble.

"Trust me Y/N. We will be fine." Oikawa tried to reassure you, and you couldn't really say no to him.

"Fine, but if something happens to me, it's gonna be your fault."  You say sighing. "Bring a blanket for you, I'll bring mine. Do you want snacks?" You ask him, already knowing the answer.

"When do I not want snacks? Also, uh, since when is my blanket yours?" Oikawa teased.

"Since I said so. Hurry up, I'm not gonna wait for you, so you better be there when I get there." You say, hanging up the phone.

You grabbed a small book bag, putting your blanket and wallet inside. After  slipping on sweatpants, a sweatshirt, and your shoes, you opened your window. After throwing down your backpack, you put the small ladder you mom got you (she got it to use in the event of a fire, but you knew she was sure you'd do this at some point, so you weren't really worried)at the window, and let it down.

Once you climbed down, you put in headphones and headed to the nearest convince store for snacks.

After opening the door to the small family-owned store, you heard the familiar ding of the bell above. The half asleep cashier mumbled a greeting, one you couldn't really make out.

It didn't matter though, you were focused on buying snacks for Oikawa, besides milk bread. He told you a while before that if you weren't the one making it, he didn't want it, which you found extremely cliché, but didn't argue.

Once you were done browsing, you placed the bags of snacks on the clearly old counter of the store.

The cashier just looked at you and then put the food in a bag.

"Are you not going to ring them up?" You questioned, confused by the workers actions.

"No, I have a feeling you're on the way to a date, so I'm not gonna make you pay assuming most of these are for a hungry boyfriend." The blonde man told you, sticking a cigarette in his mouth.

"Oh, thank you! But I really don't mind paying." You assured him.

"No, it's okay, the store won't struggle because I gave away some free snacks. Now get out of here, you're gonna be late." He handed you the bag of snacks and shooed you out of the store.

Laughing at the situation to yourself, you continued on your short walk to the park. You tried to go as fast as you could, because even thought you'd never admit it, you were terrified about being alone on the streets so late.

After a bit of speed walking, you reached the park, a decided to just go ahead and cut through the woods. Once you reached the familiar hill, you stood at the top, observing the stars above you.

You say there peacefully for about five minutes, counting stars and locating constellations until your happy moment was cut off.

Oikawa came behind you and hugged your torso, but the thing was, you didn't know it was him. After feeling his arms wrap around you, you screamed to the top of your lungs and struggled to get out of his grip.

"Calm down Y/N! Just me!" He said, letting go of you.

You immediately relaxed, hearing Oikawa's voice. "Tooru you idiot! How did you think I would react to some random person grabbing me from behind in the middle of the night?" You exclaimed, still a bit shaken up.

"Sorry! Can I try again?" He asked, tilting his head with a smile.

You couldn't stay upset with him, that smile would never let you, so you gave in and gave him a small nod.

You immediately felt his arms wrap around you, from the front this time. You smelled his familiar cologne mixed with the smell of the woods around you, and relaxed into the hug, putting your arms around his torso. He was so warm, you could stay like this forever, but all good things must end.

He pulled away, and sat down on the grass, an action you followed right after. Once you were sat down beside him, your head resting on his shoulder, he wrapped a blanket around you two.

"Why couldn't we just see each other tomorrow?" You asked, slightly salty he convinced you to come out so late.

"I had to make sure you weren't lying, that all of this was real." Oikawa told you, looking away.

"Why wouldn't it be real Tooru?"His shoulders tensed at the use of his first name, no matter how much you said it, he'd never be used to it.

"Because. You're just to perfect, and I don't know what I did to deserve you, so my automatic assumption is that it's fake." He said, fidgeting with his fingers.

The sight was one to take in. You hardly ever saw Oikawa nervous, so it was not very normal to you. You grabbed his fidgeting fingers and mumbled on his shoulder.

"I may be an "alien", but I promise you, this is 100% real." You told him, trying to ease his nerves.

"I'm glad." You heard him say with a content sigh.

After that interaction, the two of you say in comfortable silence for a while before he spoke up.

"That's what I'm gonna call you!" You could practically hear the lightbulb going off in his voice.

"Call me what?" You asked, confused on his random outburst.

"When you let me be your boyfriend, I'm going to call you my alien!" He explained to you.

"Why alien?" You said with a small laugh.

"I've always been interested in aliens, plus that's what we've called you as since the day we met, so now you're my alien." He explained to you further, moving around his hands occasionally.

"Alright Tooru." You sighed, smiling at him. "I like you the most when you're like this, you know?"You tell him, looking back up to the stars.

"Like what?"

"Childish, easily excitable, just really happy. You just have a vibe about you when you're like this that makes me happy I'm here with you." You said to him, still looking above you.

"Don't say things like that Y/N. You make me want to kiss you." His voice was muffled by his hands, due to the fact that his face was currently buried in them.

You grabbed one of his hands, pulling it away from his face so you make eye contact.

"Who's stopping you?"

been a while 😳

alien {t. oikawa}Where stories live. Discover now