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The following Monday was a challenge. You woke up with sore knees, not terrible, but enough to cause discomfort. once you go over the odd feeling in your knees, you checked the time, to see school had already started. Now panicked, you scramble to get ready, grabbing you schoobag, shoes, and a hair tie, and ran out still trying to pull over your sweater to your uniform.

You practically ran to school, almost tripping a few times in the process. Managing not to fall, you make it to the school informing the receptionist that you were late and needed a pass (don't rlly know how schools in japan work so oopsie).

Still slightly running, you cute through the 1st year hall, something you normally don't do due to the large amounts of loud 1st years. However, since class had already started and you were very late, you figured you'd be okay.

You were so caught up in getting to class, you didn't see the blonde first year girl walking in front of you holding a cup of water, probably for class or something. Why she had it was besides the point thought, because before you knew it, the water was out of the cup and on to your sweater.

You didn't really have to time to be annoyed, so you just ran away, saying "sorry" as you were going down the hall.

Once you reached your classroom, you quietly knocked on the door, hoping that the teacher wasn't talking to the class, so it would be less obvious that you were late, and now wet.

A fellow classmate opened the door, not really looking at you. You walked in, set your bag down at your desk, and gave the teacher your late pass before going to sit down.

"Don't say it Tooru. Don't you say it." You could already tell he was going to point out the fact that you were wet and out of breath, probably going to make a weird joke about it to. By now, most of the class noticed your odd state, and just quietly looked at you.

The silence was broken by there sound of a zipper. Oikawa placed a beige sweater on your desk.

"I always keep and extra in my bag, you can give it back once yours is dry." He said, returning to his work. You could hear things like "she's so lucky" or "i'm jealous" from the girls in your class, which you find slightly funny.  You took off your wet sweater and put his on instead, instantly feeing warmth.

"Thank you Tooru." you got a small "mhm" in response before he set down his pencil and looked at you.

"Wait a second. Did you run here? Are your knees okay?" He asked, concerned.

Truthfully, you didn't pay much attention to your knees on the run over here, but it didn't seem to be a problem since you couldn't feel any terrible pain in them.

"I'm fine, they don't feel any worse than they did yesterday." You reassured him.

"That's good. I took extra notes for you since you missed them, and I grabbed you an extra worksheet, but I suggest you get to work." He said handing you two pieces of paper. You admired the notes he took for you and how neat they were for a second before placing them into your notebook and getting to work on your worksheet.

Once lunch came, you couldn't be happier. Your sweater was now dry, so you were able to switch back into it and return the other one to Oikawa. Once you two had done that, you met up with the other 3rd years on the volleyball team. You all made plans to go to the gym to eat and then practice a bit with some of the second years.

When everyone was in the gym and eating, you got a couple odd glances.

"Are you not going to eat L/N?" Watari asked with a confused face.

alien {t. oikawa}Where stories live. Discover now