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The next couple days were business as usual, managing the boys volleyball club, school, late night practicing with Oikawa, nothing out of the ordinary.

Actually, that wasn't entirely true.

With the rapid approachment of the Inter-high tournament, you noticed that Oikawa was more on edge, and clearly overworking himself. However, rather than fighting it, you decided the most you could do for the situation was be with him and make sure he doesn't hurt himself.

Which is how you found yourself in the gym with Oikawa way after practice had finished, listening to the repeating noise of his serves hitting the other end of the court. You weren't paying him much mind, your mind focused on the math homework placed in front of you.

Number 27 was particularly difficult, and seeing as how it was your last problem, you decided to give up. With a huff, you shoved your binders and notebooks to the side, making a rather loud noise.

"Frustrated?" Your head perked up at the sound of your boyfriend. His voice, no matter how out of breath he was, was still calm.

"Yes." You grumbled, a bit embarrassed at the attention.

"Come hit some of my sets, yeah?" Oikawa suggested, causing your eyes to widen.

"I don't know.. It's been months since I hit, and I wouldn't be much practice for you if I just kept messing up." You tried to decline, but the way Oikawa was now gathering the balls he served and bringing them to one side of the court told you that you weren't getting out of this one.

"Come on Y/N! It'll be good for me to set for someone new!"He protests, now waiting for you on the court.

"I'm not even in the right shoes Tooru, I won't be good..." You trail off, knowing where this would go if you were to hit for him.

Oikawa is an incredible setter, and not to sound annoying, but you were also an incredible wing spiker. You have spent almost four years working incredibly hard for your skill, and you were just now coming to terms with not playing. So, not only would you get hooked on playing again, but you would probably have Oikawa egging you on to join the girls team.

"Please Y/N?"

You let out a sigh, picking yourself up and walking over to their court. "Fine, but only a couple hits. Besides, you need to stop soon anyway. Your knee shouldn't be strained like this Tooru." You tell him, tightening the laces on your tennis shoes.

"Yeah, yeah, I know. You sound like Iwa-chan." Oikawa dismisses your comment, waving his hand.

"'Iwaizumi is right. You can't push yourself too hard." You mumble, standing back up to face him.

"Whatever, back to hitting!" Oikawa changes the subject, a ball in his hands. "Now, Y/N, don't worry if you're a bit rusty. I won't laugh too much." Oikawa jokes, letting out a small laugh before getting ready to set.

"Uh huh, okay pretty boy." You tell him, placing yourself at the 10-foot line, ready to take your approach.

"Ready?" You nodded, trying to find your concentration, but your mind was currently all over the place. It had been so long since you got a genuine set, you were just too nervous to focus!

Which, eventually was very clear. Your approach and the set were way off timing wise, and the ball ended up bouncing on your head after you landed, earning a laugh from the brunette beside you.

"That's my bad, I wasn't paying much attention to the set." You sheepishly apologized, regaining your spot on the 10-foot line.

"It's alright Y/N. Again?" Oikawa asked you, toning down his laughter. You nod once again, taking a deep breath and letting yourself calm down.

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