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"Really? Y/N did you really?" Oikawa asks, eyes gleaming with excitement. His hands fell on your shoulders, and he began shaking them like a child.

"Yes Tooru, I'm the manager. It's a good thing too, we wouldn't want to give those practice jerseys to Karasuno smelling that bad." You say, laughing at yourself.

"What do you mean?" Watari questions, making you turn towards him.

"Well, I have a friend on the Karasuno team so I thought a practice match would be easy enough to set up with them." You explain to him.

"So we have a practice match with Karasuno? When?" Iwazumi asks, shocked about the plans made.

"Well, as far as my friend on the team says, tomorrow. They'll be coming here, and we have time for about 2 games if they go quick, but I don't think they will.". You begin, but cut yourself off. "But, the details are for me, all you guys have to do is win." You tell them, giving the best encouraging smile you could.

"Well, that's the end of practice, everybody clean up." You hear one of the coaches call, but you couldn't really make out who over the voices of the team.

Once the boys were all back in the club room changin, you were called over to Coach Irihata.

"Thank you again from the practice match, especially one so soon on such short notice." He thanks you, patting your shoulder.

"Oh it's not a problem at all! Me and Sugawara have been talking about it for a bit, but we couldn't ever do anything since I had no real place in the club." You wave your hand in front of you.

" Still, you've been so much of a help already, and you've only been manager for a school day." He laughs before continuing. "I don't think I could handle it if those jerseys didn't get washed soon."

By now, the team was gathering in the gym once again, now standing around you and coach Irihata.

"Oh yes! They were getting terrible." Yahaba speaks up, putting himself in the conversation.

"Maybe they wouldn't be so bad if you would have washed them last week like you were meant to." Iwaizumi retorts, making everyone laugh at his comment.

"Really though Oikawa, you guys better not break up. If you do, we're keeping Y/N, not you." Makki jokes over the dying laughters of his teammates.

You smile at his comment, taking hold of Oikawa's hand. "That's okay, we aren't going to break up." The team fake gagged as Oikawa looked down at you, a sappy expression plastered on his face.

"I take it back, we don't want either of you." Makki groaned, rolling his eyes.

"Makki! Don't talk to your manager like that!" coach Irihata said, shooting him a glare.

"Oh so he can talk to his captain like that but not Y/N?" Oikawa complained, but got completely ignored.

"You know what guys? At InterHigh, we're going to have the hottest manager." Yahaba speaks up, instantly getting a glare for his captain. He quickly threw his hands up in defense before speaking again. "Not like that I swear! I just meant like Karasuno has previously always had the hottest with their 3rd year manager right? Now that we have Y/N, those two 2 second years on their team won't be able t o rub it in our faces, and it's gonna be funny when they see we have our own manager right?" Yahaba explains, getting a nod from everyone on the team.

"Is it seriously a competition between the teams to have the cutest manager?" You question, a bit shocked.

"Of course!" Makki confirms in a very loud voice.

"Well then lucky for you boys, not only will you win that, but with me there, you'll win the whole tournament!" You tell them with a thumbs up, flashing a smile.

"Alright, Alright, get out of here so I can lock up." Coach Irihata intervenes.

After some waves and such, everyone was out of the gym and heading their own separate ways. You and Oikawa started making your way to your house, hand in hand.

"By the way, who is your friend on the Karasuno team? I thought you didn't know anyone other than the Seijoh students." Oikawa questions in a soft voice.

"Sugawara, he's a third year. I met him and some other Karasuno players in the store once." You tell him, humming slightly.

"How did that go?" Oikawa asks, intrigued on how the interaction went down.

"Well, I was trying to get some milk for me and my mom from the small store by my house, you know the one where the man gave me free snacks that one night? Yea well, him and these two other boys were there when all of a sudden the other two boys were all over me." You begin to explain before you feel Oikawa's grip tighten around your hand.

"I bet you anything it was those idiot second years." He growls, evidently jealous.

"Don't worry Oikawa, they didn't even have a chance to even try anything before Sugawara was pulling them away and apologizing. From there, we started talking and exchanged numbers. Not in a romantic way though-" you were cut off by Oikawa this time.

"Oh you don't even have to worry about me getting jealous over Mr. Refreshing, I know him and Daichi have a thing going on. I would bet on it." Oikawa tells you, making you laugh.

"How do you think they'll react when they find out I'm your girlfriend?" You ask, leaning into Oikawa.

"Oh god, I'm never going to stop loving the way that sounds. "My girlfriend" just seems like it is a title made for you. But about them finding out, I dunno. They aren't too fond of me based off of our practice match from earlier on in the year." He tells you, wrapping an arm around your waist and continuing to walk to your house.

"Well it's a good thing were trying to win, not be best buds with them all huh?" You laugh, a smile finding itself on your lips.

"I suppose it is Y/N," Oikawa tells you in a low voice, admiring your smiling face. "I suppose it is."

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