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before we start, i'd like to make a little note.

1) i'm so sorry,, this story got MAD neglected and it's been MONTHS since i've updated this, my bad

2)this story is NOT getting discontinued, updates will be slow, but i'm not cancelling it, i have plans i want to pursue with this book

3) that being said, it isn't my top priority. this book is old and a poor representation of me as an author, so i'm focusing on my other works

4) please just ignore an inconsistencies, i can hardly remember what i've written and it'll just be better for both of us if we just ignore them

5) i love you guys so much, thank you all

anddddd that's all, enjoy the (very late) chapter

There were plenty of places you could imagine yourself meeting Ukai Keishin again. Your boyfriend's practice game in Japan wasn't one of them.

"What are you doing in Japan?" The blonde man asked you, joining you on the left side of the court.

"My mom moved here to help out with my grandmother and I had to come along. I didn't know you were a coach?" You asked, eyeing the ground of teenage boys behind him.

"I'm not. I'm just helping them out. My old man was their temporary coach last year." He explained, furrowing his brows a bit.

"Oh. If you did end up coaching them, I'm sure you'd do great. The others and I ended up really improving last year thanks to you!" You gave him a pat on the shoulder and a smile. "We never got to properly thank you and other Coach Ukai for that, when you see him next say thanks on behalf of me and the girls."

"I hate to break up your reunion here, but can someone explain?" Sugawara cut in, a nervous smile on his face. "I'm sure both teams are curious as to how you two know each other."

You were kind of brought back to reality with that, of course, they were curious. You just suddenly started acting all buddy-buddy with the opposing team's coach, who knows what those boys are thinking.

"Well my team in America last year had connections to Ukai Sr and we came to Japan last year for a week so he could coach us, and Keishin was there to help out!" You explained, mainly to your team but load enough so that the other could hear.

"This girl right here has some serious hitting strength, we better hope she isn't giving their ace any pointers." Ukai told his team with a dry laugh, half-serious, half-joking.

You waved your hand to dismiss the thought. "Iwaizumi definitely doesn't need pointers from me, if anything I should be learning from him!" You laughed a bit, nervous from the sudden praise. "Anyways, I'm sure you guys need to warm up so we'll just get back to it so we can start." You let out, quickly trying to end the chatter and get the game started.

As soon as you turned around to walk back to your team, you spotted a certain setter with a more than nasty frown on his face. You made your way to the pouting baby, racking your head of what could be bothering him.

"Tooru? Are you still pouty because I had to greet them? Or is there something else on that big brain of yours?" You teased, poking his forehead a bit before flashing a smile.

The frown he didn't even know he had on his face almost instantly vanished, giving way to a soft smile. He let out a little sigh, letting his head fall to your shoulder.

"... Tooru? Are you okay?" Your tone was different. There weren't any hints of a joke, you were just plain worried now. You placed your hand on his back, trying to soothe him the best you could.

"I'm okay. I'm just remembering some stuff that I wish I would've forgotten." He explained, enjoying his position on your shoulder for a few more seconds before pulling up. A whistle blew, indicating the soon beginning of the practice match and also gaining your attention. Your eyes were quick to fall back on your boyfriend though when he began talking again.

"I have to go to the nurse and get total permission for me to play because of my knee, I'll be back before the game is over hopefully. Don't let those idiots blow it without me, kay?" His voice was almost a whisper, whatever he was "remembering" was clearly getting to him more than he was telling you. You made a mental note of asking him about that later.

"I'll make sure they do just fine." You reassured him, grabbing his hand for a split second before he had to leave the gym. Once his figure was totally gone and out of sight, you took a deep breath and headed over the rest of your boys already in a huddle.

You squeezed into the tight circle, Matsukawa and Hanamakki making room for you in between them. "Alright boys, your captain has given me important orders. "Don't let those idiots blow it without me.", he says." You all let out a small laugh, you guys could almost hear his voice as you said that. "Seriously though, you guys are more than capable of doing this, and if you get the chance, give their second years a hell of a time. They creep me out." You added, pulling out of the circle with a smile.

The practice match was quite boring really. Once set to both teams and things weren't in your favor, but it still wasn't particularly interesting. However that all changed the second you heard the squeak of the main gym door and the squeals of the girls in the stands above you, you were already on the edge of your seat.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 10, 2020 ⏰

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